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HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11 DCS工控模块备件

HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11 DCS工控模块备件

HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11 DCS工控模块备件 查看所有已编程报警或跳闸的RTD,并确定RTD是否存在短路或非常低的温度(低于–50C)。任何没有跳闸或报警的RTD都将被忽略。当检测到短路/低温时,指定的输出继电器将工作,显示屏上将显示一条信息,识别导致报警的RTD。建议使用此功能时,将报警编程为锁定,以便检测到间歇性RTD并采取纠正措施。n打开RTD传感器...

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HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11 DCS工控模块备件

    HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11 DCS工控模块备件

      查看所有已编程报警或跳闸的RTD,并确定RTD是否存在短路或非常低的温度(低于–50°C)。任何没有跳闸或报警的RTD都将被忽略。当检测到短路/低温时,指定的输出继电器将工作,显示屏上将显示一条信息,识别导致报警的RTD。建议使用此功能时,将报警编程为锁定,以便检测到间歇性RTD并采取纠正措施。n打开RTD传感器n[ENTER]更多打开RTD传感器:关闭范围:关闭,锁定,未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警,报警和辅助2,报警和辅2和辅3,报警和副3,辅助2,辅2和辅助3,辅助3打开RTD传感器报警事件:关闭范围;打开,关闭n RTD短路/低温n[ENTEP]更多RTD短路/低温度报警:关闭范围,锁定,未锁定的ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS(分配报警继电器):报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅3、报警和副3,总线未通电时报警或跳闸。如果该设定点编程为“是”,则任何报警/跳闸至少有一个电压必须大于额定铭牌电压额定值的20%。如果负载具有高惯性,则可能需要使电机离线跳闸或在线路电压完全损失的情况下防止电机启动。将该设定点编程为“否”可确保电机跳闸,只有在总线重新通电后才能重新启动。如果启用了欠压报警或跳闸功能,一旦运行时Va、Vb或Vc的幅值低于拾取电平,或启动时启动拾取电平(延迟指定的时间段),将发生跳闸或报警(拾取电平是电机铭牌电压的倍数)。当电机停止且U/V ACTIVE ONLY IF BUS ENERGIZED(仅当总线通电)设定点编程为“否”时,运行拾取水平也适用。在恒定负载下运行的电机上的欠压会导致电流增加。继电器热模型通常会发现这种情况并提供充分的保护。然而,该设置点可与时间延迟一起使用,以提供额外的保护,该保护可编程为跳闸提前警告。当电源电压已经下降时,尝试启动大型电机也可能是不可取的。启动电机时持续存在的严重欠压可能会阻止电机达到额定转速。这对于同步电机来说尤其重要。此功能可与时间延迟一起使用,以在开启、关闭欠压跳闸之前为欠压条件提供保护:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅助3、跳闸和附属3欠压跳闸拾取:0.80 x额定范围:0.60至0.99 x,或Vc在延迟指定的时间段内高于拾取电平,则会发生跳闸或报警(拾取电平是电机铭牌电压的倍数)。在恒定负载下运行的电机上的过电压会导致电流降低。然而,铁和铜损失增加,导致电机温度升高。电流过载继电器不会检测到这种情况并提供足够的保护。因此,过电压元件可用于在持续过电压情况下保护电机。4.10.3相位反转路径:设置点×S9电压元件×相位反转469可检测三相电压的相位旋转。如果所有三相电压均大于电机铭牌电压的50%时,相位反转功能开启,且三相电压的相位旋转与设定值不同,则跳闸和闭塞启动将在500至700毫秒内发生。启用单VT操作时,此功能不起作用。n过压n[ENTER]了解更多过压报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅3、报警和副3、辅助2、辅助2和辅助3、,辅助3过电压报警传感器:1.05 x额定1.10 x额定范围:1.01至1.10 x额定值,步长为0.01过电压跳闸延迟:3.0 s范围:0.5至60.0 s,步长为0.1 n相位反转n[ENTER],更多相位反转跳闸:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和Aux2和Aux3,跳闸和辅助设备3输入ESCAPE♥信息退出信息退出信息离开信息退出信息脱离信息退出信息进入信息退出信息注意GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-59 4设定值

