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HIMA F8601模块

HIMA F8601模块

HIMA F8601模块电缆和连接器。带有扩展高密度接线板(如接线板IC694TBB132)的模块整体深约½英寸(13mm)。图11:RX3i串行扩展背板尺寸和间距2.4系统布线遵循以下信息,以避免可能的I/O模块布线错误:▪ 标记进出I/O设备的所有导线。在进入模块面板门的插件上记录电路识别号或其他相关数据。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装25▪...

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HIMA F8601模块

    HIMA F8601模块

    电缆和连接器。带有扩展高密度接线板(如接线板IC694TBB132)的模块整体深约½英寸(13mm)。图11:RX3i串行扩展背板尺寸和间距2.4系统布线遵循以下信息,以避免可能的I/O模块布线错误:▪ 标记进出I/O设备的所有导线。在进入模块面板门的插件上记录电路识别号或其他相关数据。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装25▪ 电线应进行布线,以使每个现场I/O连接器相对于其各自的模块固定。警告:除此处提供的信息外,请始终遵守适用于您所在区域或设备类型的所有接线和安全规范。例如,在美国,大多数地区都采用了国家电气规范标准,并规定所有布线都符合其要求。在其他国家,将适用不同的规范。为了确保人员和财产的最大安全,您必须遵守这些规范。否则可能导致人身伤害或死亡、财产损失或破坏,或两者兼而有之。2.4.1颜色编码电线这些颜色编码通常用于美国制造的工业设备。如果它们与适用于您所在地区或设备类型的代码不同,请遵循适用的代码。除了满足代码要求,电线颜色编码使测试和故障排除更安全、更快、更容易。▪ 绿色或带条纹的绿色-接地▪ 黑色-主交流▪ 红色-辅助交流▪ 蓝色-DC▪ 白色-普通或中性▪ 黄色-辅助电源不受主断路器控制。提醒维护人员,即使设备与主电源断开,也可能存在电源(来自外部电源)。2.4.2电线布线为了减少PLC电线之间的噪声耦合,应将交流电源线和离散输出模块线等电气噪声布线与直流和模拟输入模块线或通信电缆等低电平信号布线分开。在可行的情况下,单独分组以下类型的接线:▪ 交流电源接线包括PLC电源的交流输入,以及控制柜中的其他交流设备。▪ 模拟输入或输出模块接线应屏蔽,以进一步减少噪声耦合。▪ 离散输出模块接线通常包括开关电感负载,在关闭时会产生噪声尖峰。▪ 直流输入模块接线虽然在内部受到抑制,但属于低电平输入,应通过观察这些接线实践进一步防止噪声耦合。▪ 通信电缆是产生噪声的布线电缆,应远离Genius总线或串行电缆等布线。PACSystems*RX3i系统手册第3节GFK-2314T 2019年9月安装26如果交流或输出接线束必须经过噪声敏感信号接线束附近,请避免将它们并排运行。如果它们必须穿过,请将它们以直角布线,以尽量减少它们之间的耦合。将类似模块分组以保持电线隔离如果可行,将背板上的类似模块分组在一起可有助于保持电线隔离。例如,一个背板可以仅包含AC模块,而另一个背板只能包含DC模块,并进一步按输入和输出类型进行分组。2.5系统接地控制系统的所有部件及其控制的设备必须正确接地。这一点特别重要,原因如下:▪ 从系统所有部件到接地的低电阻路径可在短路或设备故障的情况下最大限度地减少冲击。▪ RX3i系统需要正确接地才能正常工作。▪ PLC系统中组合在一起的所有背板必须具有公共接地连接。

    cables and connectors. Modules with Extended High-Density Terminal Blocks (such as Terminal Block IC694TBB132) are approximately ½-inch (13mm) deeper overall. Figure 11: RX3i Serial Expansion Backplane Dimensions and Spacing 2.4 System Wiring Adhere to the following information to avoid possible misrouting of wiring to I/O modules: ▪ Label all wires to and from I/O devices. Record circuit identification numbers or other pertinent data on the inserts that go into the faceplate door of the module. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 3 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Installation 25 ▪ Wires should be dressed so that each field I/O connector is fixed relative to its respective module. WARNING In addition to information provided here, always follow all wiring and safety codes that apply to your area or your type of equipment. For example, in the United States, most areas have adopted the National Electrical Code standard and specify that all wiring conform to its requirements. In other countries, different codes will apply. For maximum safety to personnel and property you must follow these codes. Failure to do so can lead to personal injury or death, property damage or destruction, or both. 2.4.1 Color Coding Wires These color codes are commonly used in industrial equipment manufactured in the United States. Where they differ from codes that apply to your area or your type of equipment, follow your applicable codes instead. Besides satisfying code requirements, wire color coding makes testing and troubleshooting safer, faster, and easier. ▪ Green or green with stripe- Ground ▪ Black - Primary AC ▪ Red - Secondary AC ▪ Blue - DC ▪ White - Common or neutral ▪ Yellow - Secondary power source not controlled by the main disconnect. Alerts maintenance personnel that there may be power present (from an external source) even if the equipment is disconnected from its main power source. 2.4.2 Wire Routing To reduce noise-coupling among PLC wires, electrically-noisy wiring such as AC power wiring and discrete output module wiring should be separated from low-level signal wiring such as DC and analog input module wiring or communications cables. Where practical, group separately the following types of wiring: ▪ AC power wiring includes the AC input to the PLC power supply, as well as other AC devices in the control cabinet. ▪ Analog Input or Output Module wiring should be shielded to further reduce noise coupling. ▪ Discrete Output Module wiring often includes switch-inductive loads that produce noise spikes when switched off. ▪ DC Input Module wiring, although suppressed internally, are low-level inputs that should be further protected against noise coupling by observing these wiring practices. ▪ Communications Cables are noise-producing wiring cables from which wiring such as Genius bus or serial cables should be kept away. PACSystems* RX3i System Manual Section 3 GFK-2314T Sept. 2019 Installation 26 Where AC or Output wiring bundles must pass near noise-sensitive signal wiring bundles, avoid running them beside each other. If they have to cross, route them a right angle to minimize coupling between them. Grouping of Similar Modules to Keep Wires Segregated If practical, grouping similar modules together on the backplanes can help keep wiring segregated. For example, one backplane could contain AC modules only, while another could contain DC modules only, with further grouping by input and output types. 2.5 System Grounding All components of a control system and the devices it is controlling must be properly grounded. This is particularly important for the following reasons: ▪ A low-resistance path from all parts of a system to earth minimizes exposure to shock in the event of short circuits or equipment malfunction. ▪ The RX3i system requires proper grounding for correct operation. ▪ All backplanes grouped together in the PLC system must have a common ground connection.




    品牌: HIMA

    型号:  F8601 




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