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ICS TRIPLEX T8891工控备件机器人模块

ICS TRIPLEX T8891工控备件机器人模块

ICS TRIPLEX T8891工控备件机器人模块t随时间执行的启动器操作的数量。每当电机停止时,无论是跳闸还是正常停止,该计数器都会递增。这可能是起动机维护的有用信息。当计数器达到50000时,该计数器将重置为0。该信息可通过S1 469 SETUP\ INSTALLATION \ RESET STARTER information(S1 469设置\安装\重置启动器信息)设置点清除。如果其中...

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ICS TRIPLEX T8891工控备件机器人模块

    ICS TRIPLEX T8891工控备件机器人模块

    t随时间执行的启动器操作的数量。每当电机停止时,无论是跳闸还是正常停止,该计数器都会递增。这可能是起动机维护的有用信息。当计数器达到50000时,该计数器将重置为0。该信息可通过S1 469 SETUP\ INSTALLATION \ RESET STARTER information(S1 469设置\安装\重置启动器信息)设置点清除。如果其中一个可分配的数字输入被编程为数字计数器,则计数器测量值将显示在此处。如果计数器为递增类型,或使用S1 469 SETUP\CLEAR DATA\PRESET DIGITAL counter(设置清除数据)设定值预设为预定值,则计数器可重置为零。5.5.3计时器469个计时器中的一个累积电机的总运行时间。这可能有助于安排日常维护。当此计时器达到100000时,它将重置为0。可使用S1 469 SETUP\ INSTALLATION \ RESET MOTOR INFORMATION(S1 469设置\安装\重置电机信息)设置点清除该计时器。可以在此处查看“开始之间的时间计时器”值。该值可能有助于计划电机停机。启动/小时定时器值也编程为定子热测试轴承RTD:0°C EVENT01范围:-50至250°C,----(无RTD)仅当至少一个RTD编程为轴承热测试其他RTD:0℃EVENT01时可见,范围:-50到250°C;----(无RTD:仅当至少有一个RTD被编程为其他环境RTD:0ºC EVENT001范围:-50~250°C时可见,----(无RTD)仅当至少1个RTD编程为环境Vab:0 Vbc:0 Vca:0 A EVENT01范围:0至20000 A仅当VT连接编程为None Van时可见:0 Vbn:0 Vcn:0 A VENTT01范围:1至20000 A只当VT连接被编程为Y型系统频率EVENT01:0.00 Hz范围:0.00时可见,20.00至120.00 Hz 0 kW 0 kVA 0 kvar EVENT01范围:–50000至50000 kVA仅当VT连接编程为无功率因数EVENT01时可见:0.00范围:0.01至0.99铅实际值5每次事件发生时,事件记录器存储电机和系统信息。事件描述与时间和日期标记一起存储,用于故障排除。事件包括所有跳闸、可选的任何警报(服务警报和469未插入警报除外,这些警报始终记录为事件)、控制电源损失、控制电源的应用、紧急重启以及阻塞功能激活时电机启动。如果模块启动触点短路以绕过469并启动电机,则可能发生后一种事件。事件01是最近的事件,事件40是最早的事件。每一个新事件都会使另一个事件记录上升一个,直到到达事件40。当新事件发生时,事件40中的事件记录丢失。此信息可以是MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE GE Power Management 469电机管理继电器5-25 5实际值5.6 A5事件记录器5表5–4:事件原因跳闸警报(可选事件)其他不完整序列跳闸远程报警服务警报

    he number of starter operations performed over time. This counter is incremented any time the motor is stopped, either by a trip or normal stop. This may be useful information for starter maintenance. When the counter reaches 50000, that counter will reset to 0. This information may be cleared with the S1 469 SETUP\INSTALLATION\RESET STARTER INFORMATION setpoint. If one of the assignable digital inputs is programmed as Digital Counter, that counter measurement will appear here. The counter can be reset to zero if the counter is of the incrementing type or pre-set to a predetermined value using the S1 469 SETUP\CLEAR DATA\PRESET DIGITAL COUNTER setpoint. 5.5.3 TIMERS One of the 469 timers accumulates the total running time for the Motor. This may be useful for scheduling routine maintenance. When this timer reaches 100000, it will reset to 0. This timer can be cleared using the S1 469 SETUP \ INSTALLATION \ RESET MOTOR INFORMATION setpoint. The TIME BETWEEN STARTS TIMER value may be viewed here. This value might be useful for planning a motor shutdown. The STARTS/HOUR TIMER value is also  programmed as Stator HOTTEST BEARING RTD: 0°C EVENT01 Range: –50 to 250°C, ---- (no RTD) Seen only if at least 1 RTD is programmed as Bearing HOTTEST OTHER RTD: 0°C EVENT01 Range: –50 to 250°C, ---- (no RTD) Seen only if at least 1 RTD is programmed as Other AMBIENT RTD: 0°C EVENT01 Range: –50 to 250°C, ---- (no RTD) Seen only if at least 1 RTD is programmed as Ambient Vab: 0 Vbc: 0 Vca: 0 A EVENT01 Range: 0 to 20000 A Seen only if VT Connection programmed as None Van: 0 Vbn: 0 Vcn: 0 A EVENT01 Range: 0 to 20000 A Seen only if VT Connection programmed as Wye SYSTEM FREQUENCY EVENT01: 0.00 Hz Range: 0.00, 20.00 to 120.00 Hz 0 kW 0 kVA 0 kvar EVENT01 Range: –50000 to 50000 kVA Seen only if VT Connection programmed as None POWER FACTOR EVENT01: 0.00 Range: 0.01 to 0.99 Lead   ACTUAL VALUES 5 The event recorder stores motor and system information each time an event occurs. An event description is stored along with a time and date stamp for troubleshooting purposes. Events include all trips, any alarm optionally (except Service Alarm, and 469 Not Inserted Alarm, which always records as events), loss of control power, application of control power, emergency restarts, and motor starts when a blocking function is active. The latter event could occur if the block start contacts were shorted out to bypass the 469 and start the motor. EVENT 01 is the most recent event and EVENT 40 is the oldest event. Each new event bumps the other event records up one until EVENT 40 is reached. The event record in EVENT 40 is lost when a new event occurs. This information can   MESSAGE ESCAPE MESSAGE ESCAPE GE Power Management 469 Motor Management Relay 5-25 5 ACTUAL VALUES 5.6 A5 EVENT RECORDER 5 Table 5–4: CAUSE OF EVENTS TRIPS ALARMS (OPTIONAL EVENTS) OTHER Incomplete Seq Trip Remote Alarm Service Alarm






    型号: ICS TRIPLEX T8891 





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