    look at all RTDs that have either an alarm or trip programmed and determine if an RTD has either a short or a very low temperature (less than –50°C). Any RTDs that do not have a trip or alarm associated with them will be ignored for this feature. When a short/low temperature is detected, the assigned output relay will operate and a message will appear on the display identifying the RTD that caused the alarm. It is recommended that if this feature is used, the alarm be programmed as latched so that intermittent RTDs are detected and corrective action may be taken. n OPEN RTD SENSOR n [ENTER] for more OPEN RTD SENSOR: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 OPEN RTD SENSOR ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off n RTD SHORT/LOW TEMP n [ENTER] for more RTD SHORT/LOW TEMP ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, alarms or trips when the bus is not energized. If this setpoint is programmed to "Yes", at least one voltage must be greater than 20% of the nominal nameplate voltage rating for any alarm/trip. If the load is high inertia, it may be desirable to trip the motor off-line or prevent it from starting in the event of a total loss of line voltage. Programming "No" for this setpoint ensures that the motor is tripped and may be restarted only after the bus is re-energized. If the undervoltage alarm or trip feature is enabled, once the magnitude of either Va, Vb, or Vc falls below the pickup level while running or starting pickup level while starting (for a period of time specified by the delay), a trip or alarm will occur (pickup levels are multiples of motor nameplate voltage). The running pickup level also applies when the motor is stopped and the U/V ACTIVE ONLY IF BUS ENERGIZED setpoint is programmed to "No". An undervoltage on a running motor with a constant load results in increased current. The relay thermal model typically picks up this condition and provides adequate protection. However, this setpoint may be used in conjunction with the time delay to provide additional protection that may be programmed for advance warning by tripping. Attempting to start a large motor when the supply voltage is already down may also be undesirable. An undervoltage of significant proportions that persists while starting a motor may prevent the motor from coming up to rated speed. This may be especially critical for a synchronous motor. This feature may be used in with a time delay to provide protection for undervoltage conditions before On, Off UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP PICKUP: 0.80 x RATED Range: 0.60 to 0.99 x Õ× OVERVOLTAGE If enabled, once the magnitude of either Va, Vb, or Vc rises above the pickup level for a period of time specified by the delay, a trip or alarm will occur (pickup levels are multiples of motor nameplate voltage). An overvoltage on running motor with a constant load results in decreased current. However, iron and copper losses increase, causing an increase in motor temperature. The current overload relay will not pickup this condition and provide adequate protection. Therefore, the overvoltage element may be useful for protecting the motor in the event of a sustained overvoltage condition. 4.10.3 PHASE REVERSAL PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S9 VOLTAGE ELEMENTS Õ× PHASE REVERSAL The 469 can detect the phase rotation of the three phase voltage. If the Phase Reversal feature is turned on when all 3 phase voltages are greater than 50% motor nameplate voltage, and the phase rotation of the three phase voltages is not the same as the setpoint, a trip and block start will occur in 500 to 700 ms. This feature does not work when single VT operation is enabled. n OVERVOLTAGE n [ENTER] for more OVERVOLTAGE ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 OVERVOLTAGE ALARM PICKUP: 1.05 x RATED 1.10 x RATED Range: 1.01 to 1.10 x RATED in steps of 0.01 OVERVOLTAGE TRIP DELAY: 3.0 s Range: 0.5 to 60.0 s in steps of 0.1 n PHASE REVERSAL n [ENTER] for more PHASE REVERSAL TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE NOTE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-59 4 SETPOINTS 






    型号: HONEYWELL 51308353-175 CC-TAOX11  




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