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HONEYWELL CC-TAIX51工控模块机器人备件TIME(时间)设定值表示当电机停止或运行时,该功能始终处于激活状态。开关也可以定义为常开或常闭。块延迟到期后,将监控数字输入。如果开关在指定延迟后未处于正常状态,则会发生报警或跳闸。m) 捕获跟踪路径:设置点S3数字输入可分配输入1(4)将输入1(3)功能设置为“捕获跟踪”,允许用户根据命令通过开关输入捕获跟踪。然后可以用469PC显示捕获...

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    HONEYWELL CC-TAIX51工控模块机器人备件

    TIME(时间)设定值表示当电机停止或运行时,该功能始终处于激活状态。开关也可以定义为常开或常闭。块延迟到期后,将监控数字输入。如果开关在指定延迟后未处于正常状态,则会发生报警或跳闸。m) 捕获跟踪路径:设置点×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)将输入1(3)功能设置为“捕获跟踪”,允许用户根据命令通过开关输入捕获跟踪。然后可以用469PC显示捕获的波形。没有与该值相关的其他数字输入设定点。n可分配输入1 n[输入]更多输入1功能:通用开关。A范围:见上文。以下设定值仅在输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”时适用。开关名称:通用开关。A范围:12个字母数字字符。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”通用开关A:常开范围:常开,常闭时可见。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”时才可见:0 s范围:0到5000 s,步长为1(0表示电机停止和运行时功能激活)。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”通用开关A报警:关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定时才可见。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”时才可见:分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2、报警与辅助3、报警与辅3、辅助2、辅助2和辅助3、辅助3。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”通用开关A报警延迟:5.0秒范围:0.1至5000.0秒,步长为0.1。仅当输入1(4)FUNCTION(功能)为“General Sw.A”(通用开关A)时可见事件:关闭范围:打开、关闭。仅当输入2(4)功能为“General Sw.A”通用开关A TRIP(跳闸)时可见。关闭范围:关闭、锁定、未锁定。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”时才可见,分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2、跳闸与辅助3、跳闸与辅3。仅当输入1(4)功能为“通用开关A”通用开关跳闸延迟:5.0 s范围:0.1至5000.0 s,步长为0.1。只有当INPUT 1(4)FUNCTION为“General Sw.A”n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n[ENTER]时,才能看到更多INPUT 1 FUNCTION:Capture Trace Range:请参见上文。ENTER ESCAPE♥MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSURE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSION ESCAPE MISSAGE ESCCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ESCAPES ESCAPE PRESSAGE ESCAP MESSAGE ESC APE MESSITE ESCAPE-ESCAPE SENSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE-ESCAPE-MESSAGE MESSAGE-ESCAPE ESCAP MISSAGE ESCAPE MESSURE ESCAPE-ESCAP MESSURE ESCAPE-ESCAPE MISSAGE MESSUR MESSAGES ESCAPEE ESCAPE E ESCAPEE MESSAGE MISSAGE-ESCAP MESSAGE-ESCAPE ESCAPE MESTAGE ESCAPE/ESCAPE DESSAGE ESC“模拟预故障”允许用户通过开关输入按照S13 469测试模拟模式模拟模式设置启动模拟预故障模式。这通常用于继电器或系统测试。没有与该值相关的其他数字输入设定点。o) 模拟故障路径:设定值×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)将输入1(3)功能设置为“模拟故障”,允许用户通过开关输入按照S13 469测试模拟模式模拟模式设置启动模拟故障模式。这通常用于继电器或系统测试。没有与该值相关的其他数字输入设定点。p) 模拟预故障…故障路径:设置点×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)将输入1(1)功能设置为“模拟预故障。故障”允许用户通过开关输入按照S13 469测试模拟模式模拟模式设置启动模拟预故障至故障模式。这通常用于继电器或系统测试。没有与该值相关的其他数字输入设定点。n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n[ENTER]了解更多INPUT 1 FUNCTION:模拟故障前范围:见上文。n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n[ENTER]了解更多INPUT 1 FUNCTION:模拟故障范围:见上文。n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n[ENTER]了解更多INPUT 1 FUNCTION(输入1功能):Sim Pre-Fault.Fault Range(模拟故障范围):参见上文。ENTER ESCAPE(输入ESCAPE)♥输入ESCAPE(输入ESCAP)♥4-26 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.5 S4输出继电器4设定值4 4.5S4输出继电器4.5.1描述六个输出继电器中的五个始终是非故障安全的,R6服务始终是故障安全的。作为故障保护,R6继电器将正常通电,并在需要操作时断电。当469的控制电源丢失时,它也将断电,因此处于其操作状态。所有其他非故障保护继电器将正常断电,并在需要操作时通电。显然,当469失去控制电源时

