HONEYWELL 51305959-175 CC-TAIM01系统模块卡件
D报警接地故障报警kVA需求报警kvar需求报警kW需求报警打开RTD报警过载报警过转矩过压报警压力开关。报警无功功率报警远程报警RTD11报警短路/低RTD报警定子RTD 1报警定子RTD 2报警定子RTD 3报警定子RTD 4报警定子RTD 5报警定子RTD 6报警转速计报警热模型报警跳闸线圈超跳闸计数器报警欠流报警欠压报警振动开关。报警电压。频率报警焊接接触器OTHER 469未插入控制电源应用控制电源丢失紧急继电器。关闭紧急停止。打开强制继电器服务警报模拟开始模拟停止启动而阻止消息退出消息退出消息返回消息退出5-24 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 5.7 A6产品信息5实际值5 5.7A6产品信息5.7.1 469型号信息路径:实际值×A6产品信息469型号。当装置通电时,可在此处查看469型号的所有信息向上的如果出现产品软件升级或服务问题,在进行任何查询之前,应记下此处显示的信息。5.7.2校准信息路径:实际值×A6产品信息×校准信息可在此处查看原始校准和上次校准的日期。n 469型号信息n[ENTER]了解更多订单代码:ESCAPE GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器5-25 5实际值5.8诊断5.8诊断5.8.1诊断信息某些实际值信息有助于诊断跳闸、报警或启动块的原因。469自动默认为最重要的消息。层次结构是跳闸和预跳闸消息、报警,最后是启动块锁定。为了简化操作,消息LED(指示灯)将闪烁,提示操作员按键。按下时,将自动显示下一条相关信息。469通过每个按键循环消息。当所有这些条件都清除后,469将恢复为正常的默认信息。如果469没有显示默认信息,因为正在查看其他实际值或设定值信息,并且没有跳闸、报警或阻塞,则信息LED(指示灯)将一直亮起。从消息结构的任何一点,按键将使469恢复到正常的默认消息。当显示正常默认信息时,按将立即显示下一条默认信息。示例:当发生过载跳闸时,由于过载和与跳闸相关的锁定时间,也可能发生RTD报警。469自动默认为A1 STATUS(A1状态)×LAST TRIP DATA(最后一次跳闸数据)实际值信息,且信息LED闪烁。按键循环显示时间和日期戳信息以及所有行车前数据。当到达此队列的底部时,再次按下通常会返回到队列的顶部。但是,由于报警处于激活状态,显示屏会跳到A1 STATUS×alarm STATUS队列顶部的报警消息。同样,再次按下会跳转到A1 STATUS(A1状态)×START BLOCK(启动块)×RESTART BLOCK LOCKOUT(重启块锁定)信息。最后一次按下一次,返回原始的“最后一次跳闸原因”信息,并且可以重复该循环。按下后,热RTD状态不再存在,且锁定时间已过,显示屏将恢复为正常的默认消息。LAST TRIP DATA(最后跳闸数据):响应某些按键时显示的CAUSE OF LAST(最后原因)。这些消息旨在通过解释发生的情况或提示用户执行某些操作来帮助导航469条消息。•已存储新设定点:每次更改并存储设定点时,都会显示此消息,如显示屏所示。•已存储舍入设定值:用数字键盘输入的设定值可能介于有效设定值之间。469检测到这种情况,并存储一个四舍五入到最近的有效设定值的值。要查找给定设定点的有效范围和步长,只需在显示设定点时按下。•超出范围!输入:####-#####by#:如果输入的设定值超出了可接受的值范围,469将显示此消息,并用正确的值替换该设定值。然后可以输入适当的值。•拒绝访问,短访问开关:为了存储任何设定值,访问开关必须短接。如果出现此消息并且需要更改设置点,则短接入终端C1和C2。•拒绝访问,输入密码:469具有密码安全功能。如果启用了该功能,不仅必须短接访问开关端子,还必须输入密码。如果丢失或忘记了正确的密码,请使用加密的密码与工厂联系。参见第4–6页第4.2.1节:密码
D Alarm Ground Fault Alarm kVA Demand Alarm kvar Demand Alarm kW Demand Alarm Open RTD Alarm Overload Alarm Overtorque Overvoltage Alarm Pressure Sw. Alarm Reactive Power Alarm Remote Alarm RTD11 Alarm Short/Low RTD Alarm Stator RTD 1 Alarm Stator RTD 2 Alarm Stator RTD 3 Alarm Stator RTD 4 Alarm Stator RTD 5 Alarm Stator RTD 6 Alarm Tachometer Alarm Thermal Model Alarm Trip Coil Super Trip Counter Alarm Undercurrent Alarm Underpower Alarm Undervoltage Alarm Vibration Sw. Alarm Volt. Frequency Alarm Welded Contactor OTHER 469 Not Inserted Control Power Applied Control Power Lost Emergency Rst. Close Emergency Rst. Open Forced Relay Service Alarm Simulation Started Simulation Stopped Start While Blocked MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE 5-24 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 5.7 A6 PRODUCT INFO 5 ACTUAL VALUES 5 5.7A6 PRODUCT INFO 5.7.1 469 MODEL INFORMATION PATH: ACTUAL VALUES Õ× A6 PRODUCT INFO Õ 469 MODEL INFO All of the 469 model information may be viewed here when the unit is powered up. In the event of a product software upgrade or service question, the information shown here should be jotted down prior to any inquiry. 5.7.2 CALIBRATION INFORMATION PATH: ACTUAL VALUES Õ× A6 PRODUCT INFO Õ× CALIBRATION INFO The date of the original calibration and last calibration may be viewed here. n 469 MODEL INFO n [ENTER] for more ORDER CODE: ESCAPE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 5-25 5 ACTUAL VALUES 5.8 DIAGNOSTICS 5 5.8DIAGNOSTICS 5.8.1 DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES Some actual value messages are helpful in diagnosing the cause of Trips, Alarms, or Start Blocks. The 469 automatically defaults to the most important message. The hierarchy is Trip and PreTrip messages, Alarm, and lastly, Start Block Lockout. To simplify things, the Message LED (indicator) will flash, prompting the operator to press the key. When is pressed, the next relevant message is automatically displayed. The 469 cycles through the messages with each keypress. When all of these conditions have cleared, the 469 reverts back to the normal default messages. Any time the 469 is not displaying the default messages because other Actual Value or Setpoint messages are being viewed and there are no trips, alarms, or blocks, the Message LED (indicator) will be on solid. From any point in the message structure, pressing the key will cause the 469 to revert back to the normal default messages. When normal default messages are being displayed, pressing displays the next default message immediately. Example: When an overload trip occurs, an RTD alarm may also occur as a result of the overload and a lockout time associated with the trip. The 469 automatically defaults to the A1 STATUS Õ× LAST TRIP DATA Õ CAUSE OF LAST TRIP actual value message and the Message LED flashes. Pressing the key cycles through the time and date stamp information as well as all of the pre-trip data. When the bottom of this queue is reached, pressing again normally returns to the top of the queue. However, because an alarm is active, the display skips to the alarm message at the top of the A1 STATUS Õ× ALARM STATUS queue. Similarly, pressing again skips to the A1 STATUS Õ× START BLOCK Õ× RESTART BLOCK LOCKOUT message. Pressing once final time returns to the original CAUSE OF LAST TRIP message, and the cycle could be repeated. When the has been pressed, the hot RTD condition is no longer present, and the lockout time has expired, the display will revert back to the normal Default Messages. LAST TRIP DATA: CAUSE OF LAST displayed in response to certain key presses. These messages are intended to assist with navigation of the 469 messages by explaining what has happened or by prompting the user to perform certain actions. • NEW SETPOINT HAS BEEN STORED: This message appear each time a setpoint has been altered and stored as shown on the display. • ROUNDED SETPOINT HAS BEEN STORED: A setpoint value entered with the numeric keypad may be between valid setpoint values. The 469 detects this condition and stores a value that has been rounded to the nearest valid setpoint value. To find the valid range and step for a given setpoint, simply press while the setpoint is being displayed. • OUT OF RANGE! ENTER: #### - ##### by #: If an entered setpoint value that is outside of the acceptable range of values, the 469 displays this message, substituting the proper values for that setpoint. An appropriate value may then be entered. • ACCESS DENIED, SHORT ACCESS SWITCH: In order to store any setpoint values, the access switch must be shorted. If this message appears and it is necessary to change a setpoint, short access terminals C1 and C2. • ACCESS DENIED, ENTER PASSCODE: The 469 has a passcode security feature. If that feature has been enabled, not only do the access switch terminals have to be shorted, but the passcode must also be entered. If the correct passcode has been lost or forgotten, contact the factory with the encrypted access code. See Section 4.2.1: Passcode on page 4–6 for passcode features. • INVALID PASSCODE ENTERED: If an invalid passcode is entered for passcode security feature, this message will flash on the display. • NEW PASSCODE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED: This message will appear as an acknowledge that the new passcode has been accepted when changing the passcode for the passcode security feature.