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HIMA F3330处理器卡件,机械设备卡件

HIMA F3330处理器卡件,机械设备卡件

HIMA F3330处理器卡件,机械设备卡件▪ IC694PWR331:串行扩展电源,24Vdc,大容量▪ 不允许在扩展背板上热插拔模块。▪ 每个扩展背板都有一个机架编号选择DIP开关(图18),必须在模块安装前设置。▪ 每个扩展背板的右端都有一个总线扩展连接器,用于连接可选的扩展电缆。连接扩展背板和通用背板的电缆长度不得超过50英尺(15米)。如果系统包括Series 90-30 Remote...

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HIMA F3330处理器卡件,机械设备卡件

    HIMA F3330处理器卡件,机械设备卡件

    ▪ IC694PWR331:串行扩展电源,24Vdc,大容量▪ 不允许在扩展背板上热插拔模块。▪ 每个扩展背板都有一个机架编号选择DIP开关(图18),必须在模块安装前设置。▪ 每个扩展背板的右端都有一个总线扩展连接器,用于连接可选的扩展电缆。连接扩展背板和通用背板的电缆长度不得超过50英尺(15米)。如果系统包括Series 90-30 Remote Backplane(Series 90-30远程背板),还必须遵守第1.3节至第1.5节中总结的附加要求。通用背板扩展背板高达15米(50英尺)扩展背板I/O总线终端电阻器扩展背板扩展背板图76:带扩展背板机架的RX3i系统示例PACSystems*RX3i System Manual第5节IC694电源,必须在RX3i串行扩展(IC694)背板中使用。以下章节列出了各个电源规格。IC695电源每台可提供高达40 W的功率。IC694(扩展)电源每个最多提供30 W。然而,IC694PWR321在+5Vdc输出上限制为15瓦。所有输出的总和不得超过规定的负载容量(瓦特)。PME Logic Developer将自动计算添加到系统配置中的模块的功耗。本节显示了系统模块的电源要求,以供规划系统时参考。下表显示了每种电源的最大负载。目录号可位于标称输入负载容量6负载分配中,冗余最大值+3.3Vdc最大值+5Vdc最大值+24Vdc隔离最大值+24V直流继电器6电源必须能够提供背板中所有硬件组件以及扩展上连接到隔离+24V直流电源的所有负载(第2.6.6.3节)可能会施加在其上的内部和外部负载的总和,以适合每个电源的工作方式应用4.1.2 24Vdc隔离电源IC695电源没有隔离+24V dc输出端子。RX3i通用背板提供外部输入端子(TB1),用于连接可选的隔离+24V直流外部电源。第4.2节“模块负载要求”表中列出了从背板汲取+24V直流电的模块。有关如何连接到端子TB1的详细信息,请参阅通用背板TB1输入端子。4.1.3 RX3i IC695电源输出IC695的电源具有+5.1Vdc、+24V直流继电器和3.3Vdc输出,这些输出连接在背板的内部。安装在背板上的模块所需的电压和功率通过背板连接器提供。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第5节GFK-2314T 2019年9月电源85背板5.1 V稳压器3.3 V稳压器AC线24V继电器5.1V 3.3V 0V图77:电源IC695PSA040背板5.1 V调节器3.3 V稳压器DC线24V继电器5.1 V 3.3V OV+的输出-图78:电源IC69PSD040和IC695PSD140的输出4.1.4 RX3i IC694电源输出IC694功率电源具有+5Vdc、继电器+24V dc和隔离+24V dc输出,这些输出内部连接在背板上。安装在背板上的模块所需的电压和功率通过背板连接器提供。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第5节GFK-2314T 2019年9月电源86电源背板DC DC R24V RGND 5V LGND FGND 2点连接单点连接IC694模拟输入、模拟输出、,和直流输入模块也可用于直流输入模块的外部端子和IC694电源的前面,用于用户应用用户内部通过IC694继电器输出说明I24V I GND主要电源用于操作IC694模块上的大多数内部电路外部

