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IS200BPIHH1AAA机器人模块卡件 1个过渡时间:1到250秒,1个过渡控制步骤:电流、定时器、电流和定时器过载/失速保护/热模型过载曲线:15个标准过载曲线、自定义曲线、,高惯性启动的电压相关自定义曲线(所有曲线均针对平均相电流超时)曲线偏置相位不平衡热/冷曲线比率定子RTD运行冷却率停止冷却率线路电压过载传感器:1.01至1.25(服务因数)传感器精度:根据相电流输入计时精度:100...

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      1个过渡时间:1到250秒,1个过渡控制步骤:电流、定时器、电流和定时器过载/失速保护/热模型过载曲线:15个标准过载曲线、自定义曲线、,高惯性启动的电压相关自定义曲线(所有曲线均针对平均相电流超时)曲线偏置相位不平衡热/冷曲线比率定子RTD运行冷却率停止冷却率线路电压过载传感器:1.01至1.25(服务因数)传感器精度:根据相电流输入计时精度:±100 ms或总时间的±2%元件:跳闸和报警机械堵塞拾取水平:1.01至3.00 x FLA,任何一个相位的步长为0.01,启动时阻塞时间延迟:1至30秒,步长为1个拾取精度:根据相电流输入计时精度:±0.5秒或总时间的±0.5%元素:跳闸欠电流拾取水平:0.01-0.99 x CT跳闸0.01-0.95 x CT报警,步长为0.01时间延迟:从启动开始1至60秒,步长:0至15000秒,步长1个拾取准确度:根据相电压输入计时精度总时间的±0.5 s或±0.5%元素:跳闸和报警电流不平衡不平衡:I2/I1,如果Iavg>FLA I2/I1 x Iavg/FLA,如果Iavg<FLA范围:0至100%UB,以1级为单位:4至40%UB,以一级为单位时间延迟:1至60 s,以1个为单位拾取精度:±2%定时精度:±0.5%或±0.5%总时间元素:跳闸与报警相位差拾取水平:0.05至1.0 x CT任何一个相位的0.01级初级时间延迟:0至1000毫秒,10级拾取精度:根据相位差电流输入定时精度:+50毫秒元件:跳闸接地瞬时拾取电平:0.1至1.0 x CT初级时间延迟,0.01级:0至1000ms,10级拾波精度:根据接地电流输入定时准确度:+50 ms元件:跳闸和报警加速计时器拾取:无相电流向>过载拾取的转换。衰减:当电流低于过载拾取刻度时。总时间的计时元素:报警(仅限感应电机)计量实际能耗描述:连续总实际功耗范围:0至999999.999 MW·h。定时精度:±0.5%更新率:5秒计量无功能耗描述:连续总无功功率消耗范围:0至999999.999 Mvar·小时定时精度:?.5%更新率:5%计量无功发电描述:连续无功功率总发电范围:0到2000000.000 Mvar·时间定时精度:产品测试热循环:在环境温度下进行操作测试,降低至-40°C,然后升高至60°C,安全接地型式试验的电源耐电压:EN60255-5冲击电压耐电压:EN 60255-5阻尼振荡:IEC 61000-4-18/IEC 60255-22-1静电辐射和传导发射:CISPR11/CISPR22/IEC 60255-25正弦振动:IEC 60255-21-1电压降和中断:IEC 61000-4.11侵入防护:IEC 60529环境(冷):IEC 60068-2-1环境(干热):IEC 60068-2-2 ESD:IEEE/ANSIC37.90.3安全:UL508/UL C22.2-14/UL1053认证

    of 1 Transition Time: 1 to 250 s in steps of 1 Transition Control: Current, Timer, Current and Timer OVERLOAD/STALL PROTECTION/THERMAL MODEL Overload Curves: 15 Standard Overload Curves, Custom Curve, Voltage Dependent Custom Curve for high inertia starting (all curves time out against average phase current) Curve Biasing Phase Unbalance Hot/Cold Curve Ratio Stator RTD Running Cool Rate Stopped Cool Rate Line Voltage Overload Pickup: 1.01 to 1.25 (for service factor) Pickup Accuracy: as per Phase Current Inputs Timing Accuracy: ±100 ms or ±2% of total time Elements: Trip and Alarm MECHANICAL JAM Pickup Level: 1.01 to 3.00 x FLA in steps of 0.01 of any one phase, blocked on start Time Delay: 1 to 30 s in steps of 1 Pickup Accuracy: as per Phase Current Inputs Timing Accuracy: ±0.5 s or ±0.5% of total time Elements: Trip UNDERCURRENT Pickup Level: 0.01 - 0.99 x CT Trip 0.01 - 0.95 x CT Alarm in steps of 0.01 Time Delay: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 Block From Start: 0 to 15000 s in steps of 1 Pickup Accuracy: as per Phase Current Inputs Timing Accuracy: ±0.5 s or ±0.5% of total time Elements: Trip and Alarm CURRENT UNBALANCE Unbalance: I2 / I1 if Iavg > FLA I2 / I1 x Iavg / FLA if Iavg < FLA Range: 0 to 100% UB in steps of 1 Pickup Level: 4 to 40% UB in steps of 1 Time Delay: 1 to 60 s in steps of 1 Pickup Accuracy: ±2% Timing Accuracy: ±0.5 s or ± 0.5% of total time Elements: Trip and Alarm PHASE DIFFERENTIAL Pickup Level: 0.05 to 1.0 x CT primary in steps of 0.01 of any one phase Time Delay: 0 to 1000 ms in steps of 10 Pickup Accuracy: as per Phase Differential Current Inputs Timing Accuracy: +50 ms Elements: Trip GROUND INSTANTANEOUS Pickup Level: 0.1 to 1.0 x CT primary in steps of 0.01 Time Delay: 0 to 1000 ms in steps of 10 Pickup Accuracy: as per Ground Current Input Timing Accuracy: +50 ms Elements: Trip and Alarm ACCELERATION TIMER Pickup: Transition of no phase current to > overload pickup Dropout: When current falls below overload pickup scale Timing of total time Elements: Alarm (INDUCTION MOTORS ONLY) METERED REAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION Description: Continuous total real power consumption Range: 0 to 999999.999 MW·hours. Timing Accuracy: ±0.5% Update Rate: 5 seconds METERED REACTIVE ENERGY CONSUMPTION Description: Continuous total reactive power consumption Range: 0 to 999999.999 Mvar·hours Timing Accuracy: ±0.5% Update Rate: 5 seconds METERED REACTIVE POWER GENERATION Description: Continuous total reactive power generation Range: 0 to 2000000.000 Mvar·hours Timing Accuracy: ±0.5% Update Rate: 5 seconds PRODUCT TESTS Thermal Cycling: Operational test at ambient, reducing to –40°C and then increasing to 60°C Dielectric Strength: 2.0 kV for 1 minute from relays, CTs, VTs, power supply to Safety Ground TYPE TESTS Dielectric voltage withstand: EN60255-5 Impulse voltage withstand: EN60255-5 Damped Oscillatory: IEC 61000-4-18 / IEC 60255-22-1 Electrostatic  Radiated & Conducted Emissions: CISPR11 / CISPR22 / IEC 60255-25 Sinusoidal Vibration: IEC 60255-21-1 Voltage Dip & interruption: IEC 61000-4-11 Ingress Protection: IEC 60529 Environmental (Cold): IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental (Dry heat): IEC 60068-2-2 ESD: IEEE / ANSIC37.90.3 Safety: UL508 / UL C22.2-14 / UL1053 CERTIFICATION





    品牌: GE






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