ICS TRIPLEX 9431工控模块卡件
小于额定相位CT初级的50%。理想情况下,应选择CT初级相位,以使FLA为CT初级相位的100%,或稍小,绝不超过。订购时必须指定1或5 A的辅助值,以便安装正确的硬件。还必须输入电机满载振幅(FLA)值。该值可取自电机铭牌数据表。服务系数可作为过载传感器输入(见第4–28页第4.6节:S5热模型)。对于高电阻接地系统,如果使用50:0.025接地CT输入,则可以进行灵敏的接地电流检测。要使用50:0.025输入,请为地面CT设置点选择“Multiline 50:0.025”。不会出现其他地面CT信息。在故障电流可能相当大的可靠接地系统上,469 1A或5A次级接地CT输入应用于零序或剩余接地传感。如果连接是剩余的,则接地CT次级和初级值应与相位CT相同。但是,如果连接是零序,则必须输入接地CT二级和初级值。应选择接地CT一次,使潜在故障电流不超过一次额定值的20倍。当购买继电器级CT时,该预防措施将确保接地CT在故障条件下不会饱和。如果要使用差动特性,必须输入相位差动CT主设定点。如果在矢量求和配置中每相使用两个CT,则应选择CT以确保电机启动期间没有饱和。然而,如果每相的差动保护使用铁芯平衡CT,则50或100 a的低CT额定值允许非常灵敏的差动保护。使用双速电机功能时,必须在此处为速度2输入第二组相位CT和电机FLA的值。如果相位CT与速度1相位CT相同,只需在此处输入相同的值。示例1:考虑一台469,其5 a相位CT二次和接地故障检测设置为残余,电机规格如下:电机铭牌FLA:87 a;低电阻接地;最大故障:400 A需要以下设置:n电流传感n[ENTER]更多相位CT主:未编程范围:1到5000 A,步长为1,未编程电机满载振幅FLA:未编程的范围:1至5000 A,步进为1,非编程接地CT:多线50:0.025范围:无,1A次级,5A次级,多线50:0.025接地CT主电流:100 A范围:1至5000 A,步长为1。仅当接地CT为“1A次级”或“5A次级”相位差CT时可见:无范围:无,1A次级,5A次级相位差CT初级:100 A范围:1至5000,步长为1。
less than 50% of the rated phase CT primary. Ideally, the phase CT primary should be chosen so the FLA is 100% of the phase CT primary or slightly less, never more. The secondary value of 1 or 5 A must be specified at the time of order so that the proper hardware is installed. A value for MOTOR FULL LOAD AMPS (FLA) must also be entered. The value may be taken from the motor nameplate data sheets. The Service Factor may be entered as Overload Pickup (see Section 4.6: S5 THERMAL MODEL on page 4–28). For high resistance grounded systems, sensitive ground current detection is possible if the 50:0.025 ground CT input is used. To use the 50:0.025 input, select "Multilin 50:0.025" for the GROUND CT setpoint. No additional ground CT messages will appear. On solidly grounded systems where fault currents may be quite large, the 469 1A or 5A secondary ground CT input should be used for either zero-sequence or residual ground sensing. If the connection is residual, the Ground CT secondary and primary values should be the same as the phase CT. If however, the connection is zero-sequence, the Ground CT secondary and primary values must be entered. The Ground CT primary should be selected such that potential fault current does not exceed 20 times the primary rating. When relaying class CTs are purchased, this precaution will ensure that the Ground CT does not saturate under fault conditions. The PHASE DIFFERENTIAL CT PRIMARY setpoint must be entered if the differential feature is to be used. If two CTs are used per phase in a vectorial summation configuration, the CTs should be chosen to ensure there is no saturation during motor starting. If however, a core balance CT is used for the differential protection in each phase, a low CT rating of 50 or 100 A allows for very sensitive differential protection. When the two-speed motor feature is used, a value for a second set of Phase CTs and motor FLA must be entered here for Speed 2. If the Phase CTs are the same as the speed 1 phase CTs, simply enter the same value here as well. Example 1: Consider a 469 with a 5 A Phase CT secondary and Ground Fault Detection set to Residual and a motor with the following specifications: Motor Nameplate FLA: 87 A; Low Resistance Grounded; Maximum Fault: 400 A The following settings are required: n CURRENT SENSING n [ENTER] for more PHASE CT PRIMARY: Not Programmed Range: 1 to 5000 A in steps of 1, Not Programmed MOTOR FULL LOAD AMPS FLA: Not Programmed Range: 1 to 5000 A in steps of 1, Not Programmed GROUND CT: Multilin 50:0.025 Range: None, 1A Secondary, 5A Secondary, Multilin 50:0.025 GROUND CT PRIMARY: 100 A Range: 1 to 5000 A in steps of 1. Seen only if GROUND CTis "1A Secondary" or "5A Secondary" PHASE DIFFERENTIAL CT: None Range: None, 1A Secondary, 5A Secondary PHASE DIFFERENTIAL CT PRIMARY: 100 A Range: 1 to 5000 in steps of 1.