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HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11模拟量输入模块

HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11模拟量输入模块

HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11模拟量输入模块此时启动电机是非常不可取的。在另一种情况下,电机可能驱动非常高的惯性负载。一旦电机的电源断开,转子可能会在减速时继续转动很长一段时间。电机现在变成了发电机,施加异相电源电压可能会导致灾难性故障。重启块功能严格来说是一个计时器。469不感测转子旋转。n重新启动块n[ENTER]更多重新启动块:关闭范围:打开,关闭重启块时间...

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HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11模拟量输入模块

    HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11模拟量输入模块

    此时启动电机是非常不可取的。在另一种情况下,电机可能驱动非常高的惯性负载。一旦电机的电源断开,转子可能会在减速时继续转动很长一段时间。电机现在变成了发电机,施加异相电源电压可能会导致灾难性故障。重启块功能严格来说是一个计时器。469不感测转子旋转。n重新启动块n[ENTER]更多重新启动块:关闭范围:打开,关闭重启块时间:1 s范围:1至50000 s,步进1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入退出),信息退出注释GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-51 4 SETPOINT 4.9 S8 RTD TEMPERATURE(设置点)4 4.9S8 RTD TEMPERATURE(温度)4.9.1 RTD TYPES PATH:设置点×S8 RTD TEMPERATURE(RTD类型)12个RTD中的每一个都可以配置为“无”或四种应用类型中的任何一种:“定子”、“轴承”、“环境”、,或“其他”。这些类型中的每一种都可能是四种不同RTD类型中的任何一种:“100欧姆铂”、“120欧姆镍”、“100欧姆镍”或“10欧姆铜”。下表列出了RTD电阻与温度的关系。n RTD类型n[ENTER]了解更多定子RTD类型:100欧姆铂电阻范围:100欧姆铂金、120欧姆镍、100欧姆镍、10欧姆铜轴承RTD类型:10欧姆铂电阻:100欧姆白金电阻范围:120欧姆镍,100欧姆镍,10欧姆铜环境RTD类型:,10欧姆铜其他RTD类型:100欧姆铂6路径:设置点×S8 RTD温度×RTD#1(6)RTD 1至6默认为“定子”RTD类型。每个RTD都有单独的报警和跳闸配置。这允许一个RTD在故障时关闭。报警级别通常设置为略高于正常运行温度。高报警通常设置为跳闸警告或在跳闸发生前启动有序停机。跳闸水平通常设置在绝缘额定值。增加了跳闸表决,以确保RTD故障时的额外可靠性。如果启用,第二个RTD也必须超过正在检查的RTD的跳闸温度,然后才能发出跳闸。如果选择RTD自己投票,投票功能将被禁用。如果需要,可以更改每个RTD名称。n RTD#1 n[ENTER]了解更多RTD#1应用:定子范围:定子、轴承、环境、其他、无RTD#1名称:范围:8个字母数字字符RTD#1报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和Aux2和Aux3、报警和辅3、辅助2、辅助2和辅助3、,辅助3 RTD#1报警温度:130°C范围:1至250°C,步进1 RTD#1高报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定的高报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和Aux2&Aux3、报警和辅助3、辅助2、Aux2&Aux3、辅助3 RTT#1高警报温度:130℃范围:1到250步进1 RTD#1报警事件:关闭范围,关闭RTD#1跳闸:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定RTD#1跳闸表决:RTD#1范围:RTD#1至RTD#12分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅3,跳闸和辅助3 RTD#1跳闸温度:155°C范围:1至250°C,步进1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入)ESCAPE♥MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE(退出)ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSURE(退出退出)4设置点4.9 S8 RTD温度4 4.9.3 RTDS 7至10路径:设置点??S8 RTD温度??RTD#7(10)RTD 7至10默认为“轴承”RTD类型。每个RTD都有单独的报警和跳闸配置。这允许一个RTD在故障时关闭。报警级别、高报警级别和跳闸级别通常设置为略高于正常运行温度,但低于轴承额定温度。增加了跳闸表决,以确保RTD故障时的额外可靠性

