ICS TRIPLEX T3120机械备件,工控模块机器人备件
触发图形的光标行1、2或差值(增量)值单击以手动触发和捕获波形DATE/TIME显示触发原因触发原因的日期和时间WAVEFORM继电器波形数据LEVEL在实线光标行显示图形的值CHECK BOX切换复选框以查看所需的图形按钮打印、帮助、,保存(将图形保存到文件)、打开(打开图形文件)、放大和缩小光标行要移动行,请将鼠标指针移动到光标行上;按住鼠标左键并将光标线拖动到新位置GE Multilin 469电机管理继电器3-15 3用户接口3.2 469PC软件接口3 3.2.7相量469PC软件可用于查看三相电流和电压的相量图。相量用于:相电压A、B和C;相电流A、B和C1。469PC运行并建立通信后,选择“实际”>“计量数据”菜单项,然后单击“相量”选项卡,打开“计量数据窗口”。将显示相量图、电压相量值和电流相量值。较长的箭头表示电压相量,较短的箭头表示电流相量。Va和Ia是基准(即零度相位)。滞后角为顺时针。图3-11:PHASORS 3.2.8事件记录469事件记录器可通过469PC软件查看。事件记录器在每次发生事件(例如,电机跳闸)时存储电机和系统信息。最多可存储40个事件,其中EVENT01是最新的,EVENT40是最旧的。每当发生新事件时,EVENT40都会被覆盖。1.在469PC运行并建立通信后,选择“实际”>“事件记录”菜单项以打开“事件记录窗口”。此窗口显示事件列表,最新事件显示在顶部(参见下图)。2.按查看数据按钮查看所选事件的详细信息。3.视图数据窗口顶部的事件记录选择器允许用户滚动浏览不同的事件。4.选择“保存”将所选事件的详细信息存储到文件中。5.选择“打印”将事件发送到系统打印机,选择“确定”关闭窗口。事件记录器的更多信息可在“帮助”下找到。注释808713A1.CDR电压电平显示电压相量值和角度电流相量短箭头电压相量长箭头电流电平显示电流相量值值和角度3-16 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 3.2 469PC软件接口3用户界面3图3–12:469PC事件记录器3.2.9故障排除本节提供了一些程序在Windows环境中遇到故障时(例如,通用保护故障(GPF)、丢失窗口、打开/保存文件中的问题和应用程序错误消息),对469PC进行故障排除。如果469PC软件导致Windows系统错误:1。检查系统资源:•在Windows 95/98中,右键单击“我的电脑”图标,然后单击“性能”选项卡。
Cursor Lines 1, 2, or Difference (Delta) values for the graph TRIGGER Click to manually trigger and capture waveforms DATE/TIME Displays the date and time of the trigger cause TRIGGER CAUSE Displays the cause of the trigger WAVEFORM The relay waveform data LEVEL Displays the value of the graph at the solid cursor line CHECK BOX Toggle the check boxes to view desired graphs BUTTONS Print, Help, Save (to save graph to a file), Open (to open a graph file), Zoom In and Out CURSOR LINES To move lines, move the mouse pointer over the cursor line; hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor line to a new location GE Multilin 469 Motor Management Relay 3-15 3 USER INTERFACES 3.2 469PC SOFTWARE INTERFACE 3 3.2.7 PHASORS The 469PC software can be used to view the phasor diagram of three phase currents and voltages. The phasors are for: Phase Voltages A, B, and C; Phase Currents A, B, and C. 1. With 469PC running and the communications established, open the Metering Data window by selecting the Actual > Metering Data menu item then clicking the Phasors tab. The phasor diagram and the values of voltage phasors, and current phasors are displayed. Longer arrows are the voltage phasors, shorter arrows are the current phasors. 2. Va and Ia are the references (i.e. zero degree phase). The lagging angle is clockwise. Figure 3–11: PHASORS 3.2.8 EVENT RECORDS The 469 event recorder can be viewed with the 469PC software. The event recorder stores motor and system information each time an event occurs (e.g. motor trip). Up to 40 events can be stored, where EVENT01 is the most recent and EVENT40 is the oldest. EVENT40 is overwritten whenever a new event occurs. 1. With 469PC running and communications established, select the Actual > Event Recording menu item to open the Event Recording window. This window displays the list of events with the most current event displayed on top (see the figure below). 2. Press the View Data button to view the details of selected events. 3. The Event Record Selector at the top of the View Data Window allows the user to scroll through different events. 4. Select Save to store the details of the selected events to a file. 5. Select Print to send the events to the system printer, and OK to close the window. More information for the event recorder can be found under Help. NOTE 808713A1.CDR VOLTAGE LEVEL Displays the value and the angle of the voltage phasors CURRENT PHASOR Short arrow VOLTAGE PHASOR Long arrow CURRENT LEVEL Displays the value and angle of the current phasors 3-16 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 3.2 469PC SOFTWARE INTERFACE 3 USER INTERFACES 3 Figure 3–12: 469PC EVENT RECORDER 3.2.9 TROUBLESHOOTING This section provides some procedures for troubleshooting the 469PC when troubles are encountered within the Windows environment (for example, General Protection Fault (GPF), Missing Window, Problems in Opening/Saving Files, and Application Error messages). If the 469PC software causes Windows system errors: 1. Check system resources: •In Windows 95/98, right-click on the My Computer icon and click on the Performance tab.