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HONEYWELL CC-TAIX11工控备件机器人模块,输出继电器必须断电,因此,它们将处于非操作状态。拉出箱中的短杆确保469拉出时不会发生跳闸或报警。然而,R6服务输出将指示469已被抽出。4.5.2继电器复位模式路径:设定点S4输出继电器继电器复位模式锁定跳闸或报警可随时复位,前提是导致跳闸或报警的条件不再存在。一旦条件不再存在,未锁定跳闸和报警将自动重置。如果可以重置任何条件,则“重置可...

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    HONEYWELL CC-TAIX11工控备件机器人模块

    ,输出继电器必须断电,因此,它们将处于非操作状态。拉出箱中的短杆确保469拉出时不会发生跳闸或报警。然而,R6服务输出将指示469已被抽出。4.5.2继电器复位模式路径:设定点×S4输出继电器继电器复位模式锁定跳闸或报警可随时复位,前提是导致跳闸或报警的条件不再存在。一旦条件不再存在,未锁定跳闸和报警将自动重置。如果可以重置任何条件,则“重置可能”LED将点亮。锁定时间到期且跳闸复位后,所有块启动功能自动复位。其他继电器可编程为All reset(所有重置),这允许从前键盘或远程重置开关输入或通信端口进行重置。可选地,继电器1至6可编程为通过“仅远程重置”(通过远程重置开关输入或通信端口)或“仅键盘重置”(仅通过继电器键盘重置)进行重置。不得将跳闸或报警元件分配给两个输出继电器,其中一个仅限远程复位,另一个仅为键盘复位。如果发生这种情况,跳闸或报警将无法恢复。例如,严重跳闸(如短路和接地故障)可分配给R2辅助继电器,以便只能通过远程复位端子(D18和D23)或通信端口进行复位。远程复位端子应连接到钥匙开关,以便只有授权人员才能重设此类严重跳闸。•仅将短路和接地故障分配给R2辅助继电器•将R2辅助编程为“仅远程重置”n继电器重置模式n[ENTER]以获取更多R1跳闸:所有重置范围:所有重置,仅远程重置,仅键盘重置R2辅助:所有重置范围:所有重置,仅键盘重置R4警报:所有重置范围:所有重置,仅远程重置,仅键盘重置R5块启动:自动重置范围:N/A R6维修:所有重置:所有重置、仅远程重置,键盘重置仅输入退出(ENTER ESCAPE)信息退出(MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE)消息退出(MESTAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE)警告GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-27 4设定点4.5 S4输出继电器4 4.5.3强制输出继电器路径:设定点×S4输出继电器×强制输出继电器输出继电器可以在静态或动态模式下独立强制。在静态模式下,只要所选继电器处于“启用”状态,它就会运行。只有当用户输入“禁用”时,所选继电器才会复位。在动态模式下,用户指定操作时间(1到300秒),所选继电器将在指定的持续时间内运行。当所选继电器输出由于跳闸或报警条件而已激活时,当469处于启动块状态时,或当469未运行时,不允许强制输出继电器选项。重要提示:强制继电器将超越任何跳闸或报警条件。(即,当继电器被强制并发生跳闸时,当跳闸条件被重置时,继电器仍将被启用)。469中的控制功率损失将重置所有强制继电器。n强制输出继电器n[ENTER]了解更多强制跳闸(R1)继电器:禁用范围:禁用,启用强制跳闸继电器持续时间:静态范围:静态,1至300秒,步长为1 FORCE AUX1(R2)继电器:停用范围:禁用,启用的力AUX2继电器持续时间:静态范围:静态,1到300秒,步长为1力警报(R4)继电器:禁用范围:禁用,启用的力警报继电器持续时间;静态范围:静止,1到300s,步长为力阻止(R5)继电器:停用范围:禁用,1至300秒,步进为1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入退出)

