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HIMA F3211A系统模块卡件

HIMA F3211A系统模块卡件

HIMA F3211A系统模块卡件值参考地址。每个信道占用2个字,无论是否使用信道:根据其配置的信道值格式,每个启用的信道向CPU报告32位浮点或16位整数值。在16位整数模式中,32位通道数据区的低位字包含16位整数通道值。32位值的高位字(高位16位)设置为16位整数的符号扩展。此符号扩展的高位字允许16位整数在逻辑中读取为32位整数类型,而不会丢失PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10...

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HIMA F3211A系统模块卡件

    HIMA F3211A系统模块卡件

    值参考地址。每个信道占用2个字,无论是否使用信道:根据其配置的信道值格式,每个启用的信道向CPU报告32位浮点或16位整数值。在16位整数模式中,32位通道数据区的低位字包含16位整数通道值。32位值的高位字(高位16位)设置为16位整数的符号扩展。此符号扩展的高位字允许16位整数在逻辑中读取为32位整数类型,而不会丢失PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块405的整数符号。如果16位整数结果为负,则32位通道数据中的高位字具有值0xFFFF。如果16位整数结果为正,则高位字为0x0000。16位分辨率模块模拟输入数据以16位2的补码格式存储在CPU中,如下图所示。MSB LSB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块406通道诊断数据:ALG233除了来自现场设备的输入数据外,该模块可以被配置为向CPU报告信道诊断状态数据。CPU将此数据存储在为模块配置的诊断参考地址中。此功能的使用是可选的。每个通道的诊断数据占用两个字(无论是否使用通道):当诊断位等于1时,通道上出现报警或故障状态。当位等于0时,报警或故障条件不存在,或者该通道的配置中未启用检测。对于每个通道,该数据的格式为:9.9.6现场接线:ALG233端子连接1用户提供24V输入;通过24VOUT端子(引脚2)2+24V回路电源连接点3电流输入提供回路电源,PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块4099.10模拟输入模块8-/4通道电流/电压:IC695ALG608模拟输入模块16-/8通道电流/电流:IC695ALG616 IC695ALD616 I1 I2 I4 I5 16 I7 18 19 I10 I11 I12 I13 I14 I16模块OK现场状态TB图285:IC695ALL616非隔离差分模拟输入电流/电压模块IC695ALG608提供八个单端或四个差分输入通道。非隔离差分模拟输入电流/电压模块IC695ALG616(图285)提供16个单端或8个差分输入通道。模拟输入通道可用于以下范围:▪ 电流:0至20mA、4至20mA、±20mA▪ 电压:±10 Vdc、0至10 Vdc、±5 Vdc、0到5 Vdc、1Vdc到5 Vdc。Value Reference Address. Each channel occupies 2 words, whether or not the channel is used: Depending on its configured Channel Value Format, each enabled channel reports a 32-bit floating-point or 16-bit integer value to the CPU. In the 16-bit integer mode, the low word of the 32-bit channel data area contains the 16-bit integer channel value. The high word (upper 16-bits) of the 32-bit value is set with the sign extension of the 16-bit integer. This sign-extended upper word allows the 16-bit integer to be read as a 32-bit integer type in logic without PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 405 losing the sign of the integer. If the 16-bit integer result is negative, the upper word in the 32-bit channel data has the value 0xFFFF. If the 16-bit integer result is positive, the upper word is 0x0000. The 16-bit resolution module analog input data is stored in the CPU in 16-bit 2’s complement format as displayed in the following figure. MSB LSB 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 406 Channel Diagnostic Data: ALG233 In addition to the input data from field devices, the module can be configured to report channel diagnostics status data to the CPU. The CPU stores this data at the Diagnostic Reference Address configured for the module. Use of this feature is optional. The diagnostics data for each channel occupies two words (whether the channel is used or not): When a diagnostic bit equals 1, the alarm or fault condition is present on the channel. When a bit equals 0 the alarm or fault condition is either not present or detection is not enabled in the configuration for that channel. For each channel, the format of this data is: 9.9.6 Field Wiring: ALG233 Terminal Connection 1 User supplied 24V Input; provides loop power via 24VOUT terminal (pin 2) 2 +24V loop power tie point 3 Current Input, PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 409 9.10 Analog Input Module 8-/4-Channel Current/Voltage: IC695ALG608 Analog Input Module 16-/8-Channel Current/Voltage: IC695ALG616 IC695ALG616 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 16 I7 18 19 I10 I11 I12 I13 I14 I15 I16 MODULE OK FIELD STATUS TB Figure 285: IC695ALG616 Non-Isolated Differential Analog Input Current/Voltage module IC695ALG608 provides eight single-ended or four differential input channels. Non-Isolated Differential Analog Input Current/Voltage module IC695ALG616, (Figure 285) provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels. Analog input channels can be configured for these ranges: ▪ Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, ±20mA ▪ Voltage: ±10 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, ±5Vdc, 0 to 5Vdc, 1Vdc to 5Vdc.





    品牌: HIMA

    型号:HIMA F3211A 




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