ABB DSSR170 48990001-PC电源单元
一次触发跟踪内存将按照上述跟踪内存使用设置点中的定义,每个缓冲区触发一次。为了使其重新触发,必须使用EnerVista PQM设置或其他软件通过串行端口重新配置。一旦重新配置,跟踪内存将默认返回第一个缓冲区。RETRIGGER跟踪内存将在每个条件下自动重新触发,并覆盖先前的缓冲区数据。•Ia过电流触发电平:一旦A相电流等于或增加到该设定值以上,则触发跟踪存储器,并在缓冲器中捕获所有输入的数据。捕获的周期数取决于TRACE MEMORY USAGE(跟踪内存使用)设置点中指定的值。•Ib OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL:一旦B相电流等于或增加到该设定值以上,则触发跟踪存储器,并在缓冲器中捕获所有输入的数据。捕获的循环数取决于TRACE MEMORY USAGE(跟踪内存使用)设置点中指定的值
ONE SHOT The trace memory will be triggered once per buffer as defined in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint above. In order for it to re-trigger, it must be re-armed through the serial port using EnerVista PQM Setup or other software. Once re-armed the trace memory will default back to the first buffer. RETRIGGER The trace memory will automatically re-trigger upon each condition and overwrite the previous buffer data.• Ia OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL: Once the phase A current equals or increases above this setpoint value, the trace memory is triggered and data on all inputs are captured in the buffer. The number of cycles captured depends on the value specified in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint. • Ib OVERCURRENT TRIG LEVEL: Once the phase B current equals or increases above this setpoint value, the trace memory is triggered and data on all inputs are captured in the buffer. The number of cycles captured depends on the value specified in the TRACE MEMORY USAGE setpoint