    It would be very undesirable to start the motor at this time. In another scenario, a motor may be driving a very high inertia load. Once the supply to the motor is disconnected, the rotor may continue to turn for a long period of time as it decelerates. The motor has now become a generator and applying supply voltage out of phase may result in catastrophic failure. The Restart Block feature is strictly a timer. The 469 does not sense rotor rotation. n RESTART BLOCK n [ENTER] for more RESTART BLOCK: Off Range: On, Off RESTART BLOCK TIME: 1 s Range: 1 to 50000 s in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE NOTE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-51 4 SETPOINTS 4.9 S8 RTD TEMPERATURE 4 4.9S8 RTD TEMPERATURE 4.9.1 RTD TYPES PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S8 RTD TEMPERATURE Õ RTD TYPES Each of the twelve RTDs may be configured as "None" or any one of four application types: "Stator", "Bearing", "Ambient", or "Other". Each of these types may in turn be any one of four different RTD types: "100 Ohm Platinum", "120 Ohm Nickel", "100 Ohm Nickel", or "10 Ohm Copper". The table below lists RTD resistance versus temperature. n RTD TYPES n [ENTER] for more STATOR RTD TYPE: 100 Ohm Platinum Range: 100 Ohm Platinum, 120 Ohm Nickel, 100 Ohm Nickel, 10 Ohm Copper BEARING RTD TYPE: 100 Ohm Platinum Range: 100 Ohm Platinum, 120 Ohm Nickel, 100 Ohm Nickel, 10 Ohm Copper AMBIENT RTD TYPE: 100 Ohm Platinum Range: 100 Ohm Platinum, 120 Ohm Nickel, 100 Ohm Nickel, 10 Ohm Copper OTHER RTD TYPE: 100 Ohm Platinum 6 PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S8 RTD TEMPERATURE Õ× RTD #1(6) RTDs 1 through 6 default to "Stator" RTD type. There are individual alarm and trip configurations for each RTD. This allows one of the RTDs to be turned off if it malfunctions. The alarm level is normally set slightly above the normal running temperature. The high alarm is usually set as a warning of a trip or to initiate an orderly shutdown before tripping occurs. The trip level is normally set at the insulation rating. Trip voting has been added for extra reliability in the event of RTD malfunction. If enabled, a second RTD must also exceed the trip temperature of the RTD being checked before a trip will be issued. If the RTD is chosen to vote with itself, the voting feature is disabled. Each RTD name may be changed if desired. n RTD #1 n [ENTER] for more RTD #1 APPLICATION: Stator Range: Stator, Bearing, Ambient, Other, None RTD #1 NAME: Range: 8 alphanumeric characters RTD #1 ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 RTD #1 ALARM TEMPERATURE: 130°C Range: 1 to 250°C in steps of 1 RTD #1 HIGH ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched HIGH ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 RTD #1 HIGH ALARM TEMPERATURE: 130°C Range: 1 to 250 in steps of 1 RTD #1 ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off RTD #1 TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched RTD #1 TRIP VOTING: RTD #1 Range: RTD #1 to RTD #12 ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 RTD #1 TRIP TEMPERATURE: 155°C Range: 1 to 250°C in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-53 4 SETPOINTS 4.9 S8 RTD TEMPERATURE 4 4.9.3 RTDS 7 TO 10 PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S8 RTD TEMPERATURE Õ× RTD #7(10) RTDs 7 through 10 default to "Bearing" RTD type. There are individual alarm and trip configurations for each RTD. This allows one of the RTDs to be turned off if it malfunctions. The alarm level, high alarm level and the trip level are normally set slightly above the normal running temperature, but below the bearing temperature rating. Trip voting has been added for extra reliability in the event of RTD malfunction






    型号: HONEYWELL 51308365-175 CC-TAIX11  




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