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HIEE410385P201脉冲输入卡件,工业卡件启用,HART数据扫描控制设置为“所有数据”或“仅动态”。由于RX3i CPU的限制,只有输入扫描大小小于等于256字节的模块才能使用DOIO功能块。HART模块将在DOIO下正常工作,除非输入扫描大小超过256字节(此输入大小限制可能会在未来版本中增加或消除)。当超过该输入扫描大小时,任何尝试将DOIO用于HART模块输入或输出的尝试都将失败,并...

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    启用,HART数据扫描控制设置为“所有数据”或“仅动态”。由于RX3i CPU的限制,只有输入扫描大小小于等于256字节的模块才能使用DOIO功能块。HART模块将在DOIO下正常工作,除非输入扫描大小超过256字节(此输入大小限制可能会在未来版本中增加或消除)。当超过该输入扫描大小时,任何尝试将DOIO用于HART模块输入或输出的尝试都将失败,并且DOIO功能不会通过功率流。DOIO继续正常运行时可启用的设备的确切数量取决于所采用的RX3i HART模块。·对于ALG628和ALG728,选择“所有数据”时可启用的HART设备数量为1,选择“仅动态”的设备数量为5或更少。·对于ALG626,启用“仅动态”的设备数量为三个。此外,只要启用任何HART设备并选择了所有数据,DOIO就不会对ALG626起作用。11.1.3使用带有RX3i模拟HART模块的手持式校准器通常需要使用手持式HART校准器对现场设备进行维护。RX3i HART模块充当HART主机,现场设备被视为从设备。当将手持式通信器与HART I/O结合使用时,校准器被视为二级主控器。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月带有HART通信的模拟模块494 RX3i HART模块从属设备主设备主设备4-20mA回路图311:使用手持式HART校准器主设备必须启动与现场设备的通信。设备只需回复适当的响应即可。任何给定信道都可以同时连接一个主信道、一个辅助主信道(手持式校准器)和一个从信道。11.1.4 HART传递功能HART传递是指通过PLC系统双向传输HART命令和响应的术语。所讨论的HART通信是连接到具有HART功能的模拟I/O模块的HART设备和监测站之间的通信。I/O和监控站必须连接到同一PLC。有关更多信息,请参阅PACSystems HART直通用户手册GFK-2929。兼容的PACSystems*PLC CPU支持两种独立且独特的HART直通技术:·PACSystems现场设备工具(FDT)HART设备类型管理器(DTM)和·PACSystems HART多路复用器。这两种技术都支持连接到具有HART支持的模拟IO模块的HART设备。模拟I/O模块可位于以下位置之一:1)RX3i CPU机架,2)RX3iPROFINET扫描仪机架(即,在PNS001或PNS101模块控制下的I/O机架),或3)RX3i-PROFINET CEP远程分接,始终由CEP001模块控制。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月带有HART通信495的模拟模块支持PROFINET机架要求监控RX3i PROFINET IO控制器(PNC001)位于RX3i CPU机架中。使用冗余IP连接支持热备用CPU冗余和PROFINET I/O的操作。以下RX3i模拟模块支持

    enabled and the HART Data Scan Control is set to either All Data or Dynamic Only. Due to RX3i CPU limitations, only modules with input scan sizes of 256 bytes or less can use the DOIO function block. HART modules will function normally with DOIO except when the input scan size exceeds 256 bytes (this input size limitation may be increased or eliminated in future releases). When this input scan size is exceeded, any attempt to use DOIO for HART module inputs or outputs will fail, and the DOIO function will not pass power flow. The exact number of devices that can be enabled while DOIO continues to operate normally depends on the RX3i HART module employed. · For ALG628 and ALG728, the number of HART devices that can be enabled with All Data selected is one, and the number of devices with Dynamic Only selected is five or fewer. · For ALG626, the number devices enabled with Dynamic Only selected is three. Furthermore, DOIO will not function at all for ALG626 whenever any HART devices are enabled with All Data selected. 11.1.3 Using a Hand-held Calibrator with RX3i Analog HART Modules It is often necessary to perform maintenance on field devices using a hand-held HART calibrator. The RX3i HART module behaves as a HART master and the field device is considered the slave. When using a hand-held communicator in conjunction with the HART I/O, the calibrator is considered a secondary master. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Modules with HART Communications 494 RX3i HART Module Slave Device Secondary Master Primary Master 4-20mA Loop Figure 311: Use of Hand-Held HART Calibrator The master must initiate the communication with the field device. The device simply replies with an appropriate response. Any given channel may have a master, a secondary master (hand-held calibrator), and a slave connected simultaneously. 11.1.4 HART Pass-Through Functionality HART Pass Through is the term given to the bidirectional tunneling of HART commands and responses through a PLC system. The HART communications in question are between those HART devices connected to HART-capable analog I/O modules and a monitoring station. Both the I/O and the monitoring station must be connected to the same PLC. For further information, refer to the PACSystems HART Pass Through User Manual, GFK-2929. Compatible PACSystems* PLC CPUs support two independent and distinct HART Pass Through technologies: · PACSystems Field Device Tool (FDT) HART Device Type Managers (DTMs) and · the PACSystems HART Multiplexer. Both technologies support HART devices connected to analog IO modules with HART support. The analog I/O modules may be located in one of the following: 1) an RX3i CPU rack, 2) an RX3i PROFINET Scanner rack (i.e. an I/O rack under the control of a PNS001 or PNS101 module), or 3) an RX3i PROFINET CEP remote drop, which is always controlled by a CEP001 module. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Modules with HART Communications 495 Support for the PROFINET racks requires that the supervising RX3i PROFINET IO Controller (PNC001) be located in the RX3i CPU rack. Operation with Hot Standby CPU Redundancy and PROFINET I/O is supported using a redundant IP connection. The following RX3i analog modules support





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