ICS TRIPLEX T8202处理器模块,模块控制器
>程序管理器窗口中的“关于程序管理器”菜单项。验证可用系统资源是否为60%或更高。如果它们较低,请关闭所有未使用的其他程序。2.Windows目录结构中的threed.vbx文件被469PC软件(以及可能的其他Windows)使用™ 程序)。此文件的某些旧版本与469PC不兼容;因此,可能需要使用469PC附带的最新版本更新此文件。安装469PC软件后,此文件将位于\GEPM\469PC\threed.vbx.3中。要更新threed.vbx文件,请找到当前使用的文件并对其进行备份,例如threed.bak.4。应进行搜索以查找本地PC硬盘上的任何三个.vbx文件。需要替换的文件位于\windows或\windows\system目录中。5.将原始的threed.vbx替换为\GEPM\469pc\threed.vfx。确保将新文件复制到原始文件所在的目录。6.如果Windows™ 阻止替换此文件,请重新启动电脑并在打开任何程序之前替换该文件。7.重新启动Windows™ 以使这些更改充分生效。GE Power Management 469电机管理继电器A-1附录A A.1调试A附录A附录AA.1调试A.1.1调试汇总表A–1:设定值第1–469页设置描述默认用户值密码密码----首选项默认消息周期时间2.0秒默认消息超时300秒平均电机负载计算周期15分钟。温度显示摄氏度跟踪内存触发位置25%跟踪内存缓冲区8 x 14周期显示更新间隔0.4秒过滤器间隔0周期串行端口从属地址254组件。RS485波特率9600波特补偿。RS485奇偶校验无辅助。RS485波特率9600波特辅助。RS485奇偶校验无消息SCRATCHPAD文本1文本2文本3文本4文本5表A–2:设定值第2页-系统设置描述默认用户值电流感应相位CT主未编程电机满载电流未编程接地CT多线50:0.025接地CT主100 A相位差CT无相位差CT主100 B启用2速电机保护。无速度2相CT主100 A速度2电机FLA 1 A电压感应VT连接类型无启用单VT连接断开电压互感器比率35.00:1电机铭牌电压4000 V电力系统标称系统频率60 Hz系统相序ABC速度2相序ABC串行通信控制串行通信控制。断开分配启动控制继电器辅助2降压启动断开分配控制继电器辅助3仅转换电流分配跳闸继电器跳闸降压启动水平100%FLA降压启动定时器200 s A-2 469电机管理继电器GE电源管理A.1调试附录A表A–3:设定值第3页-数字输入(第1页,共2页)说明默认用户值描述默认用户值启动器状态振动开关跳闸启动器状态开关。启动辅助A分配跳闸继电器跳闸可分配数字输入振动开关跳闸延迟5.0秒输入1功能关闭数字计数器输入2功能关闭计数器单元输入3功能关闭计数器预设值0输入4功能关闭计数器类型增量远程报警计数器报警关闭远程报警名称远程报警分配报警继电器报警远程报警未锁定计数器报警级别100分配报警继电器报警计数器报警拾取过远程报警事件关闭计数器报警事件关闭远程跳闸转速表远程跳闸名称远程跳闸额定速度3600 RPM分配跳闸继电器跳闸转速表报警关闭速度开关跳闸分配报警继电器警报分配跳闸继电器跳脱转速表报警速度10%额定速度开关跳闸延迟5.0 s转速表报警延迟1 s卸载跳闸转速计报警事件关闭分配跳闸继电器跳闸转速计跳闸关闭压力开关报警分配跳闸继电器触发块报警从启动0 s转速计跳闸速度10%额定压力开关报警未锁定转速计跳闸延迟1 s分配报警继电器报警通用开关A压力开关报警延迟5.0 s开关名称通用开关。A压力开关报警事件关闭一般开关状态常开压力开关跳闸块输入从开始0 s块跳闸从开始0 s一般开关报警关闭分配跳闸继电器跳闸分配报警继电器报警压力开关跳闸延迟5.0 s一般开关报警延迟5.0 s振动开关报警一般开关事件关闭振动开关报警未锁定一般开关跳闸分配报警继电器报警分配跳闸继电器跳闸振动开关延迟5.0 s一般开关跳闸延迟5.0 s振动开关报警事件关闭
> About Program Manager menu item from the Program Manager window. Verify that the available system resources are 60% or higher. If they are lower, close any other programs that are not being used. 2. The threed.vbx file in the Windows directory structure is used by the 469PC software (and possibly other Windows™ programs). Some older versions of this file are not compatible with 469PC; therefore it may be necessary to update this file with the latest version included with 469PC. After installation of the 469PC software, this file will be located in \GEPM\469PC\threed.vbx. 3. To update the threed.vbx file, locate the currently used file and make a backup of it, e.g. threed.bak. 4. A search should be conducted to locate any threed.vbx files on the local PC hard drive. The file which needs replacing is the one located in the \windows or the \windows\system directory. 5. Replace the original threed.vbx with \GEPM\469pc\threed.vbx. Ensure that the new file is copied to the same directory where the original one was. 6. If Windows™ prevents the replacing of this file, restart the PC and replace the file before any programs are opened. 