ICS TRIPLEX 9803机器人备件,备件库存
如果当前编程的密码未知,请使用此号码咨询工厂服务部门。使用解密程序,可以确定密码。n PASSCODE n[ENTER](输入密码)获取更多信息,请输入密码:范围:1到8个数字。仅当密码不为“0”且设定点访问为“受限”时才可见。设定值访问:允许范围:允许,限制。仅当密码为“0”或设定点访问为“允许”时才可见。更改密码:否范围:否,是。仅当密码为“0”或设定点访问为“允许”时才可见。输入退出消息退出消息退出输入退出消息帮助GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器4-7 4设定值4.2 S1 469设置4 4.2.2首选路径:设定值S1 469设定值×首选某些特性可以针对不同情况进行修改。通常,此子组不需要更改。•默认消息循环时间:如果选择了多个默认消息,则显示会自动循环显示这些消息。可以更改显示时间以适应不同的用户偏好。•默认消息超时:如果在一段时间内没有按下任何键,则继电器将自动扫描一组编程的默认消息。可以修改此时间,以确保在编程或读取实际值期间消息在屏幕上保留足够长的时间。默认扫描开始后,按任意键将返回屏幕上查看的最后一条消息。•平均电机负载计算周期:该设置点调整计算平均电机负载的时间周期。该计算是一个滑动窗口,在电机启动期间被忽略。•温度显示:温度测量值可以以摄氏度或华氏度显示。每个温度值显示为°C或°F。RTD设定值始终以摄氏度显示。•跟踪存储器触发器位置:设置波形捕获的触发器位置。该值表示触发(跳闸)之前捕获并记录在跟踪内存缓冲区中的周期百分比。•TRACE MEMORY BUFFERS(跟踪存储器缓冲区):设置要捕获的跟踪数和捕获的10个波形中每个波形的周期数。注:每条记录道捕获10个波形,显示所有电流和电压。
Consult the factory service department with this number if the currently programmed passcode is unknown. Using a deciphering program, the passcode can be determined. n PASSCODE n [ENTER] for more ENTER PASSCODE FOR ACCESS: Range: 1 to 8 numeric digits. Seen only if passcode is not “0” and SETPOINT ACCESS is “Restricted”. SETPOINT ACCESS: Permitted Range: Permitted, Restricted. Seen only if the passcode is “0” or SETPOINT ACCESS is “Permitted”. CHANGE PASSWORD: No Range: No, Yes. Seen only if the passcode is “0” or SETPOINT ACCESS is “Permitted”. ENTER ESCAPE ð ð MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE ENTER MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE HELP GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 4-7 4 SETPOINTS 4.2 S1 469 SETUP 4 4.2.2 PREFERENCES PATH: SETPOINTS Õ S1 469 SETUP Õ× PREFERENCES Some characteristics can be modified for different situations. Normally this subgroup will not require changes. • DEFAULT MESSAGE CYCLE TIME: If multiple default messages are chosen, the display automatically cycles through those messages. The display time can be changed to accommodate different user preferences. • DEFAULT MESSAGE TIMEOUT: If no keys are pressed for a period of time then the relay will automatically scan a programmed set of default messages. This time can be modified to ensure messages remain on the screen long enough during programming or reading actual values. Once default scanning starts, pressing any key will return the last message viewed to the screen. • AVERAGE MOTOR LOAD CALCULATION PERIOD: This setpoint adjusts the period of time over which the average motor load is calculated. The calculation is a sliding window and is ignored during motor starting. • TEMPERATURE DISPLAY: Temperature measurements may be displayed in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. Each temperature value is displayed as °C or °F. RTD setpoints are always displayed in degrees Celsius. • TRACE MEMORY TRIGGER POSITION: Sets the trigger position for waveform capture. This value represents the percentage of cycles captured and recorded in the trace memory buffer prior to the trigger (trip). • TRACE MEMORY BUFFERS: Sets the number of traces to capture and the number of cycles for each of the 10 waveforms captured. Note: 10 waveforms are captured for each trace, showing all currents and voltages.