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HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901工控模块机器人备件

HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901工控模块机器人备件

HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901工控模块机器人备件跳闸和辅助设备2、跳闸和辅助2和辅助3;跳闸和辅助3机械卡阻传感器:1.50 x FLA范围:1.01至3.00 x FLA,步长为0.01机械卡阻延迟:1秒范围:1至30秒,步长为1 ENTER ESCAPE(进入)ESCAPE,(退出)MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE(退出)MISSAG...

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HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901工控模块机器人备件

    HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901工控模块机器人备件

    跳闸和辅助设备2、跳闸和辅助2和辅助3;跳闸和辅助3机械卡阻传感器:1.50 x FLA范围:1.01至3.00 x FLA,步长为0.01机械卡阻延迟:1秒范围:1至30秒,步长为1 ENTER ESCAPE(进入)ESCAPE,(退出)MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE(退出)MISSAGE ESCAP MESSAGE(退出信息)ESCAPE RESET ENTER ESCAPE,(退出信息重置)MESSAG ESCAPE ESCAPE-MESSAGE,(进入退出信息)MESSAGE-ESCAPE信息)ESCAP,(退出消息)4-44 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.7 S6电流元件4设定点4 4.7.4欠电流路径:设定值×S6电流元件×欠电流一旦Ia、Ib或Ic值在欠电流报警延迟规定的时间内低于拾取电平×FLA,就会发生跳闸或报警。欠电流元件仅在电机运行时激活。在电机启动启动时,在U/C BLOCK FROM start(U/C阻止启动)设定点规定的时间内将其阻断(例如,该阻断可用于允许泵在欠流元件跳闸之前建立扬程)。值“0”表示该功能从开始时未被阻止。如果输入的值不是“0”,则当电机停止时,以及从检测到启动到输入的时间结束时,该功能将被禁用。在正常操作期间,欠电流报警拾取水平应设置为低于电机负载。例如,如果泵被其泵送的液体冷却,则负载损失可能意味着泵过热。在这种情况下,启用欠流功能。如果电机负载永远不会低于0.75×FLA,即使在短时间内,欠电流跳闸传感器也可以设置为“0.70”,欠电流报警传感器设置为“0.75”。如果泵始终启动负载,则应禁用“从启动开始阻止欠电流”设定点(编程为0)欠电流报警延迟/欠电流跳闸延迟通常设置得尽可能快,即1秒。n欠电流n[ENTER]表示更多的BLOCK UNDERCURRENT FROM START:0秒范围:0到15000秒,步长为1欠电流报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅助3、辅助2、辅2和辅3,辅助3欠电流报警拾取:0.70 x FLA范围:0.10至0.95 x FLA,步长为0.01欠电流报警延迟:1秒范围:1至60秒,步长为1欠电流报警事件:关闭范围:打开,关闭欠电流跳闸:关闭范围,锁定,未锁定分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸,跳闸&辅助2,跳闸&辅2&辅3,跳闸和辅助3欠电流跳闸传感器:0.70 x FLA范围:0.10至0.99 x FLA,步长为0.01欠电流跳闸延迟:1 s范围:1至60 s,步长为1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入退出)4.7.5电流不平衡路径:如果电机在大于FLA的负载(Iavg)下运行,则设定点×S6电流元件×电流不平衡469定义为负序电流与正序电流之比I2/I1。如果电机Iavg小于FLA,则不平衡定义为I2/I1×Iavg/FLA。这种降额是必要的,以防止电机负载较轻时发出有害警报。如果启用,当不平衡量值超过CURRENT unbalance alarm_x0012_trip PICKUP(当前不平衡报警_x0012_跳闸延迟)指定的时间段时,会发生跳闸和/或报警。如果不平衡水平超过40%,或当Iavg>25%FLA且任何一相的电流为零时,电机被视为单相,并在2秒内跳闸。如果不平衡功能被“关闭”,则单相保护被禁用。当设置CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM_x0012_TRIP PICKUP(电流不平衡报警_x0012_跳闸拾取)级别时,请注意,1%的电压不平衡通常会转化为6%的电流不平衡。因此,为了防止意外跳闸或报警,拾取水平不应设置得太低。此外,由于短期不平衡是常见的,因此应设置合理的延迟,以避免产生干扰性跳闸或警报。建议使用不平衡偏置特性来偏置由周期性短期不平衡引起的电机加热热模型(见第4–38页第d节:不平衡偏置)。异常高的不平衡水平可能由不正确的相位CT接线引起。例如,电流不平衡水平的波动通常由电源电压引起。可能需要有一个锁存报警,以捕捉超出不平衡报警参数的任何此类波动。此外,建议旅行。如果电源电压通常不平衡达2%,典型电机的电流不平衡为2×6=12%。在这种情况下,将电流不平衡报警传感器设置为“15”,电流不平衡跳闸传感器设置为”20”,以防止意外跳闸;5或10秒是合理的延迟。

    Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3; Trip & Auxiliary3 MECHANICAL JAM PICKUP: 1.50 x FLA Range: 1.01 to 3.00 x FLA in steps of 0.01 MECHANICAL JAM DELAY: 1 s Range: 1 to 30 s in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE RESET ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE 4-44 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.7 S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.7.4 UNDERCURRENT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS Õ× UNDERCURRENT A trip or alarm will occurs once the magnitude Ia, Ib, or Ic falls below the pickup level × FLA for the time specified by the UNDERCURRENT ALARM DELAY. The Undercurrent element is active only when the motor is running. It is blocked upon the initiation of a motor start for the time defined by the U/C BLOCK FROM START setpoint (e.g. this block may be used to allow pumps to build up head before the undercurrent element trips). A value of "0" means the feature is not blocked from start. If a value other than "0" is entered, the feature is disabled when the motor is stopped and also from the time a start is detected until the time entered expires. The UNDERCURRENT ALARM PICKUP level should be set lower than motor loading during normal operations. For example, if a pump is cooled by the liquid it pumps, loss of load may mean that the pump overheats. In this case, enable the undercurrent feature. If the motor loading should never fall below 0.75 × FLA, even for short durations, the UNDERCURRENT TRIP PICKUP could be set to "0.70" and the UNDERCURRENT ALARM PICKUP to "0.75". If the pump is always started loaded, the BLOCK UNDERCURRENT FROM START setpoint should be disabled (programmed as 0). • the UNDERCURRENT ALARM DELAY / UNDERCURRENT TRIP DELAY is typically set as quick as possible, i.e. 1 s. n UNDERCURRENT n [ENTER] for more BLOCK UNDERCURRENT FROM START: 0 s Range: 0 to 15000 s in steps of 1 UNDERCURRENT ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3 UNDERCURRENT ALARM PICKUP: 0.70 x FLA Range: 0.10 to 0.95 x FLA in steps of 0.01 UNDERCURRENT ALARM DELAY: 1 s Range: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 UNDERCURRENT ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off UNDERCURRENT TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3 UNDERCURRENT TRIP PICKUP: 0.70 x FLA Range: 0.10 to 0.99 x FLA in steps of 0.01 UNDERCURRENT TRIP DELAY: 1 s Range: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-45 4 SETPOINTS 4.7 S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS 4 4.7.5 CURRENT UNBALANCE PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS Õ× CURRENT UNBALANCE 469 unbalance is defined as the ratio of negative-sequence to positive-sequence current, I2 / I1, if the motor is operating at a load (Iavg) greater than FLA. If the motor Iavg is less than FLA, unbalance is defined as I2 / I1 × Iavg / FLA. This derating is necessary to prevent nuisance alarms when a motor is lightly loaded. If enabled, a trip and/or alarm occurs once the unbalance magnitude exceeds the CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM_x0012_TRIP PICKUP for a period of time specified by the CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM_x0012_TRIP DELAY. If the unbalance level exceeds 40%, or when Iavg > 25% FLA and current in any one phase is zero, the motor is considered single phasing and a trip occurs within 2 seconds. Single phasing protection is disabled if the unbalance feature is turned "Off". When setting the CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM_x0012_TRIP PICKUP level, note that a 1% voltage unbalance typically translates into a 6% current unbalance. Therefore, to prevent nuisance trips or alarms, the pickup level should not be set too low. Also, since short term unbalances are common, a reasonable delay should be set to avoid nuisance trips or alarms. The unbalance bias feature is recommended to bias the thermal model for motor heating caused by cyclic short term unbalances (see Section d): Unbalance Bias on page 4–38). Unusually high unbalance levels may be caused by incorrect phase CT wiring. For example, fluctuations of current unbalance levels are typically caused by the supply voltage. It may be desirable to have a latched alarm to capture any such fluctuations that go beyond the Unbalance Alarm parameters. Also, a trip is recommended. If the supply voltage is normally unbalanced up to 2%, the current unbalance seen by a typical motor is 2 × 6 = 12%. In this case, set the CURRENT UNBALANCE ALARM PICKUP to "15" and the CURRENT UNBALANCE TRIP PICKUP to "20" to prevent nuisance tripping; 5 or 10 seconds is a reasonable delay.






    型号:HONEYWELL 51405047-175 CC-PCF901 




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