ABB DATX110 3ASC25H209 I/O接线板
VMIVME-7740可以作为VMEbus从板访问。VMEbus功能可通过根据本卷和/或专用于可选PCI至VMEbus接口板的第二卷(标题为:VMIVME-7740 Tundra Universe II™-基于VMEbus接口产品手册(文件编号500-007740-001)。在本手册中,对宇宙II的所有引用均指宇宙IIB。VMIVME-7740编程器可以简单地通过链接到VMEbus中断和控制函数库来快速且容易地控制所有VMEbus函数。此库随VMIC的VMISFT-9420 IOWorks Access软件提供,适用于Windows NT用户。
The VMIVME-7740 may be accessed as a VMEbus slave board. The VMEbus functions are available by programming the VMIVME-7740’s PCI-to-VMEbus bridge according to the references defined in this volume and/or in the second volume dedicated to the optional PCI-to-VMEbus interface board titled: VMIVME-7740 Tundra Universe II™-Based VMEbus Interface Product Manual (document No. 500-007740-001). Throughout this manual, all references to the Universe II refer to the Universe IIB. The VMIVME-7740 programmer may quickly and easily control all the VMEbus functions simply by linking to a library of VMEbus interrupt and control functions. This library is available with VMIC’s VMISFT-9420 IOWorks Access software for Windows NT users.