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HONEYWELL CC-TAIN11工控备件模块999999.9秒,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。在5.00 x FLA时跳闸时间:14.6秒范围:0.5至99999秒,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。5.50 x FLA跳闸时间:12.0s范围:0.5至99999.9s,步长0.1...

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    999999.9秒,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。在5.00 x FLA时跳闸时间:14.6秒范围:0.5至99999秒,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。5.50 x FLA跳闸时间:12.0s范围:0.5至99999.9s,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。6.00 x FLA:10.0 s时跳闸时间范围:0.5至99999.9s,步长0.1。如果SELECT CURVE STYLE为“Standard”,则无法更改。4已在环境温度下沉淀。对于大多数电机,电机热极限的不同特性形成了平滑的均匀曲线。有时只提供安全的失速时间。如果电机设计保守,并且能够在不影响热极限的情况下轻松完成所需的工作,这是可以接受的。在这种情况下,保护可以是保守的,并且过程完整性不会受到损害。如果电机在按要求运行时设计得非常接近其热极限,则热极限的独特特性变得重要。469过载曲线可以采用三种格式之一:标准、自定义曲线或电压相关。无论所选的曲线样式如何,热记忆都保留在A1 STATUS?MOTOR STATUS?马达热容量已使用寄存器中。使用以下公式每100 ms更新一次该寄存器:(EQ 4.1)其中:time_to_trip=根据FLA从Ieq处的过载曲线获得的时间。过载保护曲线应始终设置为略低于制造商提供的热限值。这将确保电机在达到热极限之前跳闸。a) 标准过载曲线如果电机启动时间在安全失速时间内,建议使用469标准过载曲线。标准过载曲线是一系列15条曲线,具有基于典型电机热极限曲线的共同曲线形状(见下图和下表)。图4–6:469标准过载曲线TCused t TCused t-100ms 100 ms跳闸时间=+--------------------------×100%x1 x15 100000 1000 10 1.00 0.10 1.00满载安培数时间的倍数10 100 1000 806804A5.CDR GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-33 4设定点4.6 S5热模型4高于8.0 x拾取,使用8.0的跳闸时间。这防止过载曲线充当瞬时元件。标准过载曲线方程为:(EQ 4.2)表4–1:469标准过载曲线倍增器拾取水平标准电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.6 S5热模型4设定值4 b)自定义过载曲线如果电机启动电流开始违反热损伤曲线,可能需要使用定制曲线来调整电机保护,从而可以在不损害保护的情况下成功启动。此外,启动热损伤曲线(锁定转子和加速度)和运行热损伤曲线的特性可能不会很平滑地拟合在一起。在这种情况下,可能需要定制曲线,以根据电机热极限调整电机保护,从而可以成功启动,并在不损害保护的情况下充分利用其潜力。热极限曲线的不同部分现在变得更加关键。对于这些条件,建议使用469自定义曲线热模型。自定义过载曲线功能允许用户通过输入30个预定电流水平的跳闸时间来编程自己的曲线。如下图所示,如果运行过载热极限曲线与锁定转子过载曲线平滑成一条曲线,则电机无法在80%线路电压下启动。需要自定义曲线。图4-7:自定义曲线示例在不连续间隔期间,两个行程时间中的较长者用于

    9999.9 s in steps of 0.1. Cannot be altered if SELECT CURVE STYLE is “Standard”. TIME TO TRIP AT 5.00 x FLA: 14.6 s Range: 0.5 to 99999.9 s in steps of 0.1. Cannot be altered if SELECT CURVE STYLE is “Standard”. TIME TO TRIP AT 5.50 x FLA: 12.0 s Range: 0.5 to 99999.9 s in steps of 0.1. Cannot be altered if SELECT CURVE STYLE is “Standard”. TIME TO TRIP AT 6.00 x FLA: 10.0 s Range: 0.5 to 99999.9 s in steps of 0.1. Cannot be altered if SELECT CURVE STYLE is “Standard”. 4 have settled at ambient temperature. For most motors, the distinct characteristics of the motor thermal limits are formed into a smooth homogeneous curve. Sometimes only a safe stall time is provided. This is acceptable if the motor has been designed conservatively and can easily perform its required duty without infringing on the thermal limit. In this case, the protection can be conservative and process integrity is not compromised. If a motor has been designed very close to its thermal limits when operated as required, then the distinct characteristics of the thermal limits become important. The 469 overload curve can take one of three formats: Standard, Custom Curve, or Voltage Dependent. Regardless of the selected curve style, thermal memory is retained in the A1 STATUS Õ MOTOR STATUS Õ× MOTOR THERMAL CAPACITY USED register. This register is updated every 100 ms using the following equation: (EQ 4.1) where: time_to_trip = time taken from the overload curve at Ieq as a function of FLA. The overload protection curve should always be set slightly lower than the thermal limits provided by the manufacturer. this will ensure that the motor is tripped before the thermal limit is reached. a) STANDARD OVERLOAD CURVES If the motor starting times are well within the safe stall times, it is recommended that the 469 Standard Overload Curve be used. The standard overload curves are a series of 15 curves with a common curve shape based on typical motor thermal limit curves (see the figure and table below). Figure 4–6: 469 STANDARD OVERLOAD CURVES TCused t TCused t – 100ms 100 ms time to trip = + --------------------------- × 100% x1 x15 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1.00 0.10 1.00 MULTIPLE OF FULL LOAD AMPS TIME IN SECONDS 10 100 1000 806804A5.CDR GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-33 4 SETPOINTS 4.6 S5 THERMAL MODEL 4 Above 8.0 x Pickup, the trip time for 8.0 is used. This prevents the overload curve from acting as an instantaneous element. The standard overload curves equation is: (EQ 4.2) Table 4–1: 469 STANDARD OVERLOAD CURVE MULTIPLIERS PICKUP LEVEL STANDARD Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.6 S5 THERMAL MODEL 4 SETPOINTS 4 b) CUSTOM OVERLOAD CURVE If the motor starting current begins to infringe on the thermal damage curves, it may become necessary to use a custom curve to tailor the motor protection so that successful starting may occur without compromising protection. Furthermore, the characteristics of the starting thermal damage curve (locked rotor and acceleration) and the running thermal damage curves may not fit together very smoothly. In this instance, a custom curve may be necessary to tailor motor protection to the motor thermal limits so it may be started successfully and be utilized to its full potential without compromising protection. The distinct parts of the thermal limit curves now become more critical. For these conditions, it is recommended that the 469 custom curve thermal model be used. The custom overload curve feature allows the user to program their own curve by entering trip times for 30 pre-determined current levels. As seen in the figure below, if the running overload thermal limit curve were smoothed into one curve with the locked rotor overload curve, the motor could not start at 80% line voltage. A custom curve is required. Figure 4–7: CUSTOM CURVE EXAMPLE During the interval of discontinuity, the longer of the two trip times is used to

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    型号: CC-TAIN11 




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