IS200DSPXH2CAA IS200DSPXH2模拟量输入模块,电源模块
t连接的从属设备。选择基于IP地址的组,以仅允许允许的主机的预定义IP地址组访问连接的从机。必须在该选择可用之前预定义组。请参阅对象定义>分组>主机分组。您还可以通过添加规则快捷按钮访问创建的组EW200工业蜂窝网关190。通过添加规则按钮进行的设置也将显示在主机分组设置屏幕中。选中启用框以启用此规则。默认情况下启用未选中选中“启用”框以启用此规则。必须启用Modbus优先级定义消息缓冲,以优先考虑主请求队列,以便如上所述传输到Modbus从站。单击“编辑”按钮填写优先级设置。项目值设置描述消息缓冲区1。默认情况下未选中2。最多缓冲32个请求选中启用框,最多缓冲来自Modbus Master的32个请求。如果选中启用框,将显示Modbus优先级定义对话框。然后,如果请求来自远程主机,则可以根据主机的IP地址,或者如果请求来自串行连接的主机,则根据远程从机ID,或者根据功能代码,对缓冲的主机请求进行进一步的排序,以确定发送到从机的请求队列的优先级。Modbus优先级设置指定Modbus标识优先级的优先级列表。Modbus优先级1~Modbus优先级4。默认情况下的优先级基本IP地址指定具有IP地址、从属ID或功能代码的Modbus标识。匹配指定标识的缓冲Modbus消息将以给定优先级处理。如果请求来自远程主机,则Modbus主机请求可以根据主机的IP地址缓冲到特定优先级队列中;如果请求来自串行连接的主机,则根据远程从机的设备ID缓冲到特定的优先级队列中,或者根据主机发出的特定功能代码。启用默认情况下未选中选中启用框以启用优先级设置。保存单击保存按钮保存设置。EW200工业蜂窝网关191指定Modbus TCP从设备如果有Modbus主设备连接到Modbus网关的串行端口,用户必须进一步指定Modbus TCP从属设备,以向连接的Modbus RTU/ASCII主设备发送请求。应用添加按钮时,将出现Modbus TCP从站配置屏幕。Modbus远程从站配置项目值设置描述IP所需设置输入远程Modbus TCP从站设备的IP地址。端口1。所需设置2。范围1到65535输入远程Modbus TCP从设备监听的TCP端口(TCP客户端会话请求)。值范围:1~65535。ID范围范围1至247输入Modbus TCP从站的Modbus ID范围,以响应主站的请求。除了指定从IP和端口外,为了访问位于Modbus网关后面的远程Modbus RTU从站,用户必须指定Modus
he attached Slave(s). Select IP Address-based Group to only allow pre-defined group of IP address of the allowed Master to access the attached Slave(s). group must be pre-defined before this selection becomes available. Refer to Object Definition > Grouping > Host grouping. You may also access group EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 190 creation through the Add Rule shortcut button. Settings cond through the Add Rule button will also appear in the Host grouping setting screen. Check the Enable box to enable this rule. Enable Unchecked by default Check the Enable box to enable this rule. Modbus Priority Definition Message Buffering must be enabled to prioritize Master request queue to transmit to Modbus Slave as mentioned above. Click the Edit button to fill in the priority settings. Item Value setting Description Message Buffering 1. Unchecked by default 2. Buffer up to 32 requests Check the Enable box to buffer up to 32 requests from Modbus Master. If the Enable box is checked, a Modbus Priority Definition dialog will appear. Then the buffered Master requests can be further cond to prioritize the request queue to transmit to Slave based on Master’s IP address if requests are coming from remote Master, or based on remote Slave ID if requests are coming from serially attached Master, or based on Function Code. Modbus Priority A Priority List for setting the priority of specified Modbus identity. Modbus Priority 1 ~ Modbus Priority 4. Priority Base IP Address by Default Specify a Modbus identity with IP Address, Slave ID, or Function Code. The buffered Modbus message that matches the specified identity will be handled with given priority. The Modbus Master requests can be buffered to a certain priority queue according to the Master’s IP address if requests are coming from remote Master, or the remote Slave’s device ID if requests are coming from serially attached Master, or the specific Function Code that is issued by the Master. Enable Unchecked by default Check the Enable box to enable the priority settings. Save Click the Save button to save the settings. EW200 Industrial Cellular Gateway 191 Specify Modbus TCP Slave device(s) If there is a Modbus Master device attached to a serial port of the Modbus Gateway, user must further specify the Modbus TCP Slave device(s) to send requests to or from the attached Modbus RTU/ASCII Master device. When the Add button is applied, a Modbus TCP Slave Configuration screen will appear. Modbus Remote Slave Configuration Item Value setting Description IP Required setting Enter the IP address of the remote Modbus TCP Slave device. Port 1. Required setting 2. Range 1 to 65535 Enter the TCP port on which the remote Modbus TCP Slave device listens (to the TCP client session request). Value Range: 1 ~ 65535. ID Range Range 1 to 247 Enter the Modbus ID range for the Modbus TCP Slave(s) that will respond to the Master’s request. In addition to specifying the Slave IP and Port, for accessing Remote Modbus RTU Slave(s) located behind ather Modbus Gateway, user must specify the Modus