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HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01工控备件机器人模块

HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01工控备件机器人模块

HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01工控备件机器人模块在延迟指定的一段时间内,CT主要。为电机启动和运行条件提供单独的拾取水平和延迟。差动跳闸元件可编程为额定电流互感器的一部分。如果差动电流互感器以磁通平衡配置(3个电流互感器)连接,则可将其设置得更灵敏。如果在求和配置中使用6个CT,则在电机启动期间,每相上的两个CT的值可能不相等,因为CT不完全相同(不对称电流可能导...

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HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01工控备件机器人模块

    HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01工控备件机器人模块

    在延迟指定的一段时间内,CT主要。为电机启动和运行条件提供单独的拾取水平和延迟。差动跳闸元件可编程为额定电流互感器的一部分。如果差动电流互感器以磁通平衡配置(3个电流互感器)连接,则可将其设置得更灵敏。如果在求和配置中使用6个CT,则在电机启动期间,每相上的两个CT的值可能不相等,因为CT不完全相同(不对称电流可能导致每相上CT具有不同的输出)。为防止该配置中的误跳闸,可能必须将启动差异跳闸拾取电平设置得不太敏感,或者必须延长启动差异跳闸延迟,以便在启动过程中度过问题期。然后可以根据应用对运行差分延迟进行微调,以使其对敏感(低)差分电流水平的响应非常快。n相位差n[ENTER]用于更多此保护。例如,如果电机总是在2秒内启动,但安全失速时间为8秒,那么当热模型将其下线时,让电机在失速状态下保持7或8秒是没有意义的。此外,在这段时间内施加到从动设备上的启动扭矩可能会造成严重损坏。如果启用,加速计时器的功能如下。当469测量到无电机电流向某个电机电流值的转变时,假设发生电机启动。通常,电流快速上升至超过FLA的值(例如6 x FLA)。此时,加速度计时器将用Acceleration Timer FROM START(从开始加速计时器)值(秒)初始化。如果在计时器到期之前电流未降至过载曲线拾取水平以下,则会发生加速跳闸。如果电机的加速时间是可变的,则应将此功能设置为刚好超过最长加速时间。一些电机软起动器允许电流缓慢上升,而其他电机软起动器在整个启动过程中将电流限制在FLA以下。由于469是一个通用电机继电器,它无法区分缓升时间的电机和已完成启动并过载的电机。因此,如果电机电流在启动后1秒内未上升到大于满载,则忽略加速计时器功能。在任何情况下,电机仍受到过载曲线的保护。4.8.2启动抑制路径:设定值×S7电机启动×启动抑制如果热容量不足,启动抑制功能可防止电机在启动过程中跳闸。最后五次成功启动的最大热容量已用值乘以(1+TC已用余量),并存储为学习启动容量。该热容量裕度确保电机成功启动。如果数字大于100%,则100%存储为学习起动容量。成功的电机启动是指相电流从0上升到大于过载拾取,然后在加速后下降到过载曲线拾取水平以下。如果启动抑制功能启用,则每次电机停止时,可用热容量(100%–使用的热容量)与学习的启动容量进行比较。如果可用的热容量不超过学习的启动容量,或不等于100%,则启动抑制块被激活,直到有足够的热容量。当发生阻塞时,锁定时间将等于电机冷却至可接受的启动温度所需的时间。该时间是S5 THERMAL MODEL(热模型)×COOL time CONSTANT STOPPED(冷却时间常数停止)设定值的函数。如果此功能被“关闭”,则在过载锁定复位之前,所用热容量必须降低至15%。如果负载因不同的起动而变化,则应关闭此功能。例如,如果最后5次启动的热容量分别为24%、23%、27%、25%和21%,则学习启动容量为27%×1.25=33.75%。如果电机在使用90%热容量的情况下停止,将发出启动块。当电机已经冷却并且所使用的热容量水平已经下降到66%时,

    CT Primary for a period of time specified by the delay. Separate pickup levels and delays are provided for motor starting and running conditions. The Differential trip element is programmable as a fraction of the rated CT. The level may be set more sensitive if the Differential CTs are connected in a flux balancing configuration (3 CTs). If 6 CTs are used in a summing configuration, the values from the two CTs on each phase during motor starting may not be equal since the CTs are not perfectly identical (asymmetrical currents may cause the CTs on each phase to have different outputs). To prevent nuisance tripping in this configuration, the STARTING DIFF. TRIP PICKUP level may have to be set less sensitive, or the STARTING DIFF. TRIP DELAY may have to be extended to ride through the problem period during start. The running differential delay can then be fine tuned to an application such that it responds very fast to sensitive (low) differential current levels. n PHASE DIFFERENTIAL n [ENTER] for more this protection. For example, if the motor always starts in 2 seconds, but the safe stall time is 8 seconds, there is no point letting the motor remain in a stall condition for 7 or 8 seconds when the thermal model would take it off line. Furthermore, the starting torque applied to the driven equipment for that period of time could cause severe damage. If enabled, the Acceleration Timer functions as follows. A motor start is assumed to be occurring when the 469 measures the transition of no motor current to some value of motor current. Typically current rises quickly to a value in excess of FLA (e.g. 6 x FLA). At this point, the Acceleration Timer will be initialized with the ACCELERATION TIMER FROM START value in seconds. If the current does not fall below the overload curve pickup level before the timer expires, an acceleration trip will occur. If the acceleration time of the motor is variable, this feature should be set just beyond the longest acceleration time. Some motor softstarters allow current to ramp up slowly while others limit current to less than FLA throughout the start. Since the 469 is a generic motor relay, it cannot differentiate between a motor with a slow ramp up time and one that has completed a start and gone into overload. Therefore, if the motor current does not rise to greater than full load within 1 second on start, the acceleration timer feature is ignored. In any case, the motor is still protected by the overload curve. 4.8.2 START INHIBIT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S7 MOTOR STARTING Õ× START INHIBIT The Start Inhibit feature prevents motor tripping during start if there is insufficient thermal capacity. The largest THERMAL CAPACITY USED value from the last five successful starts is multiplied by (1 + TC USED MARGIN) and stored as the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY. This thermal capacity margin ensures a successful motor start. If the number is greater than 100%, 100% is stored as LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY. A successful motor start is one in which phase current rises from 0 to greater than overload pickup and then, after acceleration, falls below the overload curve pickup level. If the Start Inhibit feature is enabled, the amount of thermal capacity available (100% – THERMAL CAPACITY USED) is compared to the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY each time the motor is stopped. If the thermal capacity available does not exceed the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY, or is not equal to 100%, the Start Inhibit Block is activated until there is sufficient thermal capacity. When a block occurs, the lockout time will be equal to the time required for the motor to cool to an acceptable start temperature. This time is a function of the S5 THERMAL MODEL Õ THERMAL MODEL Õ× COOL TIME CONSTANT STOPPED setpoint. If this feature is turned "Off", the THERMAL CAPACITY USED must reduce to 15% before an overload lockout resets. This feature should be turned off if the load varies for different starts. For example, if the THERMAL CAPACITY USED for the last 5 starts is 24, 23, 27, 25, and 21% respectively, the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY is 27% × 1.25 = 33.75% used. If the motor stops with 90% thermal capacity used, a start block will be issued. When the motor has cooled and the level of thermal capacity used has fallen to 66%, 




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    型号: HONEYWELL 51308386-175 CC-TDIL01 




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