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ICS TRIPLEX 9401机械备件,工业备件

ICS TRIPLEX 9401机械备件,工业备件

ICS TRIPLEX 9401机械备件,工业备件 “电机铭牌电压:”4160“n电压传感n[输入]更多VT连接类型:无范围:开式三角形、星形、无启用单VT操作:关闭范围:AN、BN、CN、OFF或AB、CB、OFF。仅当VT连接类型为Y型或开放式Delta电压互感器比率:35.00:1范围:1.00:1至300.00:1,步长为0.01电机铭牌电压:4000 V范围:100至36000 V,步长...

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ICS TRIPLEX 9401机械备件,工业备件

    ICS TRIPLEX 9401机械备件,工业备件

     “电机铭牌电压:”4160“n电压传感n[输入]更多VT连接类型:无范围:开式三角形、星形、无启用单VT操作:关闭范围:AN、BN、CN、OFF或AB、CB、OFF。仅当VT连接类型为Y型或开放式Delta电压互感器比率:35.00:1范围:1.00:1至300.00:1,步长为0.01电机铭牌电压:4000 V范围:100至36000 V,步长为1 ENTER ESCAPE(输入退出)电源系统在此处输入标称系统频率。这些设定值允许469确定内部采样率以获得最大精度。当标称系统频率设置为“可变”时,469可用于变频驱动器。所有元件都以相同的方式工作,但以下情况除外:负序电流与正序电流的比率计算范围为0至30%,而不是40%,如果电压波形近似正弦,电压和功率元件将正常工作。来自脉宽调制驱动器的未滤波电压波形不能被精确测量;然而,电流波形是近似正弦的并且可以精确地测量。所有电流元件将正常工作。然而,请注意,使用可变频率时,欠压和欠频元件不会立即工作。如果选择“变量”,当液位接近阈值时,过滤算法会将跳闸和报警时间增加270 ms。如果液位大大超过阈值,跳闸和报警时间将减少,直到与编程延迟相匹配。这种增加时间的例外情况是短路、接地故障和差动元件,这些元件将按照规范跳闸。如果给定电厂的相位旋转顺序是ACB而不是标准ABC,则可使用系统相位顺序设定值来适应此情况。该设定值允许469正确计算相位反转、负序和功率量。SPEED2 PHASE SEQUENCE(速度2相位序列)可编程为适应速度2时的反向电机旋转。4.3.4串行通信控制路径:设定点×S2系统设置×串行通信控制如果启用,电机可以通过三个469通信端口中的任何一个启动和停止。有关命令格式,请参阅第6章:通信。发出停止命令时,R1跳闸继电器启动1秒,以完成断路器应用的跳闸线圈电路,或断开接触器应用的接触线圈电路。当发出启动命令时,指定用于启动控制的辅助继电器激活1秒,以完成断路器应用的闭合线圈电路或接触器应用的启动控制电路。接触器密封触点将用于维护电路。有关发布星形设定点4的详细信息,请参见图4–2:降低电压启动电流特性如果使用此功能,则启动器状态开关输入必须来自公共控制触点或来自降低电压接触器和全电压接触器的辅助“a”触点的并联组合或辅助“b”触点的串联组合。一旦开始转换,469假设电机仍在运行至少2秒。如果电机电流在开路过渡期间变为零,这将防止469识别额外的启动。图4–3:降压起动器输入808725A1.CDR电机电流(%FLA)当电流低于过渡电平和/或定时器到期时,辅助继电器激活1秒过渡时间时间表示打开过渡3 x FLA过渡水平FLA注释808723A1.CDR全电压辅助“a”降低电压辅助“B”启动器状态开关输入(设定值=“启动器辅助a”)D16 D23降低电压启动器辅助“a”状态输入降低电压启动器辅“B”状态输入减少VOLTAGE AUXILIARY(电压辅助)'b'满电压辅助'b'D16 D23起动机状态开关输入(设定点='起动机辅助b')GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-17 4设定点4.4 S3数字输入4 4.4S3数字输入4.4.1描述469继电器有九(9)个数字输入。五个数字输入已预先指定为具有特定功能的开关。五个预先分配的数字输入中的四个始终正常工作,并且没有与之相关的任何设定点消息。第五个,起动机状态,可配置为“a”或“b”辅助触点。其余四个数字输入是可分配的;也就是说,输入用于的功能可以从多个不同的功能中选择。其中一些功能非常具体,其他功能可以编程以适应用户需求。如果启用双速电机功能