    , the output relays must be de-energized and therefore, they will be in their non-operated state. Shorting bars in the drawout case ensure that when the 469 is drawn out, no trip or alarm occurs. The R6 Service output will however indicate that the 469 has been drawn out. 4.5.2 RELAY RESET MODE PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S4 OUTPUT RELAYS Õ RELAY RESET MODE A latched trip or alarm may be reset at any time, providing that the condition that caused the trip or alarm is no longer present. Unlatched trips and alarms will reset automatically once the condition is no longer present. If any condition may be reset, the Reset Possible LED will be lit. All Block Start features reset automatically when the lockout time has expired and the trip has been reset. The other relays may be programmed to All Resets which allows reset from the front keypad or the remote reset switch input or the communications port. Optionally, relays 1 through 6 may be programmed to reset by the "Remote Reset Only" (by the remote reset switch input or the communications port) or "Keypad Reset Only" (reset only by relay keypad). NO trip or alarm element must EVER be assigned to two output relays where one is Remote Reset Only and the other is Keypad Reset Only. The trip or alarm will be unresettable if this occurs. For example, serious trips such as Short Circuit and Ground Fault may be assigned to the R2 Auxiliary relay so that they can only be reset via the remote reset terminals (D18 and D23) or the communication port. The remote reset terminals should be connected to a keyswitch so that only authorized personnel could reset such a critical trip. • Assign only Short Circuit and Ground Fault to the R2 Auxiliary relay • Program R2 AUXILIARY to "Remote Reset Only" n RELAY RESET MODE n [ENTER] for more R1 TRIP: All Resets Range: All Resets, Remote Reset Only, Keypad Reset Only R2 AUXILIARY: All Resets Range: All Resets, Remote Reset Only, Keypad Reset Only R3 AUXILIARY: All Resets Range: All Resets, Remote Reset Only, Keypad Reset Only R4 ALARM: All Resets Range: All Resets, Remote Reset Only, Keypad Reset Only R5 BLOCK START: Auto-Reset Range: N/A R6 SERVICE: All Resets Range: All Resets, Remote Reset Only, Keypad Reset Only ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE WARNING GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-27 4 SETPOINTS 4.5 S4 OUTPUT RELAYS 4 4.5.3 FORCE OUTPUT RELAY PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S4 OUTPUT RELAYS Õ× FORCE OUTPUT RELAY The output relays can be independently forced in static or dynamic mode. In static mode the selected relay will operate as long as it is in the "Enabled" state. Only when the user enters "Disabled" will the selected relay reset. In dynamic mode the user specifies the operate time (1 to 300 seconds) and the selected relay will operate for the specified duration. The FORCE OUTPUT RELAY option is NOT allowed when the selected relay output is already active due to trip or alarm condition, when the 469 is in start block condition, or when the 469 is not in service. IMPORTANT NOTE: The forced relay will override any trip or alarm conditions. (i.e. when the relay is forced and trip occurs, the relay will still be enabled when the trip condition is reset). Control power loss in the 469 will reset all forced relays. n FORCE OUTPUT RELAY n [ENTER] for more FORCE TRIP (R1) RELAY: Disabled Range: Disabled, Enabled FORCE TRIP RELAY DURATION: Static Range: Static, 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 FORCE AUX1 (R2) RELAY: Disabled Range: Disabled, Enabled FORCE AUX1 RELAY DURATION: Static Range: Static, 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 FORCE AUX2 (R3) RELAY: Disabled Range: Disabled, Enabled FORCE AUX2 RELAY DURATION: Static Range: Static, 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 FORCE ALARM (R4) RELAY: Disabled Range: Disabled, Enabled FORCE ALARM RELAY DURATION: Static Range: Static, 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 FORCE BLOCK (R5) RELAY: Disabled Range: Disabled, Enabled FORCE BLOCK RELAY OPERATION: Static Range: Static, 1 to 300 s in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE NOTE 4-28 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.6 S5 THERMAL MODEL 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.6S5 THERMAL MODEL 4.6.1 MOTOR





    型号: CC-TAIX11 




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