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HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE自动化模块备件

HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE自动化模块备件

HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE自动化模块备件比用于反向或反向缩放的高比例值(Eng Units)参数更高。默认值为所选范围类型的A/D下限。必须低于高比例值。高比例值(A/D单位)1024.0用于缩放的上限值,以A/D单位表示。有效范围:0到65535。注:如果高量程工程单位等于高量程A/D单位,而低量程工程单位则等于低量程A/D单位时,则禁用缩放。低比例值(A/D单位)0.0用于缩放...

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HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE自动化模块备件

    HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE自动化模块备件

    比用于反向或反向缩放的高比例值(Eng Units)参数更高。默认值为所选范围类型的A/D下限。必须低于高比例值。高比例值(A/D单位)1024.0用于缩放的上限值,以A/D单位表示。有效范围:0到65535。注:如果高量程工程单位等于高量程A/D单位,而低量程工程单位则等于低量程A/D单位时,则禁用缩放。低比例值(A/D单位)0.0用于缩放的上限值,单位为A/D单位。有效范围:0到65535。高报警(工程单位)1024.0当通道输入值达到或超过该值时,会触发高报警。有效范围:在高量程值–低量程值(英制单位)范围内。必须大于低报警。注:仅当诊断报告启用和/或故障报告启用下的高报警启用设置为启用时,通道才使用此值。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第16节GFK-2314T 2019年9月专用模块813参数默认说明低报警(英制单位)1.0当信道输入值达到或低于该值时,触发低报警。有效范围:在高量程值到低量程值(英制单位)范围内。必须小于高报警。注:只有当诊断报告启用和/或故障报告启用下的低报警启用设置为启用时,通道才使用此值。高报警死区(工程单位)1.0 A范围,低于报警条件,即使报警条件不再存在,报警状态位仍保持设置。要清除报警状态,通道输入必须超出死区范围。有效范围:0到高量程值和低量程值之间的差值(英制单位)。低报警死区(工程单位)1.0工程单位范围,高于报警条件,即使报警条件消失,报警状态位仍保持设置。要清除报警状态,通道输入必须超出死区范围。有效范围:0到高量程值和低量程值之间的差值(英制单位)。用户偏移(工程单位)0.0工程单位偏移,以更改输入通道的基础。该值在报警检查之前添加到通道上的缩放值。有效范围:-3.40282E+38至3.40282E+38(英制单位)。诊断报告启用如果启用了诊断报告,下面列出的其他参数可用于启用特定类型的报警。已禁用诊断报告启用和故障报告启用配置参数可用于为单个通道报警启用不同类型的响应。默认情况下,在每个通道上禁用所有响应。可以为每个通道配置报警启用的任何组合。报警值应用于缩放的工程单位值。如果启用了诊断报告,模块将在为该通道配置的诊断参考地址的参考存储器中报告通道故障和启用报警。(诊断参考长度必须大于0。)如果启用了故障报告,模块将在I/O故障表中记录每一次通道故障或启用的通道警报的故障。故障报告启用如果启用了故障报告,下面列出的其他参数可用于启用特定类型的故障。禁用PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第16节GFK-2314T 2019年9月专用模块814参数默认说明低报警启用禁用这些附加参数启用或禁用信道的单独诊断功能。当这些参数中的任何一个被启用时,模块使用相关的参数来执行启用的功能。例如,如果模块检测到电路通信故障丢失,并且诊断报告启用了Open Wire(开路),则模块将在通道的诊断参考存储器中设置相应的位。如果这些参数中的任何一个被禁用,则模块不会对相关报警条件做出反应。

    than the High Scale Value (Eng Units) parameter for reversed or inverse scaling. Default is Low A/D Limit of selected range type. Must be lower than the High Scale Value. High Scale Value (A/D Units) 1024.0 The upper value, in A/D Units, used for scaling. Valid range: 0 through 65535. Note: Scaling is disabled if High Scale Eng. Units equals High Scale A/D Units and Low Scale Eng. Units equals Low Scale A/D Units. Low Scale Value (A/D Units) 0.0 The upper value, in A/D Units, used for scaling. Valid range: 0 through 65535. High Alarm (Eng Units) 1024.0 When the channel input value reaches or exceeds this value, a High Alarm is triggered. Valid range: Within High Scale Value–Low Scale Value (Eng Units) range. Must be greater than Low Alarm. Note: A channel uses this value only when High Alarm Enable is set to Enabled under Diagnostic Reporting Enable and/or Fault Reporting Enable. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 16 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Special Purpose Modules 813 Parameter Default Description Low Alarm (Eng Units) 1.0 When the channel input value reaches or goes lower than this value, a Low Alarm is triggered. Valid range: Within High Scale Value to Low Scale Value (Eng Units) range. Must be less than High Alarm. Note: A channel uses this value only when Low Alarm Enable is set to Enabled under Diagnostic Reporting Enable and/or Fault Reporting Enable. High Alarm Deadband (Eng Units) 1.0 A range in Engineering Units below the alarm condition where the alarm status bit remains set even after the alarm condition no longer exists. For the alarm status to clear, the channel input must fall outside the deadband range. Valid range: 0 through the difference between High Scale Value and Low Scale Value (Eng Units). Low Alarm Deadband (Eng Units) 1.0 A range in Engineering Units above the alarm condition where the alarm status bit remains set even after the alarm condition goes away. For the alarm status to clear, the channel input must fall outside the deadband range. Valid range: 0 through the difference between High Scale Value and Low Scale Value (Eng Units). User Offset (Eng Units) 0.0 Engineering Units offset to change the base of the input channel. This value is added to the scaled value on the channel prior to alarm checking. Valid range: -3.40282E+38 through 3.40282E+38 (Eng Units). Diagnostic Reporting Enable If Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, the additional parameters listed below can be used to enable specific types of alarms. Disabled The Diagnostic Reporting Enable, and Fault Reporting Enable configuration parameters can be used to enable different types of responses for individual channel alarms. By default, all responses are disabled on every channel. Any combination of alarm enables can be configured for each channel. Alarm values are applied to the scaled Engineering Units value. If Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, the module reports channel faults and enabled alarms in reference memory at the Diagnostic Reference Address configured for that channel. (Diagnostic Reference Length must be greater than 0.) If Fault Reporting is enabled, the module logs a fault in the I/O Fault table for each occurrence of a channel fault or an enabled channel alarm. Fault Reporting Enable If Fault Reporting is enabled, the additional parameters listed below can be used to enable specific types of Faults. Disabled PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 16 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Special Purpose Modules 814 Parameter Default Description Low Alarm Enable Disabled These additional parameters enable or disable individual diagnostics features of a channel. When any of these parameters is enabled, the module uses the associated parameters to perform the enabled feature. For example, if the module detects a loss of circuit communication fault, and Open Wire is enabled for Diagnostic Reporting, the module will set the corresponding bit in the Diagnostic Reference memory for the channel. If any of these parameters is disabled, the module does not react to the associated alarm conditions.






    型号:HIEE300744R1 UAC318AE 




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