    TIME setpoint indicates that the feature is always active, when the motor is stopped or running. The switch may also be defined as normally open or normally closed. After the block delay has expired, the digital input will be monitored. If the switch is not in its normal state after the specified delay, an alarm or trip will occur. m) CAPTURE TRACE PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Setting the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION to “Capture Trace” allows the user to capture a trace upon command via a switch input. The captured waveforms can then be displayed with 469PC. There are no additional Digital Input setpoints associated with this value. n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: General Sw. A Range: See above. The following setpoints apply only if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A”. SWITCH NAME: General Sw. A Range: 12 alphanumeric characters. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A: Normally Open Range: Normally Open, Normally Closed. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” BLOCK INPUT FROM START: 0 s Range: 0 to 5000 s in steps of 1 (0 indicates that feature is active while motor is stopped as well as running). Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A ALARM: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 & Aux3, Auxiliary3. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A ALARM DELAY: 5.0 s Range: 0.1 to 5000.0 s in steps of 0.1. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A TRIP: Off Range: Off, Latched, Unlatched. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” GENERAL SWITCH A TRIP DELAY: 5.0 s Range: 0.1 to 5000.0 s in steps of 0.1. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “General Sw. A” n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Capture Trace Range: See above. ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ENTER ESCAPE ð ð GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-25 4 SETPOINTS 4.4 S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4 n) SIMULATE PRE-FAULT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Setting the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION to “Simulate Pre-Fault” allows the user to start the Simulate Pre-Fault mode as per the S13 469 TESTING Õ SIMULATION MODE Õ SIMULATION MODE setting via a switch input. This is typically used for relay or system testing. There are no additional Digital Input setpoints associated with this value. o) SIMULATE FAULT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Setting the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION to “Simulate Fault” allows the user to start the Simulate Fault mode as per the S13 469 TESTING Õ SIMULATION MODE Õ SIMULATION MODE setting via a switch input. This is typically used for relay or system testing. There are no additional Digital Input setpoints associated with this value. p) SIMULATE PRE-FAULT … FAULT PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Setting the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION to “Sim Pre-Fault.Fault” allows the user to start the Simulate Pre-Fault to Fault mode as per the S13 469 TESTING Õ SIMULATION MODE Õ SIMULATION MODE setting via a switch input. This is typically used for relay or system testing. There are no additional Digital Input setpoints associated with this value. n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Simulate Pre-Fault Range: See above. n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Simulate Fault Range: See above. n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Sim Pre-Fault.Fault Range: See above. ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð 4-26 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.5 S4 OUTPUT RELAYS 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.5S4 OUTPUT RELAYS 4.5.1 DESCRIPTION Five of the six output relays are always non-failsafe, R6 Service is always failsafe. As failsafe, R6 relay will be energized normally and de-energize when called upon to operate. It will also de-energize when control power to the 469 is lost and therefore, be in its operated state. All other relays, being non-failsafe, will be de-energized normally and energize when called upon to operate. Obviously, when control power is lost to the 469









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