HIEE450964R0001 SA9923A-E DCS模块卡件,输出卡件
//已禁用。启用模块中断报告后,此参数控制过热模块故障的中断。范围类型禁用电流设置要用于每个通道的输出类型。选项包括:禁用电压、禁用电流、电流/电压。量程(仅适用于量程型电流/电压)-10 Vdc至+10 Vdc电流/电压:-10 Vdc至+10 Vdc,0 Vdc至+0 Vdc,4mA至20 mA,0mA至20毫安。信道值格式32位浮点16位整数或32位浮点PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块475模块参数(续)输出默认值默认值控制输出将设置为输出禁用模式(停止)的状态,如果发生故障,如果断电,或如果配置已清除。选项为“保持最后状态”,或默认为特定配置的默认值。量程类型应为电流/电压配置将要使用的模块上的每个通道。然后可以根据需要配置其电压或电流范围和其他参数。如果不使用通道输出且未连接,请选择“禁用”选项。如果通道被禁用,则无需配置其任何其他参数。如果通道连接到电流输出,但未使用,请选择“禁用电流”。这将将该通道的输出电流设置为0mA(该通道的电压将为非零)。如果通道连接到电压输出,但未使用,请选择“禁用电压”。这将将该通道的输出电压设置为0V(该通道的输入电流将为非零)。输出默认值如果启用“保持最后状态”,则当CPU指示“输出未启用”时,或如果出现下列故障之一,输出将保持其最后命令值。如果禁用“保持最后状态”,则命令输出变为“默认值”。必须在选定的输出范围内设置默认值。如果“默认值”(Default Value)和“渐变速率”(Ramp Rate)均已启用,则通道将渐变为默认值。故障条件为:▪ CPU输出未启用。▪ 背板电源不正常。在这种情况下,即使已启用斜坡,也没有斜坡。▪ 失去与CPU的通信。▪ I/O通信丢失。▪ 磁场功率损失。输出默认注释▪ 在I/O启用模式下热移除模块将导致所有输出保持最后状态(甚至配置为强制默认值的通道)。如果不需要该操作,则可通过首先关闭现场电源并在热卸下模块之前卸下该模块的接线板,将输出强制设置为默认值。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块476▪ 即使配置了默认值,使用SVC_REQ 24重置模块也会导致所有通道保持最后状态。应用程序必须在执行Service Request之前处理输出默认值。▪ 如果电源的背板电源丢失,则忽略默认斜坡速率配置。为“默认值”配置的通道立即变为默认值。背板电源恢复后首次存储配置时,不使用默认斜坡速率。为“默认值”配置的任何通道都会立即变为其默认值。 Disabled. With Module Interrupt Reporting enabled, this parameter controls interrupts for Over-temperature module faults. Range Type Disabled Current Sets up the type of output to be used for each channel. Choices are: Disabled Voltage, Disabled Current, Current/Voltage. Range (Only for Range Type Current/Voltage) -10 Vdc to +10 Vdc For Current/Voltage: -10 Vdc to +10 Vdc, 0 Vdc to +10 Vdc, 4mA to 20 mA, 0mA to 20 mA. Channel Value Format 32-bit Floatingpoint 16-bit integer or 32-bit floating-point PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 475 Module Parameters (Continued) Outputs Default Force to Default Value Controls the state the output will be set to in Outputs Disabled mode (stop), if a fault occurs, if power is lost, or if the configuration is cleared. Choices are Hold Last State, or default to a specific configured default value. Range Type Each channel on the module that will be used should be configured for Current/Voltage. Its voltage or current range and other parameters can then be configured as needed. If the channel output will not be used and is not wired, select either “Disabled” option. If a channel is disabled, it is not necessary to configure any of its other parameters. If the channel is wired to a current output, but is not being used, select "Disabled Current". This will set the output current of that channel to 0mA (the output voltage of that channel will be non-zero). If the channel is wired to a voltage output, but is not being used, select "Disabled Voltage". This will set the output voltage of that channel to 0V (the output current of that channel will be non-zero). Output Defaults If Hold Last State is enabled, an output will hold its last commanded value when the CPU indicates Outputs Not Enabled, or if one of the fault conditions listed below occurs. If Hold Last State is disabled, the output is commanded to go to the Default Value. The Default Value must be set within the selected output range. If both Default Value and Ramp Rate are enabled, the channel will ramp to the default value. Fault conditions are: ▪ CPU outputs are not enabled. ▪ Backplane power is not ok. In that case, there is no ramping, even if ramping has been enabled. ▪ Loss of communications from CPU. ▪ Loss of I/O communications. ▪ Loss of field power. Outputs Default Notes ▪ Hot Removal of the module in an I/O Enabled mode will cause all outputs to Hold Last State (even channels configured for Force to Default Value). If that operation is not desirable, the outputs can be forced to default by first turning off field power and removing the Terminal Block of this module before hot-removing the module. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 476 ▪ Resetting the module using SVC_REQ 24 causes all channels to Hold Last State even if Default Value is configured. The application program must handle output defaulting before execution of the Service Request. ▪ Default Ramp Rate configuration is ignored if backplane power from the power supply is lost. Channels configured for Default Value go to the default value immediately. The first time a configuration is stored following a return of backplane power, the Default Ramp rate is not used. Any channel configured for Default Value goes to its default value immediately.