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ICS TRIPLEX T8846工控备件机器人模块

ICS TRIPLEX T8846工控备件机器人模块

ICS TRIPLEX T8846工控备件机器人模块由于TIME(时间)设定值具有特殊格式(HH/MM/SS.S),如果在输入完整值之前按下,则会显示此消息,并且不会存储新值。必须使用完整的信息进行另一次尝试。•时间输入超出范围:如果时间输入无效(例如,输入35小时),将显示此消息。•NO TRIPS OR ALARMS TO RESET(无跳闸或报警复位):如果在没有跳闸或报警的情况下按下,将显...

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ICS TRIPLEX T8846工控备件机器人模块

    ICS TRIPLEX T8846工控备件机器人模块

    由于TIME(时间)设定值具有特殊格式(HH/MM/SS.S),如果在输入完整值之前按下,则会显示此消息,并且不会存储新值。必须使用完整的信息进行另一次尝试。•时间输入超出范围:如果时间输入无效(例如,输入35小时),将显示此消息。•NO TRIPS OR ALARMS TO RESET(无跳闸或报警复位):如果在没有跳闸或报警的情况下按下,将显示此消息。•成功执行复位:如果所有激活的跳闸和报警功能都可以清除(即导致这些跳闸和/或报警的条件不再存在),则执行复位时将显示此消息,表明所有跳闸和报警都已清除。•已执行所有可能的重置:如果只有一些激活的跳闸和报警功能可以被清除(即,导致这些跳闸和/或报警的条件仍然存在),则在执行重置时,将显示此消息,表明只有可重置的跳闸和警报已被重置。•条件存在重置不可能:如果无法清除激活的跳闸和报警功能(即导致这些跳闸/报警的条件仍然存在),则按下时会显示此消息。•你确定?按下[ENTER](输入)进行验证:如果按下该键且任何跳闸或报警功能都可能复位,则该消息将显示为要求验证操作。如果在信息仍显示在显示屏上时再次按下,将执行重置。•按[ENTER]添加默认消息:如果在469实际值消息结构中的任何位置按下该键,该消息将提示用户按添加新的默认消息。要添加新的默认消息,必须在显示此消息时按下。•已添加默认消息:在默认消息列表中添加新的默认消息时,此消息将显示为验证。•默认消息列表已满:如果在已分配20条消息时尝试将新的默认消息添加到默认消息列表,则会显示此消息。要添加消息,必须删除其中一条现有消息。•按下[ENTER]删除消息:如果在S1 469 SETUP\DEFAULT MESSAGES(S1 469设置\默认消息)组中按下十进制键,紧接着按下该键,则该消息提示用户按下以删除默认消息。要删除默认消息,必须在显示此消息时按下。输入复位复位复位复位输入输入输入输入5-30 469电机管理继电器GE电源管理5.8诊断5实际值5•已删除默认消息:任何时候从默认消息列表中删除默认消息,该消息将显示为验证。•默认消息6(共20条)已分配:每次输入S1 469 SETUP/DEFAULT MESSAGES(设置/默认消息)子组时,都会显示此消息。它会通知用户分配的默认消息数。•输入功能已分配:可分配数字输入功能只能使用一次。如果试图将相同的功能分配给两个不同的开关,则会显示此消息。•输入的无效服务代码:如果在S13 469测试/MULTILIN USE ONLY中输入了无效代码,则显示此消息。•此处按下的键无效:在某些情况下,某些键没有功能(例如,查看实际值时的任何数字键)。如果在没有功能的地方按下按键,将显示此消息。•数据清除成功:此消息确认S1 469 SETUP\CLEAR DATA或S1 469设置\安装设定点组中的数据已清除或重置。•页面顶部:此消息将指示何时到达页面顶部。•页面底部:此消息将指示何时到达页面底部。•列表顶部:此消息将指示何时到达子组顶部。•列表底部:此消息将指示何时到达子组底部。•[.]键用于推进光标:任何时候查看需要文本编辑的设置点时,都会立即显示此消息,提示用户使用十进制键进行光标控制。如果设定值在1分钟内未更改,则消息将再次闪烁。•NO ALARMS ACTIVE(无报警激活):如果在没有激活报警时尝试进入A1 STATUS\ALARM STATUS(A1状态\报警状态)子组,则显示此消息。•NO START BLOCKS ACTIVE(无启动块激活):当没有激活的启动块时,如果试图进入A1 STATUS/START BLOCKS(A1状态/启动块)子组,则显示此消息。•此功能未编程:如果试图输入实际值消息子组,当未为该功能配置设定点时,将显示此消息。GE Power Management 469电机管理继电器6-1 6通信6.1 MODBUS通信6 6通信6.1 MODBUS通信

