GE DS3800HRDB1D1D继电器光学驱动器板
• 3Φ POSITIVE REACTIVE POWER DEMAND LEVEL: When the three-phase reactive power demand equals or exceeds this setpoint, a three-phase positive reactive power demand alarm or process control indication will occur. • 3Φ NEGATIVE REAL POWER DEMAND RELAY: Three-phase negative real power demand detection can be disabled or used as an alarm or process control. Set to OFF if this feature is not required. Selecting ALARM activates the alarm relay and displays an alarm message whenever the level of the negative three-phase real power demand is equalled or exceeded. Selecting AUX1, AUX2 or AUX3 activates the respective auxiliary relay with no message displayed. This is intended for process control. • 3Φ NEGATIVE REAL POWER DEMAND LEVEL: When the three-phase real power demand is negative and exceeds this setpoint, a three-phase negative real power demand alarm or process control indication will occur.