ABB 57160001-UH DSTD150A编码器
Both the count and status of the specified Timer(s) can be latched at the same time by setting both the Count bit (D5) and Status bit (D4) to zero (0) in the Read-Back command. If this technique is used, the first read operation of the Timer will return the status while the next one or two reads (depending on whether the Timer is programmed for one or two bytes) will return the count. Succeeding reads will return unlatched counts.Mode Definitions The VMIVME-7740 utilizes an 82C54 Timer/Counter for its Timers. 82C54 Timer/Counters can be programmed to function in six different modes (numbered Mode 0 through Mode 5). The VMIVME-7740 Timers are hardware configured to operate using Mode 2. Only Mode 2 is defined. Mode 2 functions as a divide by N counter. Once a Control Word and an initial count are written to the Timer, the initial count is loaded on the next Clock cycle. When the count decrements to 1 an interrupt is generated. The Timer then reloads the initial count and the process repeats. This Mode is periodic. For an initial count of N, the sequence repeats every N CLK cycles. An initial count of 1 is illegal.