HIMA F1101 DCS模块卡件
和低报警▪ 上夹具和下夹具▪ 超量程和欠量程报警每个报警可按通道单独配置,以生成诊断位状态、故障报警或中断报警。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块461如果命令信道高于上限值,则输出设置为上限值,并指示上限条件。如果命令通道低于下限值,则输出设置为下限值,并指示下限条件。在可能通过斜坡、箝位和故障条件进行调整后,对工程单位输出值执行高报警和低报警检查。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块462信道参数(续)参数默认说明诊断报告启用如果启用了诊断报告,则可以使用下面列出的其他参数启用特定类型的报警。Disabled Diagnostic Reporting Enable(禁用诊断报告启用)选项用于启用将报警报告到Diagnostic reference(诊断参考)区域的参考内存。故障报告启用选项可将报警记录到I/O故障表中。这些参数启用或禁用通道的各个诊断功能。当这些参数中的任何一个被启用时,模块使用相关参数来执行启用的功能。例如,如果在Diagnostic Reporting Enable(诊断报告启用)菜单中启用了Over Range(超出范围),则模块将在通道的Diagnostic Reference(诊断参考)中设置Over Range位。如果这些参数中的任何一个被禁用,则模块不会对相关报警条件做出反应。例如,如果在故障报告启用菜单中将低报警启用设置为禁用,则当通道上检测到低报警时,低报警故障不会记录在I/O故障表中。故障报告启用如果启用了故障报告,下面列出的其他参数可用于启用特定类型的故障。禁用中断启用禁用低报警启用禁用高报警启用禁用低范围启用禁用超范围启用禁用下限报警启用禁用上限报警启用禁用PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第12节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输出模块463报警和故障报告诊断报告启用、故障报告启用、,和中断启用配置参数可用于启用各个信道报警的不同类型的响应。默认情况下,在每个通道上禁用所有响应。可以为每个通道配置报警启用的任何组合。▪ 如果启用了诊断报告,模块将在为该通道配置的诊断参考地址的参考存储器中报告通道报警。▪ 如果启用了故障报告,则模块会在I/O故障表中记录每次通道报警的故障日志。▪ 如果启用了中断,警报可以触发应用程序中中断块的执行,如下所述。使用中断要正确配置I/O中断,必须在该模块的配置文件中设置中断启用位。此外,应响应信道中断而执行的程序块必须映射到对应于该信道的参考地址。示例:在此示例中,输出参考地址块映射到%AQ0001-%AQ0008。
and Low Alarm ▪ Upper Clamp and Lower Clamp ▪ Over-range and Under-range Alarm Each alarm is individually configurable per channel to generate diagnostics bit status, fault alarms, or interrupt alarms. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 461 If a channel is commanded higher than the Upper Clamp value, the output is set to the Upper Clamp value and an Upper Clamp condition is indicated. If a channel is commanded lower than the Lower Clamp value, the output is set to the Lower Clamp value and a Lower Clamp condition is indicated. The High and Low Alarm checks are performed on the engineering units output value after possibly being adjusted by ramping, clamping, and fault conditions. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 462 Channel Parameters (Continued) Parameter Default Description Diagnostic Reporting Enable If Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, the additional parameters listed below can be used to enable specific types of alarms. Disabled Diagnostic Reporting Enable options are used to enable reference memory reporting of alarms into the Diagnostic Reference area. Fault Reporting Enable options enable fault logging of alarms into the I/O Fault Table. These parameters enable or disable the individual diagnostics features of a channel. When any of these parameters is enabled, the module uses associated parameters to perform the enabled feature. For example, if Over Range is enabled in the Diagnostic Reporting Enable menu, the module will set the Over Range bit in the Diagnostic Reference for the channel. If any of these parameters is disabled, the module does not react to the associated alarm conditions. For example, if Low Alarm Enable is set to Disabled in the Fault Reporting Enable menu, the Low Alarm fault is not logged in the I/O Fault Table when Low Alarm is detected on the channel. Fault Reporting Enable If Fault Reporting is enabled, the additional parameters listed below can be used to enable specific types of Faults. Disabled Interrupts Enable Disabled Low Alarm Enable Disabled High Alarm Enable Disabled Under Range Enable Disabled Over Range Enable Disabled Lower Clamp Alarm Enable Disabled Upper Clamp Alarm Enable Disabled PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 12 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Output Modules 463 Alarming and Fault Reporting The Diagnostic Reporting Enable, Fault Reporting Enable, and Interrupt Enable configuration parameters can be used to enable different types of responses for individual channel alarms. By default, all responses are disabled on every channel. Any combination of alarm enables can be configured for each channel. ▪ If Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, the module reports channel alarms in reference memory at the Diagnostic Reference address configured for that channel. ▪ If Fault Reporting is enabled, the module logs a fault log in the I/O Fault table for each occurrence of a channel alarm. ▪ If Interrupts are enabled, an alarm can trigger execution of an Interrupt Block in the application program, as explained below. Using Interrupts To properly configure an I/O Interrupt, the Interrupt enable bit or bits must be set in the configuration profile of this module. In addition, the program block that should be executed in response to the channel interrupt must be mapped to the reference address corresponding to that channel. Example: In this example, the Output Reference Address block is mapped to %AQ0001-%AQ0008.