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HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01模块备件,备件模块

HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01模块备件,备件模块

HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01模块备件,备件模块将允许启动。如果冷却时间常数停止设定值编程为30分钟,则锁定时间将等于:(EQ 4.11)n加速定时器n[ENTER](输入)更多加速定时器跳闸:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅助3、,跳闸和辅助3加速计时器从启动:10.0 s范围:1.0至250.0 s,步长...

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HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01模块备件,备件模块

    HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01模块备件,备件模块

    将允许启动。如果冷却时间常数停止设定值编程为30分钟,则锁定时间将等于:(EQ 4.11)n加速定时器n[ENTER](输入)更多加速定时器跳闸:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅助3、,跳闸和辅助3加速计时器从启动:10.0 s范围:1.0至250.0 s,步长为0.1 n启动抑制n[ENTER],用于更多启动抑制块:关闭范围:打开,关闭TC使用的裕量:25%范围:0至25%,步长为1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入退出)⇒ = ×t 66 90⇒ = ln 30-------×–=9.3分钟GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-49 4设定值4.8 S7电机启动4 4.8.3缓动块路径:设定值×S7电机启动×缓动块缓动块功能可用于防止操作员缓动电机(快速连续多次启动和停止)。它由两个不同的元素组成:开始/小时和开始之间的时间。启动/小时功能不能保证在一小时内允许一定数量的启动或启动尝试;相反,它确保在一小时内不会超过一定数量的启动尝试。同样,如果在最近一次启动之后,“允许启动之间的时间”已过,则“启动之间的间隔”功能不保证允许再次启动。相反,它确保了两次启动之间的最小时间。然而,如果第一次尝试冷启动由于堵塞而失败,或者因为过程过载而需要很长时间,则热模型可能会减少一小时内可以尝试的启动次数。它还可能导致锁定时间超过可能已激活的“启动间隔时间”锁定。这种热锁定将保持,直到电机冷却到可接受的启动温度。启动/小时:当469测量到无电机电流向某个电机电流值的转变时,假设电机启动。此时,一个“开始/小时”计时器将加载60分钟。即使启动尝试失败,也会记录为该功能的启动。电机停止后,将过去一小时内的启动次数与允许的启动次数进行比较。如果这两个数字相同,则会发生块。如果发生阻塞,锁定时间将等于从过去一小时内开始以来经过的最长时间,减去一小时。例如,如果最大启动/小时允许编程为“2”,•一次启动发生在T=0分钟,•第二次启动发生于T=17分钟,•电机停止在T=33分钟,•发生阻塞,•锁定时间为1小时–33分钟=27分钟。启动之间的时间当469测量无电机电流到某个电机电流值的转变时,假设电机启动。此时,“启动之间的时间”计时器将加载输入的时间。即使启动尝试失败,也会记录为该功能的启动。一旦电机停止,如果自最近一次启动以来经过的时间小于“允许启动之间的时间”设定值,则会发生阻塞。如果发生块,则锁定时间将等于从最近一次启动后经过的时间减去“允许启动之间的时间”。值“0”有效地禁用了此元素。例如,如果“允许启动之间的时间”编程为25分钟。如果在T=0分钟时启动,•在T=12分钟时停止电机,•发生阻塞,•如果在停止电机和重新启动电机之间经过一定时间,则锁定时间将为25分钟–12分钟=13分钟n JOGGING block n[ENTER]。该计时器功能对于某些工艺应用或电机考虑可能非常有用。如果电机在井下泵上,在电机停止后,液体可能会从管道中回落,并使转子向后旋转。

    a start will be permitted. If the COOL TIME CONSTANT STOPPED setpoint is programmed for 30 minutes, the lockout time will be equal to: (EQ 4.11) n ACCELERATION TIMER n [ENTER] for more ACCELERATION TIMER TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 ACCELERATION TIMER FROM START: 10.0 s Range: 1.0 to 250.0 s in steps of 0.1 n START INHIBIT n [ENTER] for more START INHIBIT BLOCK: Off Range: On, Off TC USED MARGIN: 25% Range: 0 to 25% in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE TCused TCused_start e –t ⁄ τ = × 66% 90% e –t ⁄ 30 ⇒ = × t 66 90 ⇒ = ln 30 ------ × – = 9.3 minutes GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-49 4 SETPOINTS 4.8 S7 MOTOR STARTING 4 4.8.3 JOGGING BLOCK PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S7 MOTOR STARTING Õ× JOGGING BLOCK The Jogging Block feature may be used to prevent operators from jogging the motor (multiple starts and stops performed in rapid succession). It consists of two distinct elements: Starts/Hour and Time Between Starts. The Starts/Hour feature does not guarantee that a certain number of starts or start attempts will be allowed within an hour; rather, it ensures that a certain number of start attempts will not be exceeded within an hour. Similarly, the Time Between Starts feature does not guarantee another start will be permitted if the TIME BETWEEN STARTS PERMISSIBLE elapses after the most recent start. Rather, it ensures a minimum time between starts. If however, the first start attempt from cold is unsuccessful due to a jam or it takes long because the process is overloaded, the Thermal Model might reduce the number of starts that can be attempted within an hour. It may also cause a lockout time that exceeds a Time Between Starts lockout that may have been active. Such a thermal lockout will remain until the motor has cooled to an acceptable temperature for a start. Starts / Hour: A motor start is assumed to be occurring when the 469 measures the transition of no motor current to some value of motor current. At this point, one of the Starts/Hour timers is loaded with 60 minutes. Even unsuccessful start attempts will be logged as starts for this feature. Once the motor is stopped, the number of starts within the past hour is compared to the number of starts allowable. If the two numbers are the same, a block will occur. If a block occurs, the lockout time will be equal to the longest time elapsed since a start within the past hour, subtracted from one hour. For example, if MAX. STARTS/HOUR PERMISSIBLE is programmed at "2", • one start occurs at T = 0 minutes, • a second start occurs at T = 17 minutes, • the motor is stopped at T = 33 minutes, • a block occurs, • the lockout time would be 1 hour – 33 minutes = 27 minutes. Time Between Starts A motor start is assumed to be occurring when the 469 measures the transition of no motor current to some value of motor current. At this point, the Time Between Starts timer is loaded with the entered time. Even unsuccessful start attempts will be logged as starts for this feature. Once the motor is stopped, if the time elapsed since the most recent start is less than the TIME BETWEEN STARTS PERMISSIBLE setpoint, a block will occur. If a block occurs, the lockout time will be equal to the time elapsed since the most recent start subtracted from the TIME BETWEEN STARTS PERMISSIBLE. A value of "0" effectively disables this element. For example, if TIME BETWEEN STARTS PERMISSIBLE is programmed = 25 min. • a start occurs at T = 0 minutes, • the motor is stopped at T = 12 minutes, • a block occurs, • the lockout time would be 25 minutes – 12 minutes = 13 minutes n JOGGING BLOCK n [ENTER] f a certain amount of time passes between stopping a motor and restarting that motor. This timer feature may be very useful for some process applications or motor considerations. If a motor is on a down-hole pump, after the motor stops, the liquid may fall back down the pipe and spin the rotor backwards.


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    型号: HONEYWELL 51308371-175 CC-TDOB01 




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