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    可选择跳闸继电器,并可更改跳闸名称。指定为远程跳闸的数字输入上的触点闭合将在100毫秒内导致所选名称的跳闸。多个电源可用于通过并联输入触发远程跳闸。图4–4:远程报警/从多个源跳闸d)速度开关跳闸路径:设定值×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)当该功能分配给数字输入时,将发生以下情况。当检测到从停止到启动的转换时,将加载一个计时器,并编程延迟。如果该延迟在检测到触点闭合之前到期,则会发生跳闸。一旦电机停止,方案将重置。e) 甩负荷跳闸路径:设定点×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)一旦为其中一个可分配数字输入选择甩负荷跳闸功能,此处显示的设定点信息将跟随分配信息。可选择跳闸继电器。指定为减载跳闸的开关输入上的触点闭合将导致100 ms内的跳闸。n ASSIGNABLE input 1 n[ENTER]了解更多输入1功能:远程跳闸范围:见上文。只有当输入1(4)功能为“远程跳闸”远程跳闸名称:远程跳闸范围:20个字母数字时,以下设置点才适用。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程跳闸”时可见,分配跳闸继电器:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸和辅2和辅助3、跳闸和备用3。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程跳闸”n可分配输入1 n[ENTER]了解更多输入1功能:速度开关跳闸范围:见上文。只有当输入1(4)功能为“速度开关跳闸”时,以下设置点才适用:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸与辅助2和辅助3、跳闸与辅3。仅当输入1(4)功能为“速度开关跳闸”时才可见速度开关跳闸时间延迟:5.0 s范围:1.0至250.0 s,步长为0.1。仅当输入1(4)功能为“速度开关跳闸”n可分配输入1 n[ENTER]了解更多输入1功能:减载跳闸范围:见上文。只有当输入1(4)功能为“减载跳闸”时,以下设置点才适用:跳闸范围:跳闸、跳闸和辅助2、跳闸与辅助2和辅助3、跳闸与辅3。仅当输入1(4)功能为“减载跳闸”时可见,输入ESCAPE♥信息ESCAPE消息ESCAPE 808716A1.CDR远程PUSH-BUTTON 469数字输入来自其他设备的干触点输入ESCAPE♥数字输入×可分配输入1(4)一旦为其中一个可分配数字输入选择了压力开关报警功能,此处显示的设定点信息将跟随分配信息。压力开关报警功能可能在电机启动后的指定时间段内被阻断。当电机停止或运行时,阻塞时间值为零表示该功能始终处于激活状态。块延迟到期后,将监控数字输入。如果在指定的延迟后发生关闭,将发出警报。g) 压力开关跳闸路径:设定点×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)一旦为一个可分配数字输入选择了压力开关跳闸功能,此处显示的设定点信息将跟随分配信息。压力开关跳闸功能可能在电机启动后的指定时间段内被阻断。块时间值为零表示电机停止或运行时,该功能始终处于激活状态。

    A trip relay may be selected and the name of the trip may be altered. A contact closure on the digital input assigned as Remote Trip will cause a trip within 100 ms with the name that has been chosen. Multiple sources may be used to trigger a remote trip by paralleling inputs. Figure 4–4: REMOTE ALARM/TRIP FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES d) SPEED SWITCH TRIP PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) When this function is assigned to a digital input, the following will occur. When a transition from stopped to start is detected a timer will be loaded with the delay programmed. If that delay expires before a contact closure is detected, a trip will occur. Once the motor is stopped, the scheme is reset. e) LOAD SHED TRIP PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Once the Load Shed Trip function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, the setpoint messages shown here will follow the assignment message. A trip relay may be selected. A contact closure on the switch input assigned as Load Shed Trip will cause a trip within 100 ms. n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Remote Trip Range: See above. The following setpoints apply only if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Trip” REMOTE TRIP NAME: Remote Trip Range: 20 character alphanumeric. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Trip” ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Trip” n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Speed Switch Trip Range: See above. The following setpoints apply only if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Speed Switch Trip” ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Speed Switch Trip” SPEED SWITCH TRIP TIME DELAY: 5.0 s Range: 1.0 to 250.0 s in steps of 0.1. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Speed Switch Trip” n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Load Shed Trip Range: See above. The following setpoints apply only if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Load Shed Trip” ASSIGN TRIP RELAYS: Trip Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip & Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Load Shed Trip” ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE 808716A1.CDR REMOTE PUSH-BUTTON 469 Digital Input Dry contact from other device ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE 4-20 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.4 S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4 SETPOINTS 4 f) PRESSURE SWITCH ALARM PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Once the Pressure Switch Alarm function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, the setpoint messages shown here will follow the assignment message. The Pressure Switch alarm feature may be blocked for a specified period of time from a motor start. A value of zero for the block time indicates that the feature is always active, when the motor is stopped or running. After the block delay has expired, the digital input will be monitored. If a closure occurs, after the specified delay, an alarm will occur. g) PRESSURE SWITCH TRIP PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Once the Pressure Switch Trip function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, the setpoint messages shown here will follow the assignment message. The Pressure Switch trip feature may be blocked for a specified period of time from a motor start. A value of zero for the Block time indicates that the feature is always active, when the motor is stopped or running.



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