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ICS TRIPLEX T3160化模块备件

ICS TRIPLEX T3160化模块备件

ICS TRIPLEX T3160化模块备件通过继电器,将显示此消息。4.单击“确定”以编辑通信设置(或者随时选择“通信”>“计算机”菜单项)。将出现“通信/计算机”对话框,其中包含本地PC的各种通信设置。应按如下所示修改设置。图3-3:通信/计算机对话框5。要开始通信,请单击对话框通信部分中的ON按钮。状态部分指示通信状态。如果建立了通信,将显示消息“469PC现在正在与469通话”。此外...

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ICS TRIPLEX T3160化模块备件

    ICS TRIPLEX T3160化模块备件

    通过继电器,将显示此消息。4.单击“确定”以编辑通信设置(或者随时选择“通信”>“计算机”菜单项)。将出现“通信/计算机”对话框,其中包含本地PC的各种通信设置。应按如下所示修改设置。图3-3:通信/计算机对话框5。要开始通信,请单击对话框通信部分中的ON按钮。状态部分指示通信状态。如果建立了通信,将显示消息“469PC现在正在与469通话”。此外,屏幕右下角的状态指示“正在通信”。基于用户首选项设置。在“与继电器通信”模式下,469PC将尝试在启动后立即建立通信。当处于“文件模式/默认设置”时,469PC在尝试通信之前等待用户单击“打开”按钮–当469PC在使用时没有连接469继电器时,首选此模式。启动模式设置为与RS232/RS485转换器类型匹配。如果通过469前面板RS232端口连接,请选择“无控制类型”。如果通过GE Multilin F485转换器单元连接,请选择“Multilin RS232/RS485转换器”。如果通过调制解调器连接,请选择“调制解调器”。如果使用第三方RS232/RS485转换器,请根据制造商的规范从可用列表中选择适当的控制类型。控制类型设置为与469 PARITY设置点匹配(参见S1 469 SETUP)。如果通过469前面板RS232端口连接,则设置为“无”。奇偶校验设置与469 BAUD RATE(波特率)设定值匹配(参见S1 469 SETUP(设置))。波特率设置为469继电器连接的位置(例如COM1或COM2)。在大多数计算机上,COM1由鼠标设备使用,因此COM2通常可用于通信。通信端口#本地PC上的COM端口设置为与469从属地址设置点匹配(请参阅S1 469设置)。从属地址3-8 469电机管理继电器GE Multilin 3.2 469PC软件接口3用户界面3 3.2.4使用469PC a)将设定值保存到文件中在执行任何固件升级之前,必须将设定值存储到本地PC上的文件中。在进行任何设定点更改或创建新的设定点文件之前,强烈建议保存设定点。要将设定值保存到本地PC上的文件中,请遵循以下步骤。1.选择文件>属性菜单项。出现下面的对话框,允许为469PC软件配置正确的固件版本。469PC在创建设定点文件时需要知道正确的版本,以便特定版本中不可用的设定点不会下载到继电器中。2.选择正确的固件版本后,选择文件>另存为菜单项。这将启动以下对话框。在文件名框中输入保存设定点的文件名,或选择任何显示的文件名来更新它们。

    with the relay, this message will appear. 4. Click OK to edit the communications settings (or alternately, select the Communications > Computer menu item at any time). The Communications/Computer dialog box will appear containing the various communications settings for the local PC. The settings should be modified as shown below. Figure 3–3: COMMUNICATION/COMPUTER DIALOG BOX 5. To begin communications, click the ON button in the Communication section of the dialog box. The status section indicates the communications status. If communications are established, the message “469PC is now talking to a 469” is displayed. As well, the status at the bottom right hand corner of the screen indicates “Communicating”. Set the based on user preference. In “Communicate with Relay” mode, 469PC will attempt to establish communications immediately upon startup. While in the “File mode /w default settings”, 469PC waits for the user to click the ON button before attempting communications – this mode is preferred when the 469PC is being used without an attached 469 relay. Startup Mode Set to match the type of RS232/RS485 converter. If connected through the 469 front panel RS232 port, select “No Control Type”. If connected through a GE Multilin F485 converter unit, select “MULTILIN RS232/RS485 CONVERTOR”. If connected through a modem, select “Modem”. If a thirdparty RS232/RS485 converter is being used, select the appropriate control type from the available list based on the manufacturer’s specifications. Control Type Set to match the 469 PARITY setpoint (see S1 469 SETUP). If connected through the 469 front panel RS232 port, set to “None”. Parity Set to match the 469 BAUD RATE setpoint (see S1 469 SETUP). Baud Rate Set to where the 469 relay is connected (e.g. COM1 or COM2). On most computers, COM1 is used by the mouse device and as such COM2 is usually available for communications. Communcation Port # the COM port on your local PC Set to match the 469 SLAVE ADDRESS setpoint (see S1 469 SETUP). Slave Address 3-8 469 Motor Management Relay GE Multilin 3.2 469PC SOFTWARE INTERFACE 3 USER INTERFACES 3 3.2.4 USING 469PC a) SAVING SETPOINTS TO A FILE Setpoints must be saved to a file on the local PC before performing any firmware upgrades. Saving setpoints is also highly recommended before making any setpoint changes or creating new setpoint files. To save setpoints to a file on the local PC, follow the procedure below. 1. Select the File > Properties menu item. The dialog box below appears, allowing for the configuration of the 469PC software for the correct firmware version. 469PC needs to know the correct version when creating a setpoint file so that setpoints not available in a particular version are not downloaded into the relay. 2. When the correct firmware version is chosen, select the File > Save As menu item. This launches the following dialog box. Enter the filename under which the setpoints are saved in the File Name box or select any displayed file names to update them.








    型号:  TRIPLEX T3160 





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