    " MOTOR NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE: "4160" n VOLTAGE SENSING n [ENTER] for more VT CONNECTION TYPE: None Range: Open Delta, Wye, None ENABLE SINGLE VT OPERATION: OFF Range: AN, BN, CN, OFF or AB, CB, OFF. Seen only if VT Connection Type is Wye or Open Delta VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER RATIO: 35.00:1 Range: 1.00:1 to 300.00:1 in steps of 0.01 MOTOR NAMEPLATE VOLTAGE: 4000 V Range: 100 to 36000 V in steps of 1 ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE 4-14 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.3 S2 SYSTEM SETUP 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.3.3 POWER SYSTEM PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S2 SYSTEM SETUP Õ× POWER SYSTEM Enter the nominal system frequency here. These setpoints allow the 469 to determine the internal sampling rate for maximum accuracy. The 469 may be used on variable frequency drives when the NOMINAL SYSTEM FREQUENCY is set to "Variable". All of the elements function in the same manner with the following exceptions: the ratio of negative to positive sequence current is calculated from 0 to 30%, not 40%, and the voltage and power elements will work properly if the voltage waveform is approximately sinusoidal. An unfiltered voltage waveform from a pulse width modulated drive cannot be measured accurately; however, the current waveform is approximately sinusoidal and can be measured accurately. All current elements will function properly. Note, however, that undervoltage and underfrequency elements will not work instantaneously using variable frequency. If "Variable" is chosen, the filtering algorithm increases the trip and alarm times by up to 270 ms when the level is close to the threshold. If the level exceeds the threshold by a significant amount, trip and alarm times will decrease until they match the programmed delay. The exceptions to this increased time are the short circuit, ground fault, and differential elements which will trip as per specification. If the sequence of phase rotation for a given plant is ACB rather than the standard ABC, the SYSTEM PHASE SEQUENCE setpoint may be used to accommodate this. This setpoint allows the 469 to properly calculate phase reversal, negative sequence, and power quantities. The SPEED2 PHASE SEQUENCE can be programmed to accommodate the reversed motor rotation at Speed2. 4.3.4 SERIAL COMMUNICATION CONTROL PATH: SETPOINTS Õ× S2 SYSTEM SETUP Õ× SERIAL COM. CONTROL If enabled, motor starting and stopping is possible via any of the three 469 communication ports. Refer to Chapter 6: COMMUNICATIONS for command formats. When a stop command is issued, the R1 Trip relay is activated for 1 second to complete the trip coil circuit for a breaker application or break the contact coil circuit for a contactor application. When a start command is issued, the auxiliary relay assigned for starting control is activated for 1 second to complete the close coil circuit for a breaker application or complete the start control circuit for a contactor application. A contactor sealing contact would be used to maintain the circuit. Foir details on issuing a starSETPOINTS 4 Figure 4–2: REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTING CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC If this feature is used, the Starter Status Switch input must be either from a common control contact or a parallel combination of Auxiliary ‘a’ contacts or a series combination of Auxiliary ‘b’ contacts from the reduced voltage contactor and the full voltage contactor. Once transition is initiated, the 469 assumes the motor is still running for at least 2 seconds. This prevents the 469 from recognizing an additional start if motor current goes to zero during an open transition. Figure 4–3: REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTER INPUTS 808725A1.CDR MOTOR AMPS (% FLA) When the currrent falls below the Transition Level and/or the Timer expires, the Auxiliary Relay activates for 1 second Transition Time TIME signifies Open Transition 3 x FLA Transition Level FLA NOTE 808723A1.CDR FULL VOLTAGE AUXILIARY ‘a’ REDUCED VOLTAGE AUXILIARY ‘a’ STARTER STATUS SWITCH INPUT (Setpoint = ‘Starter Auxiliary A’) D16 D23 REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTER AUXILIARY ‘A’ STATUS INPUT REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTER AUXILIARY ‘B’ STATUS INPUT REDUCED VOLTAGE AUXILIARY ‘b’ FULL VOLTAGE AUXILIARY ‘b’ D16 D23 STARTER STATUS SWITCH INPUT (Setpoint = ‘Starter Auxiliary B’) GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-17 4 SETPOINTS 4.4 S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4 4.4S3 DIGITAL INPUTS 4.4.1 DESCRIPTION The 469 relay has nine (9) digital inputs. Five of the digital inputs have been pre-assigned as switches having a specific function. Four of the five pre-assigned digital inputs are always functional and do not have any setpoint messages associated with them. The fifth, Starter Status, may be configured for either an ’a’ or ’b’ auxiliary contact. The remaining four digital inputs are assignable; that is to say, the function that the input is used for may be chosen from one of a number of different functions. Some of those functions are very specific, others may be programmed to adapt to the user requirements. If the Two-Speed Motor feature is enabled, Assignable Input 4 will be dedicated as the Two-Speed Motor Monitor. a) ACCESS SWITCH Terminals C1 and C2 must be shorted to allow changing of any setpoint values. This






    型号: ICS TRIPLEX 9401 





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