    ▪ IC694PWR331: Serial Expansion Power Supply, 24Vdc, High Capacity ▪ Module Hot Insertion and Removal are NOT permitted on Expansion Backplanes. ▪ Each Expansion Backplane has a Rack Number Selection DIP switch (Figure 18) that must be set before module installation. ▪ Each Expansion Backplane has a Bus Expansion connector at its right end for attaching an optional expansion cable. There can be no more than 50 feet (15 meters) of cable connecting Expansion backplanes with the Universal Backplane. If the system includes Series 90-30 Remote Backplanes, the additional requirements summarized in Section 1.3 through Section 1.5 must also be observed. Universal Backplane Expansion Backplane Up to 15 meters (50 Ft) Expansion Backplane I/O Bus Terminating Resistor Expansion Backplane Expansion Backplane Figure 76: Example RX3i System with Expansion Backplane Racks PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 5 IC694 Power Supplies, which must be used in RX3i Serial Expansion (IC694) Backplanes. Individual power supply specifications are listed in the following sections. The IC695 Power Supplies provide up to 40 W each. The IC694 (Expansion) Power Supplies provide up to 30 W each. However, IC694PWR321 is limited to 15 Watts on the +5Vdc output. The total of all outputs combined cannot exceed the stated load capacity in Watts. PME Logic Developer will automatically calculate the power consumption of modules as they are added to the system configuration. Power requirements of system modules are shown in this section, for reference when planning the system. The maximum load for each type of power supply is displayed in the following table. Catalog Number Can be Located In Nominal Input Load Capacity6 Load Sharing, Redundancy Max +3.3Vdc Max +5Vdc Max +24Vdc Isolated Max +24Vdc Relay 6 A power supply must be able to provide the total of the internal and external loads that may be placed upon it by all the hardware components in the backplane as well as by all the loads that may be connected to the Isolated +24Vdc supply on an expansion (Section as appropriate for how each power supply is being applied. 4.1.2 24Vdc Isolated Power The IC695 Power Supplies do not have Isolated +24Vdc output terminals. The RX3i Universal Backplane provides external input terminals (TB1) for connecting an optional Isolated +24Vdc external supply. Modules that draw +24Vdc from the backplane are listed in the table Module Load Requirements, Section 4.2. Refer to Universal Backplane TB1 Input Terminals for details on how to wire to terminal TB1. 4.1.3 RX3i IC695 Power Supply Outputs The IC695 power supplies have +5.1Vdc, +24Vdc Relay, and 3.3Vdc outputs that are connected internally on the backplane. The voltage and power required by modules installed on the backplane is supplied through the backplane connectors. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 5 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Power Supplies 85 Backplane 5.1 V Regulator 3.3 V Regulator AC Line 24V Relay 5.1V 3.3V 0V Figure 77: Outputs of Power Supply IC695PSA040 Backplane 5.1 V Regulator 3.3 V Regulator DC Line 24V Relay 5.1V 3.3V 0V + - Figure 78: Outputs of Power Supply IC695PSD040 & IC695PSD140 4.1.4 RX3i IC694 Power Supply Outputs The IC694 power supplies have +5Vdc, Relay +24Vdc and Isolated +24Vdc outputs that are connected internally on the backplane. The voltage and power required by modules installed on the backplane is supplied through the backplane connectors. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 5 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Power Supplies 86 Power Supply Backplane DC DC R24V RGND 5V LGND FGND 2-Point Connection Single Point Connection Used internally by IC694 analog input, analog output, and DC input modules Also available on external terminals of DC Input Modules and on front of IC694 Power Supplies for user applications User internally by IC694 Relay Outputs Description I24V I GND Primary power to operate most internal circuits on IC694 modules External



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    品牌: HIMA

    型号:  HIMA F3330 




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