REXROTH DDS2.1-W100-D数字交流伺服驱动控制器
PQM#4上每个脉冲输入的计数值可以设置为与每个PQM上编程的脉冲输出间隔相匹配。例如,如果PQM#1的脉冲输出间隔为100kWh,而PQM#2的脉冲输出时间间隔为10kWh,则PQM#4上的脉冲输入1将脉冲输入值设置为100,PQM#4的脉冲输入2将脉冲输入设置为10。必须考虑与PQM开关输入相关的各种操作参数。PQM开关输入需要至少100 ms的操作时间才能检测到。因此,脉冲输出宽度应等于或大于100 ms。接触操作的持续时间可以不确定。当PQM读取开关输入的状态时,PQM的内部开关输入电路自身打开和关闭。监测一个PQM开关输入的输入将显示脉冲24 V DC波形,而不是恒定信号。
The count value for each Pulse Input on PQM#4 can be set to match the Pulse Output Interval as programmed on each PQM. For example, if PQM#1 had a Pulse Output Interval = 100 kWhr, and PQM#2 had a Pulse Output Interval = 10 kWhr, then Pulse Input 1 on PQM#4 would have the Pulse Input Value set for 100 and Pulse Input 2 on PQM#4 would have the Pulse Input Value set for 10. Various operating parameters with regard to the PQM Switch Inputs must be taken into account. The PQM Switch Inputs require a minimum 100 ms operation time to be detected. Therefore the Pulse Output Width should be equal to or greater than 100 ms. The duration of the contact operation can be indefinite. The internal Switch Input circuit of the PQM is itself switched on and off at the times when the PQM is reading the status of the Switch Inputs. Monitoring the input to one of the PQM Switch Inputs will reveal a pulsed 24 V DC waveform, not a constant signal.