GE DS200ADPAG1ABB燃气轮机控制系统
脉冲输入应用PQM最多有4个逻辑开关输入,可配置为脉冲输入计数器。使用PQM作为脉冲输入计数器时要考虑的变量有:•PQM开关输入a/B/C/D功能•PQM切换输入a/B/B/D激活•PQM输入a/B/C/D名称•PQM脉冲输入(单位)•PQM脉搏输入1/2/3/4(值)•PQ M总计脉搏输入1。PQM开关输入A/B/C/D功能:此参数定义PQM开关输出提供的功能。要用作脉冲输入计数器,必须将要使用的PQM开关输入指定为脉冲输入1/2/3或4。2.PQM开关输入A/B/C/D激活:此参数设置为打开或关闭。PQM将看到开关输入在该参数定义的状态下的操作。PQM开关输入A/B/C/D名称:此参数定义所用每个开关输入的名称。它仅用作标签,与开关输入的操作无关。
Pulse Input Application The PQM has up to 4 Logical Switch Inputs that can be configured as Pulse Input Counters. Variables to consider when using the PQM as a Pulse Input Counter are: • PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Function • PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Activation • PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Name • PQM Pulse Input (Units) • PQM Pulse Input 1/2/3/4 (Value) • PQM Totalized Pulse Input 1. PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Function: This parameter defines the functionality to be provided by the PQM Switch Input. For use as a Pulse Input Counter, the PQM Switch Input to be used must be assigned as either Pulse Input 1/2/3 or 4. 2. PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Activation: This parameter is set to OPEN or CLOSED. The PQM will see the operation of the Switch Input in the state as defined by this parameter. PQM Switch Input A/B/C/D Name: This parameter defines the name given to each of the Switch Inputs used. It is used as a label only and has no bearing on the operation of the Switch Input.