HIEE200072R0002 USB030AE02 DCS模块卡件
角色切换。当发生角色切换时,冗余IP上正在处理的任何网页请求都将终止。虽然不建议使用,但远程浏览器可能会向直接IP地址发出Web服务器请求。活动和备份单元都响应在直接IP地址接收的Web服务器请求。远程Web浏览器在与冗余系统通信时应使用冗余IP地址。1.4.11冗余系统中的FTP操作2 FTP操作可将设置和配置数据传输到以太网接口。不建议使用FTP操作与实际PLC应用程序进行通信。FTP操作只能使用直接IP地址执行。1.4.12冗余系统中的SNTP操作PACSystems以太网接口只能作为SNTP客户端运行,这使得接口只能从网络上的SNTP服务器接收广播时间消息。SNTP操作不受当前以太网冗余状态或冗余角色交换机的影响。1.4.13冗余系统中的远程Station Manager操作远程Station Manager应响应直接IP地址,无论装置是活动的还是备份的,或者是否配置了冗余IP。2 ETM001 Kxxx PACSystems不支持FTP™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册第1节GFK-2224Y 2019年8月简介21只有活动单元响应冗余IP地址的远程Station Manager命令。备份单元不响应冗余IP地址。(Station Manager对冗余IP地址的响应可能会产生误导,因为很难确定哪个以太网接口正在响应。)1.4.14冗余系统中的IP地址配置冗余系统应明确配置直接IP地址和冗余IP地址。不要通过BOOTP设置直接IP地址。冗余IP地址必须配置在与直接IP地址和网关IP地址(如果使用)相同的本地子网络上。PAC系统™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册第2节GFK-2224Y 2019年8月安装和启动:RX3i/RSTi EP嵌入式接口22第2节:安装和启动,CPL410和RSTi EP CPE100/CPE115为编程器通信提供了嵌入式以太网接口。本节介绍用户功能,并提供此界面的基本安装和启动过程。▪ 以太网接口控制和指示灯▪ 模块安装▪ 连接到10Base-T/100Base TX网络(所有CPExxx)或1000Base-T(仅CPE330、CPE400和CPL410)▪ 在网络2.1 RX3i/RSTi EP嵌入式以太网接口指示灯上ping TCP/IP以太网接口许多以太网接口都具有带两个LED指示灯100和LINK的以太网端口。100 LED指示网络数据速度(10或100 Mb/sec)。如果该网络端口的网络连接为100 Mbps,则此指示灯亮起。LINK LED指示网络链路状态和活动。当链路物理连接时,此指示灯亮起。当在该网络端口检测到流量时,它会闪烁。2.1.1以太网端口LED操作2.1.1.1 CPE302/CPE305/CPE310以太网LED操作LED状态打开闪烁关闭以太网端口状态100打开,绿色网络数据速度为100 Mbps。离网数据速度为10 Mbps。链路打开,琥珀色链路已物理连接。闪烁,端口上检测到琥珀色流量。关闭以太网端口未物理连接。PAC系统™ RX3i和RSTi EP TCP/IP以太网通信用户
role switch. Any Web page request in process over the Redundant IP when a role switch occurs is terminated. Although not recommended, the remote browser may issue Web server requests to the direct IP address. Both the active and backup units respond to Web server requests received at the direct IP address. Remote Web browsers are expected to use the Redundant IP address when communicating to a redundant system. 1.4.11 FTP Operation in a Redundancy System2 FTP operations can transfer setup and configuration data to the Ethernet interface. Using FTP operations for communication with the actual PLC application is not recommended. FTP operations should only be performed using the direct IP address. 1.4.12 SNTP Operation in a Redundancy System A PACSystems Ethernet interface can operate as an SNTP client only, which enables the interface to only receive broadcast time messages from an SNTP Server on the network. SNTP operation is unaffected by the current Ethernet redundancy state or by redundancy role switches. 1.4.13 Remote Station Manager Operation in a Redundancy System The remote Station Manager should respond to the direct IP address whether the unit is active or backup or whether the Redundant IP is configured. 2 FTP is not supported by ETM001-Kxxx PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual Section 1 GFK-2224Y August 2019 Introduction 21 Only the active unit responds to remote Station Manager commands at the Redundant IP address. The backup unit does not respond to the Redundant IP address. (Station Manager responses from the Redundant IP address can be misleading because it is difficult to determine which Ethernet interface is responding.) 1.4.14 IP Address Configuration in a Redundancy System Redundancy systems should explicitly configure both the direct IP address and the Redundant IP address. Do not set up the direct IP address via BOOTP. The Redundant IP address must be configured on the same local sub-network as the direct IP address and gateway IP address (if used). PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual Section 2 GFK-2224Y August 2019 Installation and Start-up: RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Interface 22 Section 2: Installation and Start-up: RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Interface The RX3i CPUs with CPExxx designation (CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330 and CPE400), the CPL410 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 provide an embedded Ethernet interface for programmer communications. This section describes user features and provides basic installation and startup procedures for this interface. ▪ Ethernet Interface Controls and Indicators ▪ Module Installation ▪ Connection to a 10Base-T/100Base-TX Network (all CPExxx) or to a 1000Base-T (CPE330, CPE400 and CPL410 only) ▪ Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet interfaces on the Network 2.1 RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Ethernet Interface Indicators Many of the Ethernet interfaces feature Ethernet ports with two LED indicators, 100 and LINK. The 100 LED indicates the network data speed (10 or 100 Mb/sec). This LED is lit if the network connection at that network port is 100 Mbps. The LINK LED indicates the network link status and activity. This LED is lit when the link is physically connected. It blinks when traffic is detected at that network port. 2.1.1 Ethernet Port LEDs Operation CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 Ethernet LED Operation LED LED State On Blinking Off Ethernet Port State 100 On, Green Network data speed is 100 Mbps. Off Network data speed is 10 Mbps. LINK On, Amber The link is physically connected. Blinking, Amber Traffic is detected at the port. Off The Ethernet port is not physically connected. PACSystems™ RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User