ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM以太网交换机
All claims arising from shipping damage should be filed with the carrier and a complete report sent to VMIC Customer Service together with a request for advice concerning the disposition of the damaged item(s). CAUTION: Some of the components assembled on VMIC’s products may be sensitive to electrostatic discharge, and damage may occur on boards that are subjected to a high energy electrostatic field. When the board is placed on a bench for configuring, etc., it is suggested that conductive material be inserted under the board to provide a conductive shunt. Unused boards should be stored in the same protective boxes in which they were shipped.Hardware Setup The VMIVME-7740 is factory populated with user-specified options as part of the VMIVME-7740 ordering information. The CPU speed, SDRAM, and flash size are not user-upgradable. To change these options contact customer service to receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA).