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HIEE405246R0002控制卡件,模块卡件和中断启用配置参数可用于启用各个信道报警的不同类型的响应。默认情况下,在每个通道上禁用所有响应。可以为每个通道配置报警启用的任何组合。▪ 如果启用了诊断报告,模块将在为该通道配置的诊断参考地址的参考存储器中报告通道报警。▪ 如果启用了故障报告,则模块会在I/O故障表中记录每次通道报警的故障日志。▪ 如果启用了中断,警报可以触发应用程序中中断块的执行,...

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    和中断启用配置参数可用于启用各个信道报警的不同类型的响应。默认情况下,在每个通道上禁用所有响应。可以为每个通道配置报警启用的任何组合。▪ 如果启用了诊断报告,模块将在为该通道配置的诊断参考地址的参考存储器中报告通道报警。▪ 如果启用了故障报告,则模块会在I/O故障表中记录每次通道报警的故障日志。▪ 如果启用了中断,警报可以触发应用程序中中断块的执行,如下所述。使用中断为了正确配置I/O中断,必须在该模块的配置文件中设置中断启用位。此外,应响应信道中断而执行的程序块必须映射到对应于该信道的参考地址。示例:在此示例中,通道值参考地址块映射到%AI0001-%AI0020。如果通道2出现高报警条件,应触发I/O中断块。▪ 配置高报警条件。▪ 在模块配置中设置通道2的高报警中断启用标志。通道2的参考地址对应于%AI00003(每个通道2个字),因此应为“I/O中断”类型设置中断程序块调度属性,并将“%AI0003”设置为触发器。故障报告和中断这些模块具有诊断报告和中断的单独启用/禁用选项。通常,禁用配置中的诊断(如低/高报警或过高/过低范围)意味着其诊断位从未设置。但是,如果为某个条件启用了中断并且发生了该中断,则在I/O中断块逻辑执行期间也会设置该条件的诊断位。下一次PLC输入扫描总是将此中断状态位清除回0,因为诊断报告已禁用。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月带有HART通信507信道参数的模拟模块(续)参数默认说明HART通信禁用启用/禁用。如果信道将使用HART通信,则将此设置为启用。启用信道上的HART通信会强制信道进行4-20mA操作。HART插槽变量禁用启用/禁用。如果启用HART槽变量,模块将定期发送HART命令#33请求数据。通道变量将被读取并放置在HART扫描块通道数据中。对于每个插槽,变量分配代码可以设置在0和255之间。插槽代码0、1、2、3 1用于从连接的HART设备检索数据的插槽变送器变量分配代码。这与HART直通命令33(字节0)一起使用。这些值用于HART命令#33的请求数据。11.2.4输入模块数据格式:ALG626和ALG628本节说明了模块如何使用可在模块配置期间分配的单独参考区域:▪ 通道值参考数据,模拟输入通道值所需的存储器。▪ 输入通道诊断参考数据,通道故障和报警的可选存储器。▪ 模块状态参考数据,通用模块状态数据的可选存储器。此外,在配置过程中,可以分配可选的HART参考数据和存储器。详见本章下文“HART参考数据”一节。

    and Interrupt Enable configuration parameters can be used to enable different types of responses for individual channel alarms. By default, all responses are disabled on every channel. Any combination of alarm enables can be configured for each channel. ▪ If Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, the module reports channel alarms in reference memory at the Diagnostic Reference address configured for that channel. ▪ If Fault Reporting is enabled, the module logs a fault log in the I/O Fault table for each occurrence of a channel alarm. ▪ If Interrupts are enabled, an alarm can trigger execution of an Interrupt Block in the application program, as explained below. Using Interrupts To properly configure an I/O Interrupt, the Interrupt enable bit or bits must be set in the configuration profile of this module. In addition, the program block that should be executed in response to the channel interrupt must be mapped to the reference address corresponding to that channel. Example: In this example, the Channel Values Reference Address block is mapped to %AI0001-%AI0020. An I/O Interrupt block should be triggered if a High Alarm condition occurs on channel 2. ▪ Configure the High-Alarm condition. ▪ Set the High-Alarm Interrupt Enable flag for Channel 2 in the module configuration. The reference address for Channel 2 corresponds to %AI00003 (2 Words per channel), so the interrupt program block Scheduling properties should be set for the "I/O Interrupt" Type and "%AI0003" as the Trigger. Fault Reporting and Interrupts These modules have separate enable/disable options for Diagnostic Reporting and Interrupts. Normally, disabling a diagnostic (such as Low/High Alarm or Over/Under range) in the configuration means that its diagnostic bit is never set. However, if interrupts are enabled for a condition and that interrupt occurs, the diagnostic bit for that condition is also set during the I/O Interrupt block logic execution. The next PLC input scan always clears this interrupt status bit back to 0, because Diagnostic Reporting has it disabled. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Modules with HART Communications 507 Channel Parameters (Continued) Parameter Default Description HART Communications Disabled Enabled/disabled. Set this to enabled if the channel will use HART communications. Enabling HART communications on a channel forces the channel to 4- 20mA operation. HART Slot Variables Disabled Enabled/disabled. If HART Slot Variables is enabled, the module will periodically send HART command #33 to request data. Channel variables will be read and placed in the HART scan block channel data. For each slot, the variable assignment code can be set between 0 and 255. Slot Code 0, 1, 2, 3 1 The slot transmitter variable assignment code that will be used to retrieve data from the connected HART device. This is used with HART Pass-Through command 33, byte 0. These values are used in the request data for HART command #33. 11.2.4 Input Module Data Formats: ALG626 and ALG628 This section explains how the module uses separate reference areas that can be assigned during module configuration: ▪ Channel Value Reference Data, required memory for the analog input channel values. ▪ Input Channel Diagnostic Reference Data, optional memory for channel faults and alarms. ▪ Module Status Reference Data, optional memory for general module status data. In addition, during configuration, optional HART Reference Data, memory can be assigned. Refer to the section “HART Reference Data” later in this chapter for details. 





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