HIMA F3226自动化模块备件
f对于4至20 mA增强范围内的所有输入▪ 每个通道可配置的缩放和偏移▪ 每个通道可选择高报警、低报警、高高报警、低低报警检测和报告▪ 模块故障报告▪ 支持逻辑程序中的诊断点故障触点▪ 正负变化率报警▪ 在编程软件中显示模块序列号、版本和日期代码。▪ 模块支持插入和取出通电的RX3i通用背板。参见第2.6.4.1节热插拔。▪ 模块支持使用WinLoader软件实用程序(如果主机CPU具有串行端口)或使用基于Web的工具(如果主机没有串行端口)进行固件升级。固件升级套件中包含说明。23 9.9.3 LED:ALG233 MODULE OK LED提供模块状态信息,如下:ON:状态正常,模块已配置;PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块397关闭:无背板电源或软件未运行(看门狗计时器超时);持续快速闪烁:未从CPU接收到配置数据;缓慢闪烁,然后熄灭:通电诊断失败或遇到代码执行错误。用户电源LED指示外部24Vdc电源在规格范围内。9.9.4规格:ALG233信道数1至16可选;(单端信道)从DC到1kHz输入阻抗250W输入低通滤波器响应23 Hz外部电源电压范围20到30 Vdc 56的交叉信道抑制>70dB在存在严重辐射射频干扰(IEC 61000-4-3,10V/m)的情况下,精度可能会降低到满量程的±5%。57在存在严重传导射频干扰(IEC 61000-4-6,10Vrms)的情况下,精度可能会降低到满量程的±0.5%。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块398外部电源电压纹波10%功耗120 mA来自背板上的+5Vdc总线来自24Vdc外部用户电源65 mA(除了电流回路电流)对于产品标准和一般规范,参考附录A.9.9.5配置:ALG233模块设置:ALG23参数选择描述活动信道1至16要扫描的信道数量。通道按连续顺序扫描。通道值参考模块。通道值参考长度只读取决于活动通道的数量。每个通道提供两个字的模拟输入数据。启用诊断报告级别。诊断参考长度只读通道诊断数据所需的内存量。启用模块级诊断报告时,模块中的32位诊断信息。模块状态参考长度0,32报告给CPU的模块状态位数。数据格式如下图所示。58注意:要支持此功能,应在Machine Edition中启用Variable Mode属性。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第10节GFK-2314T 2019年9月模拟输入模块399当设置为0时,状态报告被禁用。要启用状态报告,请将此参数设置为0以外的值。I/O扫描集1至32将模块I/O状态数据分配给CPU配置中定义的扫描集。确定RX3i轮询数据输入默认强制关闭(默认)或保持最后状态的频率。如果模块发生故障或移除,此参数指定模块所有通道值参考的状态。强制关闭=通道值清除为0。保持最后状态=频道保持其最后状态。
or all inputs in 4 to 20 mA Enhanced Range ▪ Configurable scaling and offsets per channel ▪ High alarm, low alarm, high-high alarm, low-low alarm detection and reporting selectable per channel ▪ Module fault reporting ▪ Supports diagnostic point fault contacts in the logic program ▪ Positive and negative Rate of Change Alarms ▪ Display of module serial number, revision and date code in programming software. ▪ Module supports insertion into and removal from an RX3i Universal Backplane which is under power. Refer to Hot Insertion and Removal, Section ▪ Module supports firmware upgrades using the WinLoader software utility (if the host CPU has a serial port) or using a Web-based tool (if the host CPU has no serial port). Instructions are included with the firmware upgrade kit.23 9.9.3 LEDs: ALG233 The MODULE OK LED provides module status information as follows: ON: status is OK, module configured; PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 397 OFF: no backplane power or software not running (watchdog timer timed out); Continuous rapid blinking: configuration data not received from CPU; Slow blinking, then OFF: failed power-up diagnostics or encountered code execution error. The USER SUPPLY LED indicates that the external 24Vdc supply is within specifications. 9.9.4 Specifications: ALG233 Number of Channels 1 to 16 selectable; (single-ended channels) Cross-Channel Rejection > 70dB from DC to 1kHz Input Impedance 250W Input Low Pass Filter Response 23 Hz External Supply Voltage Range 20 to 30 Vdc 56 In the presence of severe Radiated RF interference (IEC 61000-4-3, 10V/m), accuracy may be degraded to ±5% of full scale. 57 In the presence of severe Conducted RF interference (IEC 61000-4-6, 10Vrms), accuracy may be degraded to ±0.5% of full scale. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 398 External Supply Voltage Ripple 10% Power Consumption 120 mA from the +5Vdc bus on the backplane 65 mA from 24Vdc external user power supply (in addition to current loop currents) For product standards and general specifications, refer to Appendix A. 9.9.5 Configuration: ALG233 Module Settings: ALG233 Parameter Choices Description Active Channels 1 to 16 The number of channels to be scanned. Channels are scanned in sequential, contiguous order. Channel Value Reference module. Channel Value Reference Length Read-only Depends on the number of active channels. Each channel provides two words of analog input data Level Diagnostic Reporting is enabled. Diagnostic Reference Length Read-only The amount of memory required for the channel diagnostics data. When Module Level Diagnostic Reporting is enabled, 32 bits of diagnostic rom the module. Module Status Reference Length 0, 32 The number of module status bits reported to the CPU. Data format is displayed in the following figure. 58 Note: To support this feature, Variable Mode property should be enabled in Machine Edition. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 10 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Analog Input Modules 399 When set to 0, status reporting is disabled. To enable status reporting, set this parameter to a value other than 0. I/O Scan Set 1 through 32 Assigns the module I/O status data to a scan set defined in the CPU configuration. Determines how often the RX3i polls the data Inputs Default Force Off (default) or Hold Last State In the event of module failure or removal, this parameter specifies the state of all Channel Value References for the module. Force Off = Channel Values clear to 0. Hold Last State = Channels hold their last state.