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HIMA F4111a模块备件,工控模块系统备件

HIMA F4111a模块备件,工控模块系统备件

HIMA F4111a模块备件,工控模块系统备件图19:背板水平安装时对额定负载的影响,垂直安装电源额定负载为:▪ 25C(77F)时的温度–满载▪ 60C(140F)时的温度–满载的50%图20:水平安装PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装34 2.6.3在19英寸机架中安装背板IC693ACC308前安装适配器支架(图21)可用于将10插槽扩展背板...

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HIMA F4111a模块备件,工控模块系统备件

    HIMA F4111a模块备件,工控模块系统备件

    图19:背板水平安装时对额定负载的影响,垂直安装电源额定负载为:▪ 25°C(77°F)时的温度–满载▪ 60°C(140°F)时的温度–满载的50%图20:水平安装PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装34 2.6.3在19英寸机架中安装背板IC693ACC308前安装适配器支架(图21)可用于将10插槽扩展背板IC694CHS392安装到19英寸机架的正面。通过将适配器支架顶部和底部的卡舌插入塑料背板盖顶部和底部相应的插槽,安装适配器支架。无需拆下盖即可安装支架。支架就位后,将两个螺钉(随支架一起提供)穿过背板孔的背面插入并拧紧到支架的螺纹孔中。将两个螺钉(一个在顶部;一个在底部)从基板背面穿过基板安装孔插入支架上的螺纹孔。拧紧两个螺钉,将支架固定到基板上。基板右侧图21:IC693ACC308前安装适配器支架使用IC693ACC 308前安装连接器支架机架安装背板的尺寸如图22所示。480 mm(18.89 in)469 mm(18.47 in)图22:带IC693ACC308前安装适配器支架的背板尺寸PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装35 IC693ACC 313嵌入式安装适配器支架可用于在19“机架内将10插槽扩展背板IC694CHS392嵌入式安装。此支架不能与通用背板一起使用。使用四个8-32(4mm)螺钉、螺母、锁紧垫圈和平垫圈将扩展背板安装在此适配器支架的后面板上。适配器支架使用适用的硬件(建议使用锁紧垫圈)通过其四个槽孔螺栓连接到19“机架的表面。直径4.06mm(0.160英寸)。x 4 21.4mm(0.842英寸)8.8mm(0.346英寸)内428mm(16.850英寸)460.3mm(18.122英寸)90mm(3.540英寸)7.1mm(0.280英寸)34.7mm(1.368英寸)11.2mm(0.439英寸)41.4mm(1.630英寸)101.6mm(4.00英寸)图23:IC693ACC313嵌入式安装适配器支架2.6.3.1接地机架安装扩展背板如果使用适配器将扩展背板安装在19英寸机架中支架,机架必须按照“系统接地程序”一节所述正确接地。此外,应根据背板安全接地一节中的指南,使用与PLC背板分开的接地线将背板接地。▪ 对于嵌入式安装适配器支架(IC693ACC313),可以在接地连接到嵌入式安装适配器托架的情况下安装接地线。应安装一根额外的接地线,将适配器支架连接到坚实的底盘接地。▪ 对于表面安装适配器支架(IC693ACC308),应将接地线从背板连接至机架上的坚实底盘接地。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装36 2.6.4模块2.6.4.1热插拔通常,通用背板(IC695CHS007、CHS012或CHS016)中的模块可以在系统通电时安装或拆除。这包括提供给模块的背板电源和现场电源。然而,没有CPU模块属于此类。下表列出了不支持此功能或尚未验证是否支持此功能的I/O模块。注意:对于支持热插拔的产品,模块必须在闩锁接合的情况下正确固定在托架上,并且所有引脚在2秒内连接。拆卸时,模块必须在2秒内完全脱离托架。在插入或移除过程中,模块不能保持部分插入,这一点很重要。模块的拆卸和插入之间必须至少间隔两秒。注意:当系统通电时,无法从通用背板安装或卸下CPU模块。在安装或卸下CPU之前,必须断开系统电源。以下模块支持热插拔,限制如下:目录号热插拔兼容说明/热插拔功能限制IC693ACC300是IC694ACC300是IC 695ALG106是IC695ALG112是IC693ALG222是-修订版FA和更高版本E及更早版本不支持热插拔。

