HIEE 300697R0001工控模块备件
设置为零。FT输出如果PLC CPU无法将COMMREQ传送到以太网接口,则设置FT输出。设置FT输出时,以太网接口无法向PLC逻辑应用程序返回COMMREQ状态字。6.4每个COMMREQ命令块的EGD命令字3和4的COMMREQ状态指定一个存储器类型和位置,以接收有关命令执行的状态信息。字3指定COMMREQ状态字的存储器类型。下表列出了内存类型:PACSystems™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册第6节GFK-2224Y 2019年8月编程EGD命令113类型值(十进制)值(十六进制)。)描述%R 8 08H寄存器存储器(字模式)%AI 10 0AH模拟输入存储器(字方式)%AQ 12 0CH模拟输出存储器(字形式)%I 16 70 10H 46H离散输入存储器(字节模式)离散输入存储器%M 22 76 16H 4CH离散瞬时内部存储器(字节模式)离散瞬时内部内存(位模式)%G 56 86 38H 56H离散全局数据表(字节模式。状态字地址偏移量是一个从零开始的数字。例如,如果%R1应该是状态字的位置,则必须为偏移量指定零。%R100的偏移量为99位小数。(使用%W内存时,可输入的最大偏移值为65535,表示%W65536。)6.4.1 COMMREQ状态值以太网接口将COMMREQ的状态报告回状态位置。请参阅第12节:诊断EGD命令可能报告的COMMREQ状态值。6.5读取PLC内存(4000)读取PLC内存命令可用于从远程PACSystems PLC读取内存位置。该命令不需要在PLC中配置生产/消耗的交换机。读取PLC内存命令只能发送到单个IP地址;它不能被发送到组ID(多播)。PAC系统™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册第6节GFK-2224Y 2019年8月编程EGD命令114 6.5.1读取PLC存储器命令块字偏移值描述字1命令数据块长度始终为16字2 0始终为0(无等待模式请求)字3(见上一页)COMMREQ状态字的存储器类型4 0基于COMMREQ的状态字偏移5 0保留字6 0保留字7 4000(fa0H))读取PLC存储器命令编号。Word 8重试时间,以毫秒为单位命令传输重试之间的时间。默认值为1000ms。字9本地读缓冲存储器类型要放置在本地PLC中的数据的存储器类型。
set to zero. FT OUTPUT The FT output is set if the PLC CPU is unable to deliver the COMMREQ to the Ethernet interface. When the FT output is set, the Ethernet interface is unable to return a COMMREQ status word to the PLC logic application. 6.4 COMMREQ Status for the EGD Commands Words 3 and 4 of every COMMREQ Command Block specify a memory type and location to receive status information about the execution of the command. Word 3 specifies the memory type for the COMMREQ status word. The memory types are listed in the table below: PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual Section 6 GFK-2224Y August 2019 Programming EGD Commands 113 Type Value (Decimal) Value (Hex.) Description %R 8 08H Register memory (word mode) %AI 10 0AH Analog input memory (word mode) %AQ 12 0CH Analog output memory (word mode) %I 16 70 10H 46H Discrete input memory (byte mode) Discrete input memory (bit mode) %Q 18 72 12H 48H Discrete output memory (byte mode) Discrete output memory (bit mode) %T 20 74 14H 4AH Discrete temporary memory (byte mode) Discrete temporary memory (bit mode) %M 22 76 16H 4CH Discrete momentary internal memory (byte mode) Discrete momentary internal memory (bit mode) %G 56 86 38H 56H Discrete global data table (byte mode) Discrete global data table (bit mode) %W 196 C4H Word memory (word mode; limited to %W1-%W65536) Word 4 of the COMMREQ Command Block specifies the offset within the memory type selected. The status word address offset is a zero-based number. For example, if %R1 should be the location of the status word, you must specify a zero for the offset. The offset for %R100 would be 99 decimal. (When using %W memory, the maximum offset value that can be entered is 65535, signifying %W65536.) 6.4.1 COMMREQ Status Values The Ethernet interface reports the status of the COMMREQ back to the status location. See Section 12:, Diagnostics for COMMREQ status values that may be reported for the EGD commands. 6.5 Read PLC Memory (4000) The Read PLC Memory command can be used to read memory locations from a remote PACSystems PLC. This command does not require configuration of a produced / consumed exchange in the PLCs. The Read PLC Memory command can only be sent to an individual IP Address; it cannot be sent to a Group ID (multicast). PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual Section 6 GFK-2224Y August 2019 Programming EGD Commands 114 6.5.1 Read PLC Memory Command Block Word Offset Value Description Word 1 Length of command data block Always 16 Word 2 0 Always 0 (no-wait mode request) Word 3 (See previous page) Memory type of COMMREQ Status Word Word 4 0-based Offset of COMMREQ Status Word Word 5 0 Reserved Word 6 0 Reserved Word 7 4000 (fa0H)) Read PLC Memory command number. Word 8 Retry time, in milliseconds The time between retries of command transfers. Default is 1000ms. Word 9 Local read buffer memory type Memory type for the data to be placed in the local PLC.