选择模拟输入:此开关选择允许模拟输入多路复用为两个输入。如果开关激活,则在设定点S2 SYSTEM SETUP\ANALOG INPUT ALT中指定的参数用于缩放输入。如果开关未激活,则使用设置点S2系统设置\模拟输入\模拟输入主中指定的参数。如果在S2 SYSTEM SETUP\ANALOG INPUT\ANALOG in MAIN/ALT SELECT relay(S2系统设置\模拟输入\模拟输入主/备用选择继电器)中指定了继电器,则该继电器在开关激活时通电,在开关未激活时断电,从而提供从两个独立源输入模拟输入的能力,如下图所示。有关更多详情,请参见下文第2.2.8节:模拟输入(可选)和第29页第4.3.3节:模拟输出AUX 1/2/3继电器:当开关输入分配给AUX继电器时,开关输入闭合会导致编程辅助继电器改变状态。仅当安装了控制(C)选项时,此选项才可用。
SELECT ANALOG INPUT: This switch selection allows the analog input to be multiplexed into two inputs. If the switch is active, the parameter assigned in setpoint S2 SYSTEM SETUP \ ANALOG INPUT ALT is used to scale the input. If the switch is not active, the parameter assigned in setpoint S2 SYSTEM SETUP \ ANALOG INPUT \ ANALOG INPUT MAIN is used. If a relay is assigned in S2 SYSTEM SETUP \ ANALOG INPUT \ ANALOG IN MAIN/ALT SELECT RELAY, that relay energizes when the switch is active and de-energizes when the switch is not active, thus providing the ability to feed in analog inputs from two separate sources as shown in the figure below. See Sections 2.2.8: Analog Input (Optional) below and 4.3.3: Analog Input on page –29 for additional details AUX 1 / 2 / 3 RELAY: When a switch input is assigned to an AUX relay, a closure on the switch input causes the programmed auxiliary relay to change state. This selection is available only if the Control (C) option is installed.