    Since the TIME setpoint has a special format (HH/MM/SS.S), if is pressed before the complete value entered, this message appears and the new value is not stored. Another attempt will have to be made with the complete information. • TIME ENTRY WAS OUT OF RANGE: If and invalid entry is made for the time (e.g. 35 entered for hour), this message will appear. • NO TRIPS OR ALARMS TO RESET: If is pressed when there are no trips or alarms present, this message will appear. • RESET PERFORMED SUCCESSFULLY: If all trip and alarm features that are active can be cleared (i.e. the conditions that caused these trips and/or alarms are no longer present), then this message will appear when a RESET is performed, indicating that all trips and alarms have been cleared. • ALL POSSIBLE RESETS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED: If only some of the trip and alarm features that are active can be cleared (i.e. the conditions that caused some of these trips and/or alarms are still present), then this message will appear when a RESET is performed, indicating that only trips and alarms that could be reset have been reset. • CONDITION IS PRESENT RESET NOT POSSIBLE: If no trip and alarm features that are active can be cleared (i.e. the condition that caused these trips/alarms is still present), then this message appears when is pressed. • ARE YOU SURE? PRESS [ENTER] TO VERIFY: If the key is pressed and resetting of any trip or alarm feature is possible, this message will appear to ask for verification of the operation. If is pressed again while the message is still on the display, the reset will be performed. • PRESS [ENTER] TO ADD DEFAULT MESSAGE: If the key is pressed anywhere in the 469 actual value message structure, this message prompts the user to press to add a new default message. To add a new default message, must be pressed while this message is being displayed. • DEFAULT MESSAGE HAS BEEN ADDED: Any time a new default message is added to the default message list, this message will appear as verification. • DEFAULT MESSAGE LIST IS FULL: If an attempt is made to add a new default message to the default message list when 20 messages are already assigned, this message will appear. In order to add a message, one of the existing messages must be removed. • PRESS [ENTER] TO REMOVE MESSAGE: If the decimal key is pressed in the S1 469 SETUP \ DEFAULT MESSAGES group, immediately followed by the key, this message prompts the user to press to remove a default message. To remove the default message, must be pressed while this message is being displayed. ENTER ENTER RESET RESET RESET RESET ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER 5-30 469 Motor Management Relay GE Power Management 5.8 DIAGNOSTICS 5 ACTUAL VALUES 5 • DEFAULT MESSAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED: Any time a default message is removed from the default message list, this message will appear as verification. • DEFAULT MESSAGES 6 OF 20 ARE ASSIGNED: This message appears each time the S1 469 SETUP / DEFAULT MESSAGES subgroup is entered. It notifies the user of the number of assigned default messages. • INPUT FUNCTION IS ALREADY ASSIGNED: The Assignable Digital Input functions may only be used once. If an attempt is made to assign the same function to two different switches, this message will appear. • INVALID SERVICE CODE ENTERED: This message appears if an invalid code is entered in S13 469 TESTING / MULTILIN USE ONLY. • KEY PRESSED HERE IS INVALID: Under certain situations, certain keys have no function (e.g. any number key while viewing Actual Values). If a key is pressed where it should have no function, this message will appear. • DATA CLEARED SUCCESSFULLY: This message confirms that data has been cleared or reset in the S1 469 SETUP \ CLEAR DATA or S1 469 SETUP \ INSTALLATION setpoint groups. • TOP OF PAGE: This message will indicate when the top of a page has been reached. • BOTTOM OF PAGE: This message will indicate when the bottom of a page has been reached. • TOP OF LIST: This message will indicate when the top of subgroup has been reached. • BOTTOM OF LIST: This message will indicate when the bottom of a subgroup has been reached. • [.] KEY IS USED TO ADVANCE THE CURSOR: Any time a setpoint that requires text editing is viewed, this message will appear immediately to prompt the user to use the decimal key for cursor control. If the setpoint is not altered for 1 minute, the message will flash again. • NO ALARMS ACTIVE: This message appears if an attempt is made to enter the A1 STATUS \ ALARM STATUS subgroup when there are no active alarms. • NO START BLOCKS ACTIVE: This message appears if an attempt is made to enter the A1 STATUS / START BLOCKS subgroup when there are no active Start Blocks. • THIS FEATURE NOT PROGRAMMED: If an attempt is made to enter an actual value message subgroup, when the setpoints are not configured for that feature, this message will appear. GE Power Management 469 Motor Management Relay 6-1 6 COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS 6 6 COMMUNICATIONS 6.1 MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS 6.1.1 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE The hardware or electrical interface is one of the following: one of two 2-wire RS485 ports from the rear terminal connector or the RS232 from the front panel connector. In a 2-wire RS485 link, data flow is bi-directional. Data flow is half duplex for both the RS485 and the RS232 ports. That is, data is never transmitted and received at the same time. RS485 lines should be connected in a daisy chain configuration (avoid star connections)The RTU version of Modbus includes a two byte CRC-16 (16-bit cyclic redundancy check) with every transmission.






    型号:ICS TRIPLEX T8846





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