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HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01模拟量输入模块

HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01模拟量输入模块

HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01模拟量输入模块如果最大定子RTD温度高于RTD BIAS maximum设定值(通常在定子绝缘额定值或稍高),则热存储器完全偏置,所用热容量强制为“100%”。在最大值和最小值之间,将过载曲线和热模型创建的热容量与RTD偏置曲线中使用的RTD偏置热容量进行比较。如果使用的RTD偏置热容量值较高,则从该点开始使用该值。RTD偏置中心点应...

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HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01模拟量输入模块

    HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01模拟量输入模块

    如果最大定子RTD温度高于RTD BIAS maximum设定值(通常在定子绝缘额定值或稍高),则热存储器完全偏置,所用热容量强制为“100%”。在最大值和最小值之间,将过载曲线和热模型创建的热容量与RTD偏置曲线中使用的RTD偏置热容量进行比较。如果使用的RTD偏置热容量值较高,则从该点开始使用该值。RTD偏置中心点应设置在额定电机运行温度。469使用热/冷安全失速比设定值自动确定中心点的热容量使用值。(EQ 4.8)在<RTD_Bias_Center温度时,(EQ 4.10)式中:RTD_Bias_TCused=因最热定子RTD而使用的TC Tempacual=最热定子的当前温度RTD Tempmin=RTD偏置最小设置点Tempcenter=RTD偏置中心设置点Tempmax=RTD偏置最大设置点TCused@RTD_Bias _center=由热/冷安全失速比设置点定义的TC简单来说,RTD偏置特性是测量定子温度的真实反馈。该反馈用作针对不可预见情况的热模型校正。由于RTD响应相对较慢,RTD偏置有利于校正和减缓电机加热。当电机加热相对较快时,在启动和重过载条件下需要热模型的其余部分。需要注意的是,仅RTD偏置功能不能产生跳闸。如果RTD偏置特征迫使使用的热容量达到100%,在热/冷=0.85额定温度=130°C绝缘额定值=155°C RTD热容量使用前,电机电流必须高于过载传感器4-42 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.7 S6电流元件4设定值4 4.7S6电流元件4.7.1短路跳闸路径:设定值×S6电流元件打开此功能时必须小心短路跳闸。如果中断装置(接触器或断路器)的额定值不足以断开故障电流,则应禁用此功能。或者,可将该功能分配给辅助继电器,并将其连接,以使其跳闸能够断开故障电流的上游设备。如果打开,短路元件的功能如下。一旦Ia、Ib或Ic的幅值超过拾取电平×相位CT一次,达到“意向S/C跳闸延迟”规定的时间段,则发生跳闸。也可以启用备用跳闸功能。短路跳闸备用延迟应大于预期S/C跳闸延迟加上断路器清除时间。如果短路跳闸备份为“开”,且已启动短路跳闸,则如果电机相电流持续超过短路跳闸备份延迟时间,则会发生第二次跳闸。第二次跳闸指定给R2或R3,R2或R3将专用于上游断路器跳闸继电器。各种情况(例如,向电机或功率因数校正电容器的长线充电)可能会导致电机启动期间的瞬时涌入电流,其可能会在极短的时间内超过短路跳闸拾取电平。意向S/C跳闸延迟可按10ms增量调整。

    If the maximum stator RTD temperature is above the RTD BIAS MAXIMUM setpoint (typically at the stator insulation rating or slightly higher), then the thermal memory is fully biased and THERMAL CAPACITY USED is forced to "100%". At values between the maximum and minimum, the THERMAL CAPACITY USED created by the overload curve and the thermal model is compared to the RTD Bias thermal capacity used from the RTD Bias curve. If the RTD Bias thermal capacity used value is higher, then that value is used from that point onward. The RTD BIAS CENTER POINT should be set at the rated motor running temperature. The 469 automatically determines the THERMAL CAPACITY USED value for the center point using the HOT/COLD SAFE STALL RATIO setpoint. (EQ 4.8) At < RTD_Bias_Center temperature, (EQ 4.9) At > RTD_Bias_Center temperature, (EQ 4.10) where: RTD_Bias_TCused = TC used due to hottest stator RTD Tempacutal = current temperature of the hottest stator RTD Tempmin = RTD Bias minimum setpoint Tempcenter = RTD Bias center setpoint Tempmax = RTD Bias maximum setpoint TCused @ RTD_Bias_Center = TC used defined by the HOT/COLD SAFE STALL RATIO setpoint In simple terms, the RTD bias feature is real feedback of the measured stator temperature. This feedback acts as correction of the thermal model for unforeseen situations. Since RTDs are relatively slow to respond, RTD biasing is good for correction and slow motor heating. The rest of the thermal model is required during starting and heavy overload conditions when motor heating is relatively fast. It should be noted that the RTD bias feature alone cannot create a trip. If the RTD bias feature forces the thermal capacity used to 100%, the motor current must be above the overload pickup before Hot/Cold = 0.85 Rated Temperature=130°C Insulation Rating=155°C RTD Thermal Capacity Used 4-42 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.7 S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.7S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS 4.7.1 SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S6 CURRENT ELEMENTS Õ SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP Care must be taken when turning On this feature. If the interrupting device (contactor or circuit breaker) is not rated to break the fault current, this feature should be disabled. Alternatively, this feature may be assigned to an auxiliary relay and connected such that it trips an upstream device that is capable of breaking the fault current. If turned on, the Short Circuit element functions as follows. A trip occurs once the magnitude of either Ia, Ib, or Ic exceeds the Pickup Level × Phase CT Primary for a period of time specified by INTENTIONAL S/C TRIP DELAY. A backup trip feature may also be enabled. The SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP BACKUP DELAY should be greater than the INTENTIONAL S/C TRIP DELAY plus the breaker clearing time. If the SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP BACKUP is "On", and a Short Circuit trip has initiated, a second trip occurs if the motor phase current persists for a period of time exceeding the SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP BACKUP DELAY. It is intended that this second trip be assigned to R2 or R3 which would be dedicated as an upstream breaker trip relay. Various situations (e.g. charging a long line to the motor or power factor correction capacitors) may cause transient inrush currents during motor starting that may exceed the SHORT CIRCUIT TRIP PICKUP level for a very short period of time. The INTENTIONAL S/C TRIP DELAY is adjustable in 10 ms increments.






    型号: HONEYWELL 51410010-175 CC-PAON01 




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