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HIEE450880R1 LT 8979A-V1处理器卡件

HIEE450880R1 LT 8979A-V1处理器卡件

HIEE450880R1 LT 8979A-V1处理器卡件如果模拟电源未丢失,并且在下一次通电时恢复了相同的配置,则信道状态自断电时起保持不变。默认斜坡速率用于任何后续重新配置。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块477输出默认条件和动作条件保持最后状态或默认值默认斜坡率启用输出启用和斜坡率启用信道输出设置(除非另有说明,否则假设存在场功率)...

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HIEE450880R1 LT 8979A-V1处理器卡件

    HIEE450880R1 LT 8979A-V1处理器卡件

    如果模拟电源未丢失,并且在下一次通电时恢复了相同的配置,则信道状态自断电时起保持不变。默认斜坡速率用于任何后续重新配置。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块477输出默认条件和动作条件保持最后状态或默认值默认斜坡率启用输出启用和斜坡率启用信道输出设置(除非另有说明,否则假设存在场功率)。输出启用和无故障N/A N/A无输出从参考存储器转到其命令值;默认值不适用。N/A N/A是输出以输出启用斜坡速率斜坡至参考存储器的命令输出。默认值不适用。输出禁用、故障模式或重新配置默认值否N/A输出设置为默认值默认值是N/A输出以默认斜坡速率斜坡至默认值,从进入模式前的最后一个命令值开始。保持最后状态N/A N/A输出保持在上电后背板功率损失或第一配置存储的最后命令值,范围类型具有不同的默认设置。注:如果高量程工程单位等于高量程A/D单位,而低量程工程单位则等于低量程A/D单位时,则禁用缩放。默认值=所选范围类型的A/D上限。低量程值(工程单位)默认值为所选量程类型的低A/D限值。必须低于高缩放值。高比例值(A/D单位)默认值为所选范围类型的高A/D限制。必须大于低缩放值。低量程值(A/D单位)默认值为所选量程类型的低A/D限值。输出缩放默认情况下,模块将CPU的浮点值转换为其配置范围的整个范围内的电压或电流输出。例如,如果信道的范围为4至20mA,则模块接受4.000至20.000的信道输出值。通过修改四个信道缩放参数(低/高缩放值参数)中的一个或多个,可以针对特定应用更改缩放工程单位范围。缩放始终是线性的,可以进行逆缩放。所有报警值都适用于缩放的工程单位值,而不是A/D单位值。缩放参数仅设置

    If analog power was not lost and the same configuration is restored on the next power-up, the channel state is unchanged from the time the power was lost. The Default Ramp Rate is used for any subsequent reconfiguration. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 477 Output Default Conditions and Actions Condition Hold Last State or Default Value Default Ramp Rate Enabled Outputs Enabled and Ramp Rate Enabled Channel Output Setting (Except where indicated, field power is assumed to be present). Outputs Enabled and No Faults N/A N/A No Output goes to its commanded value from reference memory; defaults don’t apply. N/A N/A Yes Output is ramped to the commanded output from reference memory at the Outputs Enabled ramp rate. Defaults don’t apply. Outputs Disabled, Fault Mode, or Reconfiguration Default Value No N/A Output is set to the Default Value Default Value Yes N/A Output is ramped to the Default Value at the Default ramp rate, starting at the last commanded value before entering mode. Hold Last State N/A N/A Output is held at the last commanded value Loss of Backplane Power or First Configuration Store after Power-up Range Type have a different set of defaults. Note: Scaling is disabled if both High Scale Eng. Units equals High Scale A/D Units and Low Scale Eng. Units equals Low Scale A/D Units. Default = High A/D Limit of selected range type. Low Scale Value (Eng Units) Default is Low A/D Limit of selected range type. Must be lower than the high scaling value. High Scale Value (A/D Units) Default is High A/D Limit of selected range type. Must be greater than the low scaling value. Low Scale Value (A/D Units) Default is Low A/D Limit of selected range type. Output Scaling By default, the module converts a floating-point value from the CPU into a voltage or current output over the entire span of its configured Range. For example, if the Range of a channel is 4 to 20mA, the module accepts channel output values from 4.000 to 20.000. By modifying one or more of the four channel scaling parameters (Low/High Scale Value parameters) from their defaults, the scaled Engineering Unit range can be changed for a specific application. Scaling is always linear and inverse scaling is possible. All alarm values apply to the scaled Engineering Units value, not to the A/D units value. The scaling parameters only set up the 





    品牌: HIMA

    型号:HIEE450880R1 LT 8 




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