    Figure 19: Effect on Load Rating, Vertical Mounting Power supply load ratings with the backplane mounted horizontally are: ▪ Temperature at 25°C (77°F) – full load ▪ Temperature at 60°C (140°F) – 50% of full load Figure 20: Effect on Load Rating, Horizontal Mounting PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 3 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Installation 34 2.6.3 Mounting a Backplane in a 19-Inch Rack The IC693ACC308 Front Mount Adapter Bracket (Figure 21) can be used to mount a 10-Slot Expansion Backplane, IC694CHS392, to the front face of a 19-inch rack. Install the adapter bracket by inserting the tabs at the top and bottom of the adapter bracket into the corresponding slots at the top and bottom of the plastic backplane cover. It is not necessary to remove the cover to install the bracket. With the bracket in place, insert and tighten the two screws (included with the bracket) through the back of the backplane holes into the threaded holes in the bracket. Insert two screws (one at top; one at bottom) from the back of the baseplate through the baseplate mounting holes into tapped holes in the bracket. Tighten both screws to secure the bracket to the baseplate. Right side of Baseplate Figure 21: IC693ACC308 Front Mount Adapter Bracket Dimensions for rack mounting a backplane with the IC693ACC308 Front Mount Adapter Bracket are displayed in Figure 22. 480 mm (18.89 in) 469 mm (18.47 in) Figure 22: Dimensions for Backplane with IC693ACC308 Front Mount Adapter Bracket PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 3 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Installation 35 The IC693ACC313 Recessed Mount Adapter Bracket can be used to recess-mount a 10-Slot Expansion Backplane, IC694CHS392, inside a 19” rack. This bracket cannot be used with a Universal Backplane. An Expansion Backplane mounts on the rear panel of this adapter bracket using four 8-32 (4mm) screws, nuts, lock washers, and flat washers. The Adapter Bracket bolts through its four slotted holes to the face of the 19” rack using applicable hardware (lock washers recommended). 4.06mm (0.160 inch) dia. x 4 21.4mm (0.842 inch) 8.8mm (0.346 inch) inside 428mm (16.850 inches) 460.3mm (18.122 inches) 90mm (3.540 inches) 7.1mm (0.280 inch) 34.7mm (1.368 inch) 11.2mm (0.439 inch) 41.4mm (1.630 inches) 101.6mm (4.00 inches) Figure 23: IC693ACC313 Recessed Mount Adapter Bracket Grounding Rack-Mounted Expansion Backplanes If an Expansion Backplane is mounted in a 19-inch rack using an Adapter bracket, the rack must be properly grounded as described in the section, System Grounding Procedures. In addition, the backplane should be grounded according to the guidelines in the section, Backplane Safety Grounding, using a separate ground wire from the PLC backplane. ▪ For a Recessed Mount Adapter Bracket (IC693ACC313), the ground wire can be installed with the ground attached to the Recessed Mount Adapter Bracket. An additional ground wire should be installed that connects the Adapter Bracket to a solid chassis ground. ▪ For a Surface Mount Adapter Bracket (IC693ACC308), the ground wire should be run from the backplane to a solid chassis ground on the rack. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 3 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Installation 36 2.6.4 Modules Hot Insertion and Removal In general, modules in a Universal Backplane (IC695CHS007, CHS012 or CHS016) can be installed or removed while power is applied to the system. This includes backplane power and field power supplied to the module. However, no CPU modules fall into this category. The following table lists the I/O modules that do not support this feature or have not yet been verified to support this feature. Note: For products that support hot insertion, the module must be properly seated on the carrier with the latch engaged and all pins connected within 2 seconds. For removal, the module must be completely disengaged from the carrier within 2 seconds. It is important that the module not remain partially inserted during the insertion or removal process. There must be at a minimum of two seconds between the removal and insertion of modules. Note: A CPU module cannot be installed or removed from a Universal Backplane while power is applied to system. System power must be removed before installing or removing the CPU. The following modules support hot insertion and removal, with restrictions as noted: Catalog Number Hot-Swap Compatible Notes / Restrictions on Hot Swap Capability IC693ACC300 Yes IC694ACC300 Yes IC695ALG106 Yes IC695ALG112 Yes IC693ALG222 Yes - Revision FA & later Revision E & earlier do not support hot swap.






    品牌: HIMA

    型号: HIMA F4111a 




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