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HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11处理器模块,模块控制器

HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11处理器模块,模块控制器

HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11处理器模块,模块控制器n当前不平衡n[输入]了解更多当前不平衡报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅3、辅2、辅2和辅助3、辅3电流不平衡报警拾取:15%范围:4至40%,步长为1电流不平衡警报延迟:1秒范围:1至60秒,步长为当前不平衡警报事件:关闭范围,关断电流不平衡跳闸:关...

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HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11处理器模块,模块控制器

    HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11处理器模块,模块控制器

    n当前不平衡n[输入]了解更多当前不平衡报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅3、辅2、辅2和辅助3、辅3电流不平衡报警拾取:15%范围:4至40%,步长为1电流不平衡警报延迟:1秒范围:1至60秒,步长为当前不平衡警报事件:关闭范围,关断电流不平衡跳闸:关断范围:关断、闭锁、未闭锁分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅3,跳闸和辅助3电流不平衡跳闸拾取:20%范围:4至40%,步进1电流不平衡脱扣延迟:1 s范围:1至60 s,步进为1输入退出退出退出退出信息退出退出信息进入退出信息退出信息退出注释4-46 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.7 S6电流元件4设置点4 4.7.6接地故障路径:设定点×S6电流元件×接地故障接地故障元件的功能如下。一旦接地电流幅值在延迟规定的时间内超过拾取电平×接地CT初级(见第4-12页第4.3.1节:电流传感),将发生跳闸和/或报警。还可以启用备用跳闸功能。如果接地故障跳闸备份为“开”,且已启动接地故障,则如果接地电流持续时间超过接地故障跳车备份延迟,则将发生第二次跳闸。第二次跳闸指定给R2或R3,R2或R3将专用于上游断路器跳闸继电器。接地故障跳闸备用延迟必须设置为比断路器清除时间更长的时间。打开此功能时必须小心。如果中断设备(接触器或断路器)的额定值不足以断开接地故障电流(低电阻或可靠接地系统),则应禁用该功能。或者,该特征可被分配给辅助继电器,并被连接,以使其跳闸能够断开故障电流的上游设备。n接地故障n[输入]了解更多接地故障超程滤波器:关闭范围:打开,关闭接地故障报警:关闭范围,锁定,未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警,报警和辅助2,报警和辅2和辅3,辅助2,辅2和辅助3,辅助3接地故障警报拾取:0.10 x CT范围:0.10至1.00 x CT,步骤:0.01。仅当接地CT编程为1A或5A辅助接地故障报警拾取:1.00 A范围:0.25至25.00 A,步长:0.01时才可见。仅当接地CT编程为Multiline 50:0.025 INTENTIONAL GF ALARM DELAY:0 ms范围:0到1000 ms时才可见,步骤为1接地故障报警事件:关闭范围:打开,关闭接地故障跳闸:关闭范围,锁定,未锁定ASSIGN(分配)各种情况(例如,接触器弹跳)可能会导致电机启动期间的瞬时接地电流在极短时间内超过接地故障拾取水平。接地故障时间延迟以10 ms为增量可调。延迟可以根据应用程序进行微调,使其响应速度仍然很快,但可以通过正常的操作干扰。通常,接地故障时间延迟设置得尽可能快,即0 ms。如果发生干扰跳闸,可能需要增加时间。当接地输入连接到剩余连接中的相CT时,必须特别小心。当电机启动时,启动电流(感应电机通常为6×FLA)具有不对称分量。这种不对称电流可能导致一个相位的RMS启动电流高达正常RMS启动电流的1.6倍。该瞬时DC分量将导致每个相CT的反应不同,并且进入469的接地输入的净电流将不可忽略。当电机启动时,接地故障元件的20毫秒阻断使469能够通过该瞬时接地电流信号。过载滤波器从故障发生时出现的不对称电流中去除了直流分量。这不会导致任何过度响应,然而,响应时间稍微变慢(10到15毫秒),但时间仍保持在规范范围内。4.7.7相位差路径:设置点×S6电流元件×相位差这些设置点在使用差动功能时对差动元件进行编程。该功能由三个瞬时过电流元件组成,用于相位差动保护。差动保护可被视为相间或相间接地故障的第一线路保护。发生此类故障时,差动保护可限制可能发生的损坏。启用此功能时必须小心。如果中断装置(接触器或断路器)的额定值不足以断开潜在故障,则应禁用该功能。或者,该特征可被分配给辅助继电器,并被连接,以使其跳闸能够断开故障电流的上游设备。低电平di

    n CURRENT UNBALANCE n [ENTER] for more CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM PICKUP: 15% Range: 4 to 40% in steps of 1 CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM DELAY: 1 s Range: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off CURRENT UNBALANCE TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 CURRENT UNBALANCE TRIP PICKUP: 20% Range: 4 to 40% in steps of 1 CURRENT UNBALANCE TRIP DELAY: 1 s Range: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE NOTE 4-46 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.7 S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.7.6 GROUND FAULT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS Õ× GROUND FAULT The Ground Fault element functions as follows. Once the ground current magnitude exceeds the Pickup Level × GROUND CT PRIMARY (see Section 4.3.1: Current Sensing on page 4–12) for the time specified by the delay, a trip and/or alarm will occur. There is also a backup trip feature that can be enabled. If the GROUND FAULT TRIP BACKUP is "On", and a Ground Fault trip has initiated, a second trip will occur if the ground current persists longer than the GROUND FAULT TRIP BACKUP DELAY. It is intended that this second trip be assigned to R2 or R3, which would be dedicated as an upstream breaker trip relay. The GROUND FAULT TRIP BACKUP DELAY must be set to a time longer than the breaker clearing time. Care must be taken when turning On this feature. If the interrupting device (contactor or circuit breaker) is not rated to break ground fault current (low resistance or solidly grounded systems), the feature should be disabled. Alternately, the feature may be assigned to an auxiliary relay and connected such that it trips an upstream device that is capable of breaking the fault current. n GROUND FAULT n [ENTER] for more GROUND FAULT OVERREACH FILTER: Off Range: On, Off GROUND FAULT ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 GROUND FAULT ALARM PICKUP: 0.10 x CT Range: 0.10 to 1.00 x CT, step: 0.01. Seen only if Ground CT is programmed as 1A or 5A Secondary GROUND FAULT ALARM PICKUP: 1.00 A Range: 0.25 to 25.00 A, step: 0.01. Seen only if Ground CT is programmed as Multilin 50:0.025 INTENTIONAL GF ALARM DELAY: 0 ms Range: 0 to 1000 ms in steps of 1 GROUND FAULT ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off GROUND FAULT TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN Various situations (e.g. contactor bounce) may cause transient ground currents during motor starting that may exceed the Ground Fault pickup levels for a very short period of time. The Ground Fault time delays are adjustable in 10 ms increments. The delay can be fine tuned to an application such that it still responds very fast, but rides through normal operational disturbances. Normally, the Ground Fault time delays are set as quick as possible, that is, 0 ms. Time may have to be increased if nuisance tripping occurs. Special care must be taken when the ground input is wired to the phase CTs in a residual connection. When a motor starts, the starting current (typically 6 × FLA for an induction motor) has an asymmetrical component. This asymmetrical current may cause one phase to see as much as 1.6 times the normal RMS starting current. This momentary DC component will cause each of the phase CTs to react differently and the net current into the ground input of the 469 will not be negligible. A 20 ms block of the ground fault elements when the motor starts enables the 469 to ride through this momentary ground current signal. The overreach filter removed the DC component from the asymmetrical current present at the moment a fault occurs. This results in no overreach whatsoever, however, the response time slows slightly (10 to 15 ms) but times still remain within specifications. 4.7.7 PHASE DIFFERENTIAL PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS Õ× PHASE DIFFERENTIAL These setpoints program the differential element when the differential feature is in use. This feature consists of three instantaneous overcurrent elements for phase differential protection. Differential protection may be considered first line protection for phase to phase or phase to ground faults. In the event of such a fault, differential protection may limit the damage that may occur. Care must be taken when enabling this feature. If the interrupting device (contactor or circuit breaker) is not rated to break potential faults, the feature should be disabled. Alternately, the feature may be assigned to an auxiliary relay and connected such that it trips an upstream device that is capable of breaking the fault current. A low level differential fault can develop into a short circuit in an instant. A trip occurs once the magnitude of either IaIN-IaOUT, IbIN-IbOUT, or IcIN-IcOUT (phase differential) exceeds the Pickup Level × Differential




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    型号: HONEYWELL 51308388-175 CC-TDIL11 




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