四、系统方案设计 1. 系统电气设计 1.1三水厂的净水厂 根据实际工况要求设计主回路电气结构图,选用CL2700高压变频器一拖一的成功方案。如图5所示。一拖一的两台电机互为备用。
以3#水泵为例说明,工作原理是由3个真空接触器KM31、KM32、KM33以及2个高压隔离开关QS31、QS32组成(如图5),其中KM31、KM32、KM33为高压真空接触器,用于变频和工频的电动切换。QS31和QS32为高压隔离开关,一般情况下处于合闸状态,仅在变频器检修时拉开,用于电机工频运行情况下对变频器进行安全检修。 特点: 1)可以实现工频/变频自动切换功能。在变频器出现严重故障时,系统能够自动切入工频电网中,断开变频器时,负载不用停机,满足现场不能停机要求。 2)易实现四运两备运行方式。即一台变频运行,三台工频运行,二台工频备用;四台工频运行,一台工频备用,一台变频备用。 1. 2某水厂的取水厂 选用CL2700型高压变频器一拖一的成功方案。如图6所示。 以1#水泵为例说明,工作原理是由3个真空接触器KM11、KM12、KM13以及2个高压隔离开关QS11、QS12组成(如图6),其中KM11、KM12、KM13为高压真空接触器,用于变频和工频的电动切换。QS11和QS12为高压隔离开关,一般情况下处于合闸状态,仅在变频器检修时拉开,用于电机工频运行情况下对变频器进行安全检修。 高压变频器工作特点: 1)可以实现工/变频自动切换功能。在变频器出现严重故障时,系统能够自动切入工频电网中,断开变频器时,负载不用停机,满足现场不能停机要求。 2)易实现三运一备运行方式。即一台变频运行,二台工频运行,一台工频备用;三台工频运行,一台变频备用。 氮氧化物(NOx)是大气主要污染物之一control has gradually entered people's production and life, such as the start and stop of municipal water supply pumps, the collection of sewage treatment flow and liquid level, the temperature and humidity of intelligent buildings, the data collection and transmission of machine room, the collection and transmission of agricultural irrigation flow, the collection and transmission of signals such as air, water and gas of industrial boilers, etc. The analog current or voltage signal output by PLC acquisition module or DCS system directly controls the remote execution equipment, which often causes signal attenuation and distortion due to long-distance transmission, and sometimes causes signal error due to other external signal interference, affecting the normal operation of the whole system. Therefore, htd-4002 can convert the analog signal output by the sensor into digital (A / D conversion) signal, apply industria