7. Restart Windows™ for these changes to take full effect. GE Power Management 469 Motor Management Relay A-1 APPENDIX A A.1 COMMISSIONING A APPENDIX A APPENDIX AA.1 COMMISSIONING A.1.1 COMMISSIONING SUMMARY Table A–1: SETPOINTS PAGE 1 – 469 SETUP DESCRIPTION DEFAULT USER VALUE PASSCODE Passcode ---- PREFERENCES Default Message Cycle Time 2.0 s Default Message Timeout 300 s Avg. Motor Load Calc. Period 15 min. Temperature Display Celsius Trace Memory Trigger Pos. 25% Trace Memory Buffers 8 x 14 cycles Display Update Interval 0.4 s Filter Interval 0 cycles SERIAL PORTS Slave Address 254 Comp. RS485 Baud Rate 9600 baud Comp. RS485 Parity None Aux. RS485 Baud Rate 9600 baud Aux. RS485 Parity None MESSAGE SCRATCHPAD Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Table A–2: SETPOINTS PAGE 2 – SYSTEM SETUP DESCRIPTION DEFAULT USER VALUE CURRENT SENSING Phase CT Primary Not Programmed Motor Full Load Amps Not Programmed Ground CT Multilin 50:0.025 Ground CT Primary 100 A Phase Differential CT None Phase Differential CT Primary 100 A Enable 2-Speed Motor Prot. No Speed2 Phase CT Primary 100 A Speed2 Motor FLA 1 A VOLTAGE SENSING VT Connection Type None Enable Single VT Connection Off Voltage Transformer Ratio 35.00:1 Motor Nameplate Voltage 4000 V POWER SYSTEM Nominal System Frequency 60 Hz System Phase Sequence ABC Speed2 Phase Sequence ABC SERIAL COMMUNICATION CONTROL Serial Communication Ctrl. Off Assign Start Control Relays Auxiliary2 REDUCED VOLTAGE Reduced Voltage Starting Off Assign Control Relays Auxiliary3 Transition On Current Only Assign Trip Relays Trip Reduced Voltage Start Level 100% FLA Reduced Voltage Start Timer 200 s A-2 469 Motor Management Relay GE Power Management A.1 COMMISSIONING APPENDIX A A Table A–3: SETPOINTS PAGE 3 – DIGITAL INPUTS (Sheet 1 of 2) DESCRIPTION DEFAULT USER VALUE DESCRIPTION DEFAULT USER VALUE STARTER STATUS VIBRATION SWITCH TRIP Starter Status Sw. Start Aux A Assign Trip Relays Trip ASSIGNABLE DIGITAL INPUTS Vibration Switch Trip Delay 5.0 s Input 1 Function Off DIGITAL COUNTER Input 2 Function Off Counter Units Units Input 3 Function Off Counter Preset Value 0 Input 4 Function Off Counter Type Increment REMOTE ALARM Counter Alarm Off Remote Alarm Name Remote Alarm Assign Alarm Relays Alarm Remote Alarm Unlatched Counter Alarm Level 100 Assign Alarm Relays Alarm Counter Alarm Pickup Over Remote Alarm Events Off Counter Alarm Events Off REMOTE TRIP TACHOMETER Remote Trip Name Remote Trip Rated Speed 3600 RPM Assign Trip Relays Trip Tachometer Alarm Off SPEED SWITCH TRIP Assign Alarm Relays Alarm Assign Trip Relays Trip Tachometer Alarm Speed 10% Rated Speed Switch Trip Delay 5.0 s Tachometer Alarm Delay 1 s LOAD SHED TRIP Tachometer Alarm Events Off Assign Trip Relays Trip Tachometer Trip Off PRESSURE SWITCH ALARM Assign Trip Relays Trip Block Alarm From Start 0 s Tachometer Trip Speed 10% Rated Pressure Switch Alarm Unlatched Tachometer Trip Delay 1 s Assign Alarm Relays Alarm GENERAL SWITCH A Pressure Switch Alarm Delay 5.0 s Switch Name General Sw. A Pressure Switch Alarm Events Off General Switch State Normally Open PRESSURE SWITCH TRIP Block Input From Start 0 s Block Trip From Start 0 s General Switch Alarm Off Assign Trip Relays Trip Assign Alarm Relays Alarm Pressure Switch Trip Delay 5.0 s General Switch Alarm Delay 5.0 s VIBRATION SWITCH ALARM General Switch Events Off Vibration Switch Alarm Unlatched General Switch Trip Off Assign Alarm Relays Alarm Assign Trip Relays Trip Vibration Switch Delay 5.0 s General Switch Trip Delay 5.0 s Vibration Switch Alarm Events Off