一旦被管理设备有紧急事件要发送,该设备将向陷阱事件接收器发出陷阱。NMS本身可能是其中之一。如果要保护NMS和受管设备之间传输的SNMP命令和响应,请使用SNMPv3。没有特权IP地址的远程NMS无法管理“网关1”,因为“网关1“仅允许具有特权IP地址”的NMS通过其WAN接口管理它。EW200工业蜂窝网关288 SNMP设置转到管理>控制和管理>SNMP选项卡。SNMP选项卡允许用户控制SNMP相关设置,包括接口、版本、访问控制和陷阱接收器。启用SNMP SNMP项目值设置描述SNMP启用1。默认情况下,复选框未选中选择SNMP接口并启用SNMP功能。选中LAN框后,它将激活SNMP功能,您可以从LAN侧访问SNMP;选中WAN框后,它将激活SNMP功能,您可以从WAN侧访问SNMP。WAN接口1。所需设置2。默认情况下选择了所有WAN指定远程SNMP主机可以用来访问设备的WAN接口。默认情况下,选择“所有WAN”,并且对WAN接口有限制。支持的版本1。所需设置2。默认情况下,复选框未选中选择SNMP的版本选中v1复选框后,您可以访问SNMP版本1。选中v2框后,您可以访问SNMP版本2。选中v3复选框后,您可以访问SNMP版本3。SNMP端口1。字符串格式:任意端口号2。默认SNMP指定SNMP端口。输入任何端口号。但您必须确保端口号不会被使用。EW200工业蜂窝网关289端口为161。3.所需设置值范围:1~65535。受限远程访问IP 1。字符串格式:任意IPv4地址2。可选项指定WAN的远程访问IP,并选中该复选框以启用它。选择“特定IP地址”,然后填写特定IP地址。这意味着只有该IP地址才能从LAN/WAN侧访问SNMP。选择IP范围,然后填写IP地址范围。这意味着指定范围内的IP地址可以从LAN/WAN侧访问SNMP。如果将其留空,则意味着任何IP地址都可以从WAN端访问SNMP。保存单击保存保存设置撤消单击撤消取消设置创建/编辑多个社区SNMP允许您自定义版本1和版本2用户的访问控制。路由器最多支持10个社区集。应用“添加”按钮后,将显示“多社区规则配置”屏幕。多社区规则配置项值设置描述社区1。默认情况下选择“只读”2。所需设置3。字符串格式:任何文本指定将分别允许只读(GET和GETNEXT)或读写(GET、GETNEXT和SET)访问的版本1或版本v2c用户社区。社区的长度为32。启用1。默认情况下,复选框选中单击“启用”以启用此版本1或版本v2c用户。保存单击保存按钮保存配置。
Once a managed device has an urgent event to send, the device will issue a trap to the Trap Event Receivers. The NMS itself could be one among them. If you want to secure the transmitted SNMP commands and responses between the NMS and the managed devices, use SNMPv3. The remote NMS without privilege IP address can't manage "Gateway 1", since "Gateway 1" allows only the NMS with privilege IP address can manage it via its WAN interface. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 288 SNMP Setting Go to Administration > Con & Manage > SNMP tab. The SNMP tab allows user to con SNMP relevant settings, including interface, version, access control and trap receiver. Enable SNMP SNMP Item Value setting Description SNMP Enable 1. Boxes are unchecked by default Select the interface for the SNMP and enable SNMP functions. When LAN box is checked, it will activate SNMP functions and you can access SNMP from LAN side; When WAN box is checked, it will activate SNMP functions and you can access SNMP from WAN side. WAN Interface 1. Required setting 2. ALL WANs is selected by default Specify the WAN interface that a remote SNMP host can use to access the device. By default, All WANs is selected, and there is limitation for the WAN interface. Supported Versions 1. Required setting 2. The boxes are unchecked by default Select the version for the SNMP When v1 box is checked, you can access SNMP version 1. When v2 box is checked, you can access SNMP version 2. When v3 box is checked, you can access SNMP version 3. SNMP Port 1. String format: any port number 2. The default SNMP Specify the SNMP Port. Enter any port number. But you must ensure the port number is t to be used. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 289 port is 161. 3. Required setting Value Range: 1 ~ 65535. Limited Remote Aceess IP 1. String format: any IPv4 address 2. Optional item Specify the Remote Access IP for WAN and check the box to enable it as well. Select Specific IP Address, and fill in a specific IP address. It means only this IP address can access SNMP from LAN/WAN side. Select IP Range, and fill in a range of IP addresses. It means the IP address within specified range can access SNMP from LAN/WAN side. If you leave it blank, it means any IP address can access SNMP from WAN side. Save Click Save to save the settings Undo Click Undo to cancel the settings Create/Edit Multiple Community The SNMP allows you to customize your access control for version 1 and version 2 users. The router supports up to a of 10 community sets. When the Add button is applied, the Multiple Community Rule Configuration screen will appear. Multiple Community Rule Configuration Item Value setting Description Community 1. Read Only is selected by default 2. Required setting 3. String format: any text Specify this version 1 or version v2c user’s community that will be allowed Read Only (GET and GETNEXT) or Read-Write (GET, GETNEXT and SET) access respectively. The length of the community is 32. Enable 1. Box is checked by default Click Enable to enable this version 1 or version v2c user. Save Click the Save button to save the configuration.