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IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1机器人模块,电源模块

IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1机器人模块,电源模块

IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1机器人模块,电源模块版本1。可选设置2。任意字符串指定应用的命令脚本的版本号。值范围:0~32个字符。说明1。可选设置2。任何字符串输入应用的命令脚本的简短描述。更新时间它记录上次命令脚本上载的上载时间。EW200工业蜂窝网关278编辑/备份纯文本命令脚本您可以在如上所示的配置屏幕中编辑纯文本配置设置。纯文本配置项值设置描述清理NA清理文本区域。...

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IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1机器人模块,电源模块

    IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1机器人模块,电源模块

    版本1。可选设置2。任意字符串指定应用的命令脚本的版本号。值范围:0~32个字符。说明1。可选设置2。任何字符串输入应用的命令脚本的简短描述。更新时间它记录上次命令脚本上载的上载时间。EW200工业蜂窝网关278编辑/备份纯文本命令脚本您可以在如上所示的配置屏幕中编辑纯文本配置设置。纯文本配置项值设置描述清理NA清理文本区域。(单击保存按钮以进一步清除系统中已保存的配置。)备份NA备份并下载配置。保存NA保存配置支持的纯文本配置项显示在以下列表中。对于可以使用标准Linux命令执行的设置,您可以将它们放在脚本文件中,并使用STARTUP命令应用于系统配置。对于没有将相应的Linux命令集设置为con的配置,可以使用专用命令集进行配置。配置内容密钥值设置描述OPENVPN_ENABLED 1:启用0:禁用启用或禁用OPENVPN客户端功能。OPENVPN_DESCRIPTION必需设置指定OPENVPN客户端连接的隧道名称。OPENVPN_PROTO udp tcp定义OPENVPN客户端的协议。TCP或TCP/UDP->OpenVPN将使用TCP协议,端口将设置为443。UDP->OpenVPN将使用UDP协议,端口将设置为1194。OPENVPN_PORT必需设置指定OPENVPN客户端要使用的端口。OPENVPN_REMOTE_IPADDR IP或FQDN指定此OPENVPN客户端隧道的对等OPENVPN服务器的远程IP/FFQDN。输入IP地址或FQDN。OPENVPN_PING_INTVL秒指定OPENVPN保持活动检查的时间间隔。OPENVPN_PING_TOUT秒指定OPENVPN客户端保持活动检查的超时值。OPENVPN_COMP自适应为OPENVPN客户端指定LZO压缩算法。EW200工业蜂窝网关279 OPENVPN_AUTH静态密钥/TLS指定OPENVPN隧道的授权模式。TLS->OpenVPN将使用TLS授权模式,并且还需要指定以下项目CA证书、客户端证书和客户端密钥。OPENVPN_CA_CERT必需设置为OPENVPN客户端指定受信任的CA证书。它将经过Base64转换。OPENVPN_LOCAL_CERT必需设置指定OPENVPN客户端的本地证书。它将经过Base64转换。OPENVPN_LOCAL_KEY必需设置指定OPENVPN客户端的本地密钥。它将经过Base64转换。OPENVPN_EXTRA_OPTS选项指定OPENVPN客户端的额外选项设置。IP_ADDR1 IP以太网LAN IP IP_NETM1网络掩码以太网LAN mask PPP_MONITORING 1:启用0:禁用网络

    Version 1. Optional setting 2. Any string Specify the version number for the applied Command script. Value Range: 0 ~ 32 characters. Description 1. Optional setting 2. Any string Enter a short description for the applied Command script. Update time It records the upload time for last command script upload. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 278 Edit/Backup Plain Text Command Script You can edit the plain text configuration settings in the configuration screen as shown above. Plain Text Configuration Item Value setting Description Clean NA Clean text area. (Click Save button to further clean the configuration already saved in the system.) Backup NA Back up and download configuration. Save NA Save configuration The supported plain text configuration items are shown in the following list. For the settings that can be executed with standard Linux commands, you can put them in a script file, and apply to the system configuration with the STARTUP command. For configurations without a corresponding Linux command set to con, you can con them with a proprietary command set. Configuration Content Key Value setting Description OPENVPN_ENABLED 1: enable 0: disable Enable or disable OpenVPN Client function. OPENVPN_DESCRIPTION Required Setting Specify the tunnel name for the OpenVPN Client connection. OPENVPN_PROTO udp tcp Define the Protocol for the OpenVPN Client. TCP or TCP /UDP -> OpenVPN will use TCP protocol, and Port will be set to 443. UDP -> OpenVPN will use UDP protocol, and Port will be set to 1194. OPENVPN_PORT Required Setting Specify the Port for the OpenVPN Client to use. OPENVPN_REMOTE_IPADDR IP or FQDN Specify the Remote IP/FQDN of the peer OpenVPN Server for this OpenVPN Client tunnel. Enter the IP address or FQDN. OPENVPN_PING_INTVL seconds Specify the time interval for OpenVPN keep-alive checking. OPENVPN_PING_TOUT seconds Specify the timeout value for OpenVPN Client keep-alive checking. OPENVPN_COMP Adaptive Specify the LZO Compression algorithm for OpenVPN client. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 279 OPENVPN_AUTH Static Key/TLS Specify the authorization mode for the OpenVPN tunnel. TLS -> OpenVPN will use TLS authorization mode, and the following items CA Cert., Client Cert. and Client Key need to be specified as well. OPENVPN_CA_CERT Required Setting Specify the Trusted CA certificate for the OpenVPN client. It will go through Base64 Conversion. OPENVPN_LOCAL_CERT Required Setting Specify the local certificate for OpenVPN client. It will go through Base64 Conversion. OPENVPN_LOCAL_KEY Required Setting Specify the local key for the OpenVPN client. It will go through Base64 Conversion. OPENVPN_EXTRA_OPTS Options Specify the extra options setting for the OpenVPN client. IP_ADDR1 IP Ethernet LAN IP IP_NETM1 Net mask Ethernet LAN MASK PPP_MONITORING 1: enable 0: disable When the Network



    品牌: GE

    型号:IS200DAMAG1BBB IS200DAMAG1 





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