地址:字14确定本地PLC中写入数据的起始地址。输入的值是从字13中指定的存储器类型和模式的PLC存储器开始的偏移量(从1开始)。根据指定的模式,此偏移量将以位、字节或字为单位(例如,如果字13=16,字14=2,则起始地址将为%I9)。值的有效范围取决于PLC的内存范围。(字15)远程PLC-存储器类型:字15–16指定要写入数据的远程PLC中的存储器类型和起始地址。单词15的有效值列在“建立读取通道”下。如果使用%P内存,则必须在单词24–27中指定程序名称。如果使用了%L内存,则必须在单词24–27中指定程序名称,在单词28–31中指定程序块名称。PAC系统™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册第8节GFK-2224Y 2019年8月编程SRTP信道命令PLC(数据写入位置)。输入的值是从字15中指定的存储器类型和模式的PLC存储器开始的偏移量(从1开始)。根据指定的模式(例如,如果字15=16,字16=9,则起始地址将为%I65),此偏移量将以位、字节或字为单位。值的有效范围取决于远程PLC的内存范围。(字17)远程PLC-存储单元数:字17指定要传输的数据量。输入的值是要传输的存储单元的数量,其中存储单元的大小是字15中指定的位、字节或字。例如,如果字15=16,字17=4,则%I内存的4字节(32位)将被传输。用户负责确保该区域足够大,可以包含请求的数据,而不会覆盖其他应用程序数据。最多可以指定8192位、1024字节或512个字的数据。(字18)远程PLC-网络地址类型:字18指定远程PLC地址的格式。字18必须包含值1,表示使用每个十进制数字的单独寄存器表示的虚线十进制IP地址。(字19)远程PLC-网络地址长度:字19指定远程PLC IP地址的字长度。单词19必须包含4。(字20-23)远程PLC-IP地址:字20-23指定要访问的远程PLC的点十进制IP地址的四个整数,每个字一个整数。(字24-27)远程PLC-程序名称:字24-27指定用于访问远程%P或%L内存的区分大小写、以零结尾并填充的程序名称(也称为任务名称,可通过服务器以太网接口上的PROG Station Manager命令找到)。这些字仅用于访问此类内存,如果“内存类型”字段不是%P或%L,则将忽略这些字。(字28-31)远程PLC-程序块名称:字28-31指定区分大小写、以零结尾和填充的程序块名称(可在程序块中找到
Address: Word 14 determines the starting address in the local PLC from which the data is to be written. The value entered is the offset (1-based) from the beginning of PLC memory for the memory type and mode specified in Word 13. This offset will be in bits, bytes, or words depending on the mode specified (for example, if Word 13=16 and Word 14=2, then the starting address will be %I9). Valid ranges of values depend on the PLC’s memory ranges. (Word 15) Remote PLC - Memory Type: Words 15–16 specify the memory type and starting address in the remote PLC where the data is to be written. Valid values for Word 15 are listed under Establish Read Channel. If %P memory is used, you must specify a Program name in Words 24–27. If %L memory is used, you must specify a Program name in Words 24–27 and a Program Block name in Words 28–31. PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual Section 8 GFK-2224Y August 2019 Programming SRTP Channel Commands PLC where the data is to be written. The value entered is the offset (1-based) from the beginning of PLC memory for the memory type and mode specified in Word 15. This offset will be either in bits, bytes, or words depending on the mode specified (for example, if Word 15=16 and Word 16=9, then the starting address will be %I65). Valid ranges of values depend on the remote PLC’s memory ranges. (Word 17) Remote PLC - Number of Memory Units: Word 17 specifies the amount of data to be transferred. The value entered is the number of memory units to be transferred, where the size of a memory unit is a bit, byte, or word as specified in Word 15. For example, if Word 15=16 and Word 17=4, then 4 bytes (32 bits) of %I memory will be transferred. The user is responsible for assuring that this area is large enough to contain the requested data without overwriting other application data. A maximum of 8192 bits, 1024 bytes, or 512 words of data can be specified. (Word 18) Remote PLC - Network Address Type: Word 18 specifies the format of the remote PLC address. Word 18 must contain the value 1, indicates a dotted-decimal IP address expressed using a separate register for each decimal digit. (Word 19) Remote PLC - Network Address Length: Word 19 specifies the length in words of the remote PLC IP address. Word 19 must contain 4. (Words 20–23) Remote PLC - IP Address: Words 20–23 specify the four integers, one integer per word, of the dotteddecimal IP address of the remote PLC to be accessed. (Words 24–27) Remote PLC - Program Name: Words 24–27 specify the case-sensitive, zero-terminated and padded program name (also called task name, which can be found through the PROG Station Manager command on the server Ethernet interface) to be used with access to remote %P or %L memory. These words are required only for access to such memory and will be ignored if the Memory Type field is not %P or %L. (Words 28–31) Remote PLC - Program Block Name: Words 28–31 specify the case- sensitive, zero-terminated and padded program block name (which can be found in the program block