AABB DSRF182AK02 3BSE014078R1扩展输入输出机架
•Ic OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL(Ic过电流触发电平):一旦C相电流等于或增加到该设定值以上,则触发跟踪存储器,并在缓冲器中捕获所有输入的数据。捕获的周期数取决于TRACE MEMORY USAGE(跟踪内存使用)设置点中指定的值。•在过电流触发电平:一旦中性电流等于或增加到该设定值以上,跟踪存储器就会被触发,所有输入的数据都会被捕获到缓冲器中。捕获的周期数取决于TRACE MEMORY USAGE(跟踪内存使用)设置点中指定的值。•Va过电压触发电平:一旦A相电压等于或高于此设定值,跟踪存储器将被触发,所有输入的数据将被捕获到缓冲器中。捕获的周期数取决于TRACE MEMORY USAGE(跟踪内存使用)设置点中指定的值。无论VT接线如何,均使用相位至中性电平。
• Ic OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL: Once the phase C current equals or increases above this setpoint value, the trace memory is triggered and data on all inputs are captured in the buffer. The number of cycles captured depends on the value specified in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint. • In OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL: Once the neutral current equals or increases above this setpoint value, the trace memory is triggered and data on all inputs are captured in the buffer. The number of cycles captured depends on the value specified in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint. • Va OVERVOLTAGE TRIG LEVEL: Once the phase A voltage equals or increases above this setpoint value, the trace memory is triggered and data on all inputs are captured in the buffer. The number of cycles captured depends on the value specified in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint. Phase to neutral levels are used regardless of the VT wiring.