ICS TRIPLEX 9832工控模块系统备件
如果R2辅助设备用于上游跳闸,则其也不能用于控制降压启动。类似地,如果R3专用于继电器,以将所有报警条件反馈给PLC,则它也不能严格用于发出特定报警,如欠电流。为了确保中继分配中不发生冲突,已采取了若干预防措施。除短路备用跳闸外,所有跳闸默认为R1跳闸输出继电器。所有报警默认为R4报警继电器。R2和R3辅助继电器仅默认具有特殊控制功能。建议在所有设定点编程完成后,对这些分配进行审查。重置4-6 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 4.2 S1 469设置4设定点4 4.2S1 469设定4.2.1密码路径:设定点S1 469设定点密码除设置点访问跳线外,还提供密码访问安全功能。出厂时,密码默认为0。当密码为0时,将忽略密码保护。在这种情况下,只需要设置点访问跳线即可从前面板更改设置点。通过RS485端口编程设定点时,密码也会被忽略。但是,使用前RS232端口和469PC软件编程设定点,需要密码(如果启用)。要在新继电器上启用密码保护,请遵循以下步骤:1。然后按下直到更改密码?显示消息。2.选择“Yes”(是)并按照说明输入长度为1至8位的新密码。3.一旦密码(“0”除外)被编程,则每次限制设置点访问时都必须输入密码。如果编程了非零密码并且限制了设置点访问,则在进入S1 469 SETUP(设置)密码子组时,将显示ENTER passcode FOR access(输入密码用于访问)消息。4.输入正确的密码。如果代码不正确,将显示一条闪烁消息,并允许重试。如果密码正确且安装了设定点访问跳线,则会显示setpoint access:Permitted(设定点访问:允许)消息。5.现在可以输入设定值。按下退出S1 469 SETUP(设置)PASSCODE(密码)组并编程相应的设定点。如果5分钟内没有按键,将不再允许编程访问,并且必须重新输入密码。移除设置点访问跳线或将设置点访问设置点设置为“受限”也将立即禁用设置点访问。如果需要一个新的密码,通过如上所述输入有效的密码来获得设置点访问权限,然后按下以显示CHANGE passcode(更改密码)消息并遵循指示。如果输入了无效的密码,则可以通过按键查看加密的密码。
if R2 Auxiliary is to be used for upstream trips, it cannot also be used for the control of a Reduced Voltage Start. Similarly, if R3 is to be dedicated as a relay to echo all alarm conditions to a PLC, it cannot also be used strictly to enunciate a specific alarm such as Undercurrent. In order to ensure that conflicts in relay assignment do not occur, several precautions have been taken. All trips with the exception of the Short Circuit Backup Trip default to R1 Trip output relay. All alarms default to the R4 Alarm relay. Only special control functions are defaulted to the R2 and R3 Auxiliary relays. It is recommended that these assignments be reviewed once all the setpoints have been programmed. RESET 4-6 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 4.2 S1 469 SETUP 4 SETPOINTS 4 4.2S1 469 SETUP 4.2.1 PASSCODE PATH: SETPOINTS Õ S1 469 SETUP Õ PASSCODE A passcode access security feature is provided in addition to the setpoint access jumper. When shipped from the factory, the passcode is defaulted to 0. Passcode protection is ignored when the passcode is 0. In this case, only the setpoint access jumper is required for changing setpoints from the front panel. Passcodes are also ignored when programming setpoints via the RS485 port. However when programming setpoints using the front RS232 port and the 469PC software, a passcode is required (if enabled). To enable passcode protection on a new relay, follow the procedure below: 1. Press then until the CHANGE PASSCODE? message is displayed. 2. Select “Yes” and follow the directions to enter a new passcode 1 to 8 digits in length. 3. Once a passcode (other than “0”) is programmed, it must be entered each time setpoint access is restricted. If a nonzero passcode has been programmed and setpoint access is restricted, then the ENTER PASSCODE FOR ACCESS message appears when entering the S1 469 SETUP Õ PASSCODE subgroup. 4. Enter the correct passcode. A flash message will advise if the code is incorrect and allows a retry. If the passcode is correct and the setpoint access jumper is installed, the SETPOINT ACCESS: Permitted message appears. 5. Setpoints can now be entered. Press to exit the S1 469 SETUP Õ PASSCODE group and program the appropriate setpoints. If no keys are pressed for 5 minutes, programming access will no longer be allowed and the passcode must be re-entered. Removing the setpoint access jumper or setting the SETPOINT ACCESS setpoint to “Restricted” will also immediately disable setpoint access. If a new passcode is required, gain setpoint access by entering the valid passcode as described above, then press to display the CHANGE PASSCODE message and follow directions. If an invalid passcode is entered, an encrypted passcode may be viewed by pressing the key.