IC698RMX016 VMIVME-5567-100工控模块系统备件
然后,469将确定电机已从“运行”过渡到“停止”,仅当测量电流小于5%CT比且“a”触点断开时。如果选择“起动器辅助B”,则监测端子D16和D23以检测断路器或接触器状态,断开表示断路器或触点闭合,短路表示断开。然后,469确定只有当测量电流小于5%CT比且“b”触点闭合时,电机才从“运行”过渡到“停止”。n起动机状态n[ENTER]了解更多起动机状态SW:起动机辅助A范围:起动机辅助B,启动机辅助B ENTER ESCAPEûس4-18 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.4 S3数字输入4设定值4 4.4.3可分配输入1至4 a)主菜单路径:设定值×S3数字输入×,可以使用随后的任何消息来设置操作的相关参数。每个功能只能选择一次。通过将D19至D22(分别)与D23短路来激活可分配输入1至4。使用S2 SYSTEM SETUP(S2系统设置)CURRENT SENSING(电流传感)×ENABLE 2-speed motor protection(启用双速电机保护)设定点启用双速电动机保护。如果启用双速电机功能,可分配输入4专用于双速电机监视器,端子D22和D23用于触点闭合。触点闭合表示电机处于速度2或高速。如果输入打开,则表示电机处于速度1。这允许469确定在任何给定时间点应激活哪些设定点。b) 远程报警路径:设定值×S3数字输入×可分配输入1(4)一旦为其中一个可分配数字输入选择远程报警功能,此处显示的设定点信息将跟随分配信息。可以选择报警继电器,并且可以更改报警名称。指定为远程报警的数字输入上的触点闭合将在100毫秒内发出所选名称的报警。多个源可用于通过并联输入触发远程报警(参见第4–19页图4–4:来自多个源的远程报警/跳闸)。n可分配输入1 n[输入]了解更多输入1功能:关闭范围:关闭、远程报警、远程跳闸、速度开关跳闸、甩负荷跳闸、压力开关报警、压力开关跳闸、振动开关报警、振动开关跳闸、数字计数器、转速计、通用开关A、通用开关B、通用开关C、通用开关D、捕获跟踪、模拟预故障、模拟故障、模拟预先故障。。。故障n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 2 n[ENTER]for more INPUT 2 FUNCTION:关范围:如以上输入1 FUNCTION n ASSIGNANCE INPUT 3 n[ENTER]for more的INPUT 3 FUNCTIO:关范围:如上输入1 FUFUNCTION n ASSIGNABLY INPUT 4 n[ENTE]for more输入4 FUNCTION:关范围;如以上输入2 FUNCTION输入4 FUFUNCTION是双速电机n ASSIGN INPUT 1 n[ENTEP]for moreINPUT 1 FUNCTIO:远程报警范围:见上文。只有当输入1(4)功能为“远程报警”远程报警名称:远程报警范围:20个字母数字字符时,以下设置点才适用。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程报警”时可见远程报警:未锁定范围:锁定、未锁定。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程报警”时才可见,分配报警继电器:报警范围:报警、报警和辅助2、报警和辅2和辅助3、报警和附属3、辅助2。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程报警”远程报警事件:关闭范围:开、关时可见。仅当输入1(4)功能为“远程报警”时才可见输入ESCAPE(4)输入ESCAPE(4)进入ESCAPE(3)输入ESCAP(4如果为其中一个可分配的数字输入选择了函数,则此处显示的设置点消息将跟随分配消息。
The 469 will then determine that a motor has made the transition from 'running' to 'stopped' only when the measured current is less than 5% CT ratio and the 'a' contact is open. If "Starter Auxiliary B" is chosen, terminals D16 and D23 are monitored to detect the breaker or contactor state, open signifying the breaker or contactor is closed and shorted signifying open. The 469 then determines that a motor has made the transition from 'running' to 'stopped' only when the measured current is less than 5% CT ratio and the 'b' contact is closed. n STARTER STATUS n [ENTER] for more STARTER STATUS SW: Starter Auxiliary A Range: Starter Auxiliary A, Starter Auxiliary B ENTER ESCAPE ð ð 4-18 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.4 S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.4.3 ASSIGNABLE INPUTS 1 TO 4 a) MAIN MENU PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) There are four user assignable digital inputs configurable to a number of different functions, or turned Off. Once a function is chosen, any messages that follow may be used to set pertinent parameters for operation. Each function may only be chosen once. Assignable Inputs 1 to 4 are activated by shorting D19 to D22 (respectively) with D23. Two-speed motor protection is enabled with the S2 SYSTEM SETUP Õ CURRENT SENSING Õ× ENABLE 2-SPEED MOTOR PROTECTION setpoint. If the Two-Speed Motor feature is enabled, Assignable Input 4 is dedicated as the Two-Speed Motor Monitor and terminals D22 and D23 are monitored for a contact closure. Closure of the contact signifies that the motor is in Speed 2 or High Speed. If the input is open, it signifies that the motor is in Speed 1. This allows the 469 to determine which setpoints should be active at any given point in time. b) REMOTE ALARM PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Once the Remote Alarm function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, the setpoint messages shown here will follow the assignment message. An alarm relay may be selected and the name of the alarm may be altered. A contact closure on the digital input assigned as Remote Alarm will cause an alarm within 100 ms with the name that has been chosen. Multiple sources may be used to trigger a remote alarm by paralleling inputs (see Figure 4–4: Remote Alarm/Trip from Multiple Sources on page 4–19). n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Off Range: Off, Remote Alarm, Remote Trip, Speed Switch Trip, Load Shed Trip, Pressure Sw Alarm, Pressure Switch Trip, Vibration Sw Alarm, Vibration Sw Trip, Digital Counter, Tachometer, General Sw A, General Sw B, General Sw C, General Sw D, Capture Trace, Simulate PreFault, Simulate Fault, Simulate Pre Fault... Fault n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 2 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 2 FUNCTION: Off Range: As above for INPUT 1 FUNCTION n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 3 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 3 FUNCTION: Off Range: As above for INPUT 1 FUNCTION n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 4 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 4 FUNCTION: Off Range: As above for INPUT 1 FUNCTION INPUT 4 FUNCTION IS TWO-SPEED MOTOR n ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1 n [ENTER] for more INPUT 1 FUNCTION: Remote Alarm Range: See above. The following setpoints apply only if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Alarm” REMOTE ALARM NAME: Remote Alarm Range: 20 alphanumeric characters. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Alarm” REMOTE ALARM: Unlatched Range: Latched, Unlatched. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Alarm” ASSIGN ALARM RELAYS: Alarm Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2, Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm & Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Alarm” REMOTE ALARM EVENTS: Off Range: On, Off. Only seen if INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Alarm” ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-19 4 SETPOINTS 4.4 S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4 c) REMOTE TRIP PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S3 DIGITAL INPUTS Õ× ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4) Once the Remote Trip function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, the setpoint messages shown here will